On the evolution of ant thermal performance clues from a Neotropical forest

Meeting Abstract 52.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  On the evolution of ant thermal performance: clues from a Neotropical forest KASPARI, M*; CLAY, NA; YANOVIAK, SP; REVZEN, S; CZEKANSKI-MOIR, J; LUCAS, J; KAY, A; University of Oklahoma; University of Oklahoma; University of Michigan; University of St. Thomas; University of Oklahoma; University of St. Thomas mkaspari@ou.edu Thermal performance curves quantify […]

Feeding patterns and their implications for energy budgets in tropical limpets

Meeting Abstract 52.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Feeding patterns and their implications for energy budgets in tropical limpets BURNETT, NP*; HELMUTH, B; VILLARTA, K; WILLIAMS, GA; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of South Carolina; Hong Kong Univ.; Hong Kong Univ. burnettnp@gmail.com Energy budget models are often used to understand and predict the metabolic responses of species to environmental […]

Estimating fecundity, spawning frequency, season length of temperate reef fish; a comparison of natural and artificial reefs

Meeting Abstract 52.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Estimating fecundity, spawning frequency, season length of temperate reef fish; a comparison of natural and artificial reefs ADREANI, M.S.**; STEELE, M.A.; California State University, Northridge madreani@csun.edu The reproductive output of fishes is often used as a measure of the health and productivity of a given population. This measure may be of […]

Effects of PAHs on Respiration and Gene Expression in Primary Hepatocytes isolated from Natural Populations of Fundulus heteroclitus

Meeting Abstract 52.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Effects of PAHs on Respiration and Gene Expression in Primary Hepatocytes isolated from Natural Populations of Fundulus heteroclitus DU, X.*; CRAWFORD, D.L.; OLEKSIAK , M.F.; Univ. of Miami, Miami, FL; Univ. of Miami, Miami, FL; Univ. of Miami, Miami, FL xdu2011@gmail.com We are investigating the effect of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) […]

A networked “Citizen Science” monitoring system for estuarine environment and biota

Meeting Abstract 52.6  Saturday, Jan. 5  A networked “Citizen Science” monitoring system for estuarine environment and biota. WOLCOTT, T G*; DEAN, A G; SICHITIU, M L; NC State Univ; NC State Univ; NC State Univ tom.wolcott1@gmail.com The Coastal and Estuarine Monitoring System (CEMS) addresses the spatial and temporal heterogeneity in estuaries, where events can be fully described […]

Within-Fruit Seed Characteristics and Paternal Fitness of a Hybrid Plant and its Two Progenitor Lineages, Genus Raphanus

Meeting Abstract 52.5  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:15  Within-Fruit Seed Characteristics and Paternal Fitness of a Hybrid Plant and its Two Progenitor Lineages, Genus Raphanus HEREDIA , S. M.*; RIESEBERG, L. H. ; ELLSTRAND, N. C. ; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia; University of California-Riverside sylviah@biodiversity.ubc.ca The hybrid-derived California wild radish has outcompeted and replaced […]

Mechanisms underlying variance in competitive fertilization success in the highly promiscuous beetle Tribolium castaneum

Meeting Abstract 52.6  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:30  Mechanisms underlying variance in competitive fertilization success in the highly promiscuous beetle Tribolium castaneum DROGE-YOUNG, E.*; BELOTE, J.; PEREZ, G.; PITNICK, S.; Syracuse University, New York; Syracuse University, New York; Syracuse University, New York; Syracuse University, New York emdroge@syr.edu Investigating mechanisms that influence competitive fertilization success is critical to our […]

Interspecific and interpopulational variation in traits associated with postcopulatory sexual selection in garter snakes

Meeting Abstract 52.3  Sunday, Jan. 5 10:30  Interspecific and interpopulational variation in traits associated with postcopulatory sexual selection in garter snakes FRIESEN, C.R.*; MASON, R.T.; UHRIG, E.J.; BENTZ, E.; KING, R.B.; WUSTERBARTH, T.; Univ. Sydney; Oregon State Univ.; Oregon State Univ.; Oregon State Univ.; Northern Illinois Univ.; Northern Illinois Univ. christopher.friesen@sydney.edu.au Postcopulatory sexual selection—sperm competition and cryptic […]

Genital evolution in bats- a study of glans elaboration

Meeting Abstract 52.2  Sunday, Jan. 5 10:15  Genital evolution in bats- a study of glans elaboration ORR, T.J.*; BRENNAN, P.L.R.; UMass Amherst; UMass Amherst tjorr@cns.umass.edu Genitalia are extraordinarily diverse and likely evolve via several processes, primarily sexual selection. The mechanisms include male-male competition (sperm competition), selection for female stimulation (cryptic female choice) or sexually antagonistic coevolution (conflict […]

Does Size Really Matter The Effect of Genital Size on Reproductive Success

Meeting Abstract 52.1  Sunday, Jan. 5 10:00  Does Size Really Matter? The Effect of Genital Size on Reproductive Success DREYER, AP*; SHINGLETON, AW; Michigan State University; Michigan State University dreyerau@gmail.com From flies to spiders and crabs to beetles, genital size remains near constant among individuals in a population despite considerable phenotypic plasticity in body size and the […]

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