The photoprotective properties of vitamin D in Daphnia spp

Meeting Abstract 50.2  Thursday, Jan. 5  The photoprotective properties of vitamin D in Daphnia spp. WALLING, KM; CARRERA, JV; CODY, JC; TAN, LT; CONNELLY, SJ*; Rochester Institute of Technology Environmental variability significantly impacts the adaptations of natural populations. Increased levels of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) at earth’s surface have been shown to have a wide range of […]

Tadpole Photo Mark-Recapture in critically endangered Rana Muscosa

Meeting Abstract 50.6  Thursday, Jan. 5  Tadpole Photo Mark-Recapture in critically endangered Rana Muscosa WAKELING, S.R.*; SANTANA, F.E.; CLARK, R.W.; Univ. of Nevada, Reno ; San Diego State Univ. ; San Diego State Univ. Tadpole abundance and detection are important factors for wildlife professionals to consider when estimating population sizes and making management decisions. Tadpole detection […]

Shifts in an isolated wetland salamander community over 30 yrs Has climate change altered wetland hydrology

Meeting Abstract 50.4  Thursday, Jan. 5  Shifts in an isolated wetland salamander community over 30 yrs: Has climate change altered wetland hydrology? SCOTT, DE*; METTS, BS; UGA/SREL, Aiken, SC; UGA/SREL, Aiken, SC Geographically isolated wetlands (GIW) constitute critically important habitat for many species; pond-breeding amphibians rely on GIW for larval development and recruitment of juveniles. Most […]

Maternal transfer of contaminants and its effect on reproduction and embryonic development in southern toads (Bufo terrestris)

Meeting Abstract 50.1  Thursday, Jan. 5  Maternal transfer of contaminants and its effect on reproduction and embryonic development in southern toads (Bufo terrestris) METTS, B.S.*; BUHLMANN, K.A.; SCOTT, D.E.; TUBERVILLE, T.D.; HOPKINS, W.A.; Savannah River Ecology Lab, Aiken, SC; Savannah River Ecology Lab, Aiken, SC; Savannah River Ecology Lab, Aiken, SC; Savannah River Ecology Lab, Aiken, SC; […]

Mapping the Social Network Tracking lice in a wild primate population (Microcebus rufus) to infer social contacts and vector potential

Meeting Abstract 50.3  Thursday, Jan. 5  Mapping the Social Network: Tracking lice in a wild primate population (Microcebus rufus) to infer social contacts and vector potential ZOHDY, S*; KEMP, A.D.; DURDEN, L.A.; WRIGHT, P.C.; JERNVALL, J; University of Helsinki; University of Texas, Austin; Georgia Southern University, Statesboro; Stony Brook University, Long Island; University of Helsinki The […]

Genetic and demographic patterns of populations of Ambystoma opacum

Meeting Abstract 50.5  Thursday, Jan. 5  Genetic and demographic patterns of populations of Ambystoma opacum NUNZIATA, Schyler O*; LANCE, Stacey L; SCOTT, David E; University of Georgia, Savannah River Ecology Lab; University of Georgia, Savannah River Ecology Lab; University of Georgia, Savannah River Ecology Lab Population genetic studies often focus on conserving genetic diversity, which is […]

Ultraconserved elements are abundant, universal markers for population genetic and behavioral studies

Meeting Abstract 50.4  Saturday, Jan. 5  Ultraconserved elements are abundant, universal markers for population genetic and behavioral studies FAIRCLOTH, B.C.*; GOWATY, P.A.; DRUMMOND, H.; WINKER, K.; GLENN, T.C.; University of California, Los Angeles; University of California, Los Angeles; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panama; Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México; University of Alaska Museum; University of Georgia Ultraconserved […]

Hox Gene Evolution in North American Suckers (Cypriniformes Catostomidae), a Tetraploid Family of Fishes

Meeting Abstract 50.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Hox Gene Evolution in North American Suckers (Cypriniformes: Catostomidae), a Tetraploid Family of Fishes MERNER, M.J.*; BERENDZEN, P.B.; Univ. of Northern Iowa; Univ. of Northern Iowa Most eukaryotic organisms are diploid, containing two sets of chromosomes, one from each parent. However, having more than two sets of chromosomes, a condition […]

Genetic switches control host specificity in a squid-Vibrio symbiosis

Meeting Abstract 50.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  Genetic switches control host specificity in a squid-Vibrio symbiosis CHAVEZ, A.A.; GORMAN, C.*; LOSTROH, C.P.; NISHIGUCHI, M.K.; New Mexico State University; New Mexico State University; Colorado College; New Mexico State University Gap repair is a technique that has historically been used to clone entire operons by using the natural recombinant […]

Evolutionary history of tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channels in snakes

Meeting Abstract 50.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Evolutionary history of tetrodotoxin-resistant sodium channels in snakes MCGLOTHLIN, J. W.*; FELDMAN, C. R.; BRODIE, JR., E. D.; PFRENDER, M. E. ; BRODIE III, E. D.; Virginia Tech; University of Nevada, Reno; Utah State University; University of Notre Dame; University of Virginia The garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis and its prey, […]

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