Meeting Abstract 51.4 Saturday, Jan. 5 Molgulid Ascidians have a Radical Heterochronic Shift in the Metamorphic Gene Network MALISKA, ME*; LOWE, E; WEBER, C; PIERCE, T; BROWN, CT; SWALLA, BJ; University of Washington; Michigan State University; University of Washington; Michigan State University; Michigan State University; University of Washington Transcriptome and genome data offer an exciting new […]
sessions: Session 51
Mechanisms of Metamorphic Remodeling in Hydroides elegans (Polychaeta)
Meeting Abstract 51.2 Saturday, Jan. 5 Mechanisms of Metamorphic Remodeling in Hydroides elegans (Polychaeta). SHIPLEY, M.S.; PATZ, K.S.; NEDVED, B.T.; HADFIELD, M.G.*; University of Hawaii at Manoa; University of Hawaii at Manoa; University of Hawaii at Manoa; University of Hawaii at Manoa Larvae of the serpulid polychaete Hydroides elegans are competent to settle and metamorphose five […]
Epigenetics as a stress response and its differing roles in the embryo and in the adult
Meeting Abstract 51.6 Saturday, Jan. 5 Epigenetics as a stress response and its differing roles in the embryo and in the adult EPEL, D.; Stanford University I explore the view that that the adult and the embryo handle environmental change in radically different ways. The adult handles change through reversible and temporary changes referred to as […]
Edward S Morse 1838-1925 History of scholarly exchanges in marine zoology between US and Japan
Meeting Abstract 51.3 Saturday, Jan. 5 Edward S. Morse 1838-1925. History of scholarly exchanges in marine zoology between US and Japan MORSE, MPATR; Univ. of Washington, Friday Harbor Labs Japan and the United States share a distinguished scientist who had a remarkable history with Japan 150 years ago. Edward Sylvester Morse (1838 – 1925) received his […]
Differential use of nitric oxide to regulate metamorphosis is related to larval selectivity an eco-devo test using the sea slug Alderia willowi, a species with a settlement dimorphism
Meeting Abstract 51.5 Saturday, Jan. 5 Differential use of nitric oxide to regulate metamorphosis is related to larval selectivity: an eco-devo test using the sea slug Alderia willowi, a species with a settlement dimorphism. BISHOP, C.D.*; KRUG, P.J.; St. Francis-Xavier Univ. Nova Scotia; Cal. State Univ. L.A. Settlement and metamorphosis among marine larvae is often environmentally […]
Specification the ascidian larval peripheral nervous system
Meeting Abstract 51.1 Sunday, Jan. 5 10:15 Specification the ascidian larval peripheral nervous system CHEN, J.S.; TANG, W.J.; MAHAFFY, J.M.; ZELLER, R.W.*; San Diego State Univ.; Benaroya Research Institute at Virginia Mason; San Diego State Univ.; San Diego State Univ. The peripheral nervous system of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis is composed of a number of ciliated […]
Ocular histology of three south central Texas Eurycea, a novel system for the study of evolutionary developmental biology
Meeting Abstract 51.6 Sunday, Jan. 5 11:30 Ocular histology of three south central Texas Eurycea, a novel system for the study of evolutionary developmental biology TOVAR, R.U.*; FREMAUX, B.P.; GARCIA, D.M.; Texas State University; Texas State University ; Texas State University The south central Texas Eurycea clade presents a continuum of morphologies unique to the tetrapod […]
Modularity and Heterochrony in the Adaptive Evolution of the Lateral Line System of Fishes
Meeting Abstract 51.4 Sunday, Jan. 5 11:00 Modularity and Heterochrony in the Adaptive Evolution of the Lateral Line System of Fishes BIRD, NC*; WEBB, JF; University of Rhode Island; University of Rhode Island The ability of different modules to evolve independently is a fundamental concept in organismal evolution. Module independence is critical for local evolutionary changes […]
Differential Activity of SoxE Transcription Factors in Neural Crest Development and Evolution
Meeting Abstract 51.3 Sunday, Jan. 5 10:45 Differential Activity of SoxE Transcription Factors in Neural Crest Development and Evolution MCCAULEY, DW*; LEE, E; YUAN, T; NGUYEN, K; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman; Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman SoxE genes arose by duplication and are key regulators of neural crest cell […]
Development of adipose fin innervation and implications for fin evolution
Meeting Abstract 51.5 Sunday, Jan. 5 11:15 Development of adipose fin innervation and implications for fin evolution. STEWART, TA*; HALE, ME; University of Chicago; University of Chicago Adipose fins are found on the dorsal surface of many teleost fishes, between the dorsal and caudal fins. They have evolved repeatedly, at least three times in ray-finned fishes. […]