High temperature reduces the energy and duration required for blood meal digestion, but compromises starvation resistance in tsetse flies

Meeting Abstract 51-3  Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:30  High temperature reduces the energy and duration required for blood meal digestion, but compromises starvation resistance in tsetse flies MCCUE, MD*; BOARDMAN, L; KLEYNHANS, E; TERBLANCHE, JS; St. Mary’s Univ; Stellenbosch Univ; Stellenbosch Univ; Stellenbosch Univ mmccue1@stmarytx.edu The increased metabolism during digestion, known as specific dynamic action (SDA), has been […]

Eating increases oxidative damage

Meeting Abstract 51-7  Tuesday, Jan. 5 11:30  Eating increases oxidative damage BUTLER, M.W.; LUTZ, T.J.; STAHLSCHMIDT, Z.R.*; Lafayette College; Lafayette College; University of the Pacific zstahlschmidt@pacific.edu http://stahlschmidtlab.weebly.com While consuming a meal has substantial benefits in terms of both nutrient and energy acquisition, there are physiological costs associated with digesting and metabolizing a meal. For centuries, these costs […]

Plantations Induce Ecological Niche Shifts in a Tropical Lizard

Meeting Abstract 51-4  Friday, Jan. 6 11:00 – 11:15  Plantations Induce Ecological Niche Shifts in a Tropical Lizard HICKS, JJ*; BELABUT, DM; ALGAR, AC; University of Nottingham, UK; Universiti of Malaya; University of Nottingham, UK james.hicks@nottingham.ac.uk http://www.envision-dtp.org/case-studies/002575/james-hicks The rapid modification of habitats worldwide represents a key challenge to species. In the recent literature much focus has been […]

Patterns of Climate-related Body Condition among Desert Lizards differing in Food Acquisition Modes

Meeting Abstract 51-2  Friday, Jan. 6 10:30 – 10:45  Patterns of Climate-related Body Condition among Desert Lizards differing in Food Acquisition Modes ANDERSON, RA; ANDERSON, Roger; Western Washington University Roger.Anderson@wwu.edu https://cse.wwu.edu/biology-faculty/rogera Three sympatric lizard species, all largely insectivorous, are syntopic in the northern Great Basin desert scrub, but they differ in their food acquisition modes and the […]

Locally adapted Phyllaplysia taylori populations in Central California show higher thermal plasticity potential

Meeting Abstract 51-6  Friday, Jan. 6 11:30 – 11:45  Locally adapted Phyllaplysia taylori populations in Central California show higher thermal plasticity potential TANNER, RL*; ARMSTRONG, EJ; SOUSA, WP; STILLMAN, JH; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Univ. of California, Berkeley, San Francisco State Univ. Romberg Tiburon Center rtanner@berkeley.edu Nearshore eelgrass habitats […]

How habitat structure and behavior moderate salamander sensitivity to climate

Meeting Abstract 51-5  Friday, Jan. 6 11:15 – 11:30  How habitat structure and behavior moderate salamander sensitivity to climate MCENTIRE, KD*; MAERZ, JC; Univ. of Georgia, Athens; Univ. of Georgia, Athens mcentire@uga.edu Understanding how climate affects species is a long-standing question in ecology. On an individual level, an organism directly interacts with the microclimate, which is modulated […]

Common garden experiments reveal local adaptation in critical thermal limits of bumblebees (Apidae, Bombus) over short geographic distances

Meeting Abstract 51-7  Friday, Jan. 6 11:45 – 12:00  Common garden experiments reveal local adaptation in critical thermal limits of bumblebees (Apidae, Bombus) over short geographic distances OYEN, K/J*; HERNDON, J/D; STRANGE, J/P; LOZIER, J/D; DILLON, M/D; Univ. of Wyoming; Utah State Univ.; Utah State Univ.; Univ. of Alabama; Univ. of Wyoming koyen@uwyo.edu The extreme cold and […]

Can We Infer the Ecology of Fossil Lizard Groups Using Extant Variables and Our Knowledge of Past Climate Change

Meeting Abstract 51-1  Friday, Jan. 6 10:15 – 10:30  Can We Infer the Ecology of Fossil Lizard Groups Using Extant Variables and Our Knowledge of Past Climate Change? ELSHAFIE, SJ; Univ. of California, Berkeley selshafie@berkeley.edu Ecology broadly correlates with morphology, climate, and environment in extant reptiles. But how specific variables correlate with ecology, particularly against changing climatic […]

The ultrastructure of transparent shrimp

Meeting Abstract 51-3  Friday, Jan. 5 10:45 – 11:00  The ultrastructure of transparent shrimp BAGGE, LE*; KIER, WM; JOHNSEN, S; Duke; Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Duke laura.elizabeth.bagge@gmail.com http://laurabagge.com Transparency allows animals to match any background, but it is unknown how complex tissues are modified to achieve whole-body transparency. We used transmission electron microscopy to […]

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