Meeting Abstract 51.1 Thursday, Jan. 6 Neuromuscular Control of Yaw Turns in the Hawkmoth Manduca sexta SPRINGTHORPE, D*; FERNANDEZ, MJ; HEDRICK, TL; Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Recent models of turning in flapping flight suggest that yaw turns are highly […]
sessions: Session 51
Molecular and structural evidence for temperature dependent elastic energy storage in Manduca sexta
Meeting Abstract 51.4 Thursday, Jan. 6 Molecular and structural evidence for temperature dependent elastic energy storage in Manduca sexta GEORGE, N.T.*; HSU, H.M.; IRVING, T.C.; DANIEL, T.L.; Univ. of Washington Heat production in locomotor muscles and surface heat loss leads to a temperature gradient. Thus in the dominant flight muscles driving wing depression (dorsolongitudinal muscles: DLM1) […]
Effects of temperature on in vitro muscle dynamics of chameleon feeding muscles
Meeting Abstract 51.5 Thursday, Jan. 6 Effects of temperature on in vitro muscle dynamics of chameleon feeding muscles ANDERSON, C.V.*; DEBAN, S.M.; Univ. South Florida, Tampa Despite the strong effect of body temperature on muscle contractile velocity, and thus movement performance, chameleons are known to feed using high-powered ballistic tongue projection at low body temperature. In […]
piwi expression during regeneration in the annelid Pristina leidyi
Meeting Abstract 51.6 Thursday, Jan. 5 piwi expression during regeneration in the annelid Pristina leidyi OZPOLAT, B. D.*; ZATTARA, E. E.; BELY, A. E.; University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland, College Park Identifying the cell types that participate in regeneration and understanding their molecular characteristics is crucial for dissecting […]
Evidence for a Functional Sensory System in Sponges
Meeting Abstract 51.2 Thursday, Jan. 5 Evidence for a Functional Sensory System in Sponges FARRAR, N*; LUDEMAN, D; LEYS, S; University of Alberta; UAlberta; UAlberta Sponges (Porifera) lack a nervous system, yet both larval and adult sponges are able to respond to external stimuli: glass sponges (hexactinellids) arrest the feeding current to prevent uptake of sediment […]
Development of Hypsibius dujardini (Tardigrada) lobopodal appendages and the origin of the arthropod appendage
Meeting Abstract 51.3 Thursday, Jan. 5 Development of Hypsibius dujardini (Tardigrada) lobopodal appendages and the origin of the arthropod appendage SMITH, FW*; TENLEN, JR; GOLDSTEIN, B; JOCKUSCH, EL; University of Connecticut; University of North Carolina; University of North Carolina; University of Connecticut The unparalleled success of Arthropoda can be partly attributed to the ventral appendages defining […]
Cnidocyte development in Nematostella vectensis a model for terminal cell differentiation
Meeting Abstract 51.1 Thursday, Jan. 5 Cnidocyte development in Nematostella vectensis: a model for terminal cell differentiation BABONIS, L.S.*; MARTINDALE, M.Q.; Univ of Hawaii/Kewalo Marine Laboratory; Univ of Hawaii/Kewalo Marine Laboratory Cnidocytes, the stinging cells and nominal synapomorphy of Cnidarians, are an emerging model for understanding the genetic events that control the terminal differentiation of cells […]
Blastomere deletions reveal organizing activity in the polychaete annelid Capitella teleta
Meeting Abstract 51.4 Thursday, Jan. 5 Blastomere deletions reveal organizing activity in the polychaete annelid Capitella teleta AMIEL, Aldine; HENRY, Jonathan Q.; SEAVER, Elaine C.*; University of Hawaii; University of Illinios; University of Hawaii The formation of a transient structure in the embryo called the organizer is crucial for establishment of the body axes. The vertebrate […]
A modern view of annelid “neoblasts” live 4D imaging reveals widespread cell migration during annelid regeneration
Meeting Abstract 51.5 Thursday, Jan. 5 A modern view of annelid “neoblasts”: live 4D imaging reveals widespread cell migration during annelid regeneration ZATTARA, E.E.*; BELY, A.E.; University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland, College Park The ability of some cell types to retain wide differentiation potential beyond embryogenesis is a crucial element of adult regenerative […]
The Cellular Basis of Cartilage Growth and Shape Change in Frogs
Meeting Abstract 51.1 Saturday, Jan. 5 The Cellular Basis of Cartilage Growth and Shape Change in Frogs ROSE, C.S.; James Madison University, Harrisonburg, Va Unlike bone, skeleton that is comprised entirely of cartilage grows and changes shape as a result of cell behaviors inside the tissue as well as on its surface. The pharyngeal arch skeleton […]