The Mechanics of Slithering

Meeting Abstract 50.9  Jan. 6  The Mechanics of Slithering HU, DL*; BUSH, JWM; SHELLEY, MJ; The Courant Institute, New York University Snakes propel themselves over land using a variety of techniques, including a unidirectional accordion-like mode, lateral sinuous slithering and sidewinding. We explore these friction-based propulsion mechanisms through a combined experimental and theoretical investigation. Particular attention […]

Target tracking and behavioral release of venom spitting in cobras

Meeting Abstract 50.3  Jan. 6  Target tracking and behavioral release of venom spitting in cobras YOUNG, Bruce/A.*; BOETIG, Melissa; WESTHOFF, Guido; Washburn University; Washburn University; University of Bonn Multiple species of African and Asiatic cobras can expel (or �spit�) their venom during defensive encounters. Previous studies have shown that this spitting behavior is consistently associated with […]

Semicircular Canal Morphology as Evidence of Locomotor Behavior in Amniotes

Meeting Abstract 50.10  Jan. 6  Semicircular Canal Morphology as Evidence of Locomotor Behavior in Amniotes GEORGI, Justin A; Stony Brook University, Stony Brook The vestibular system is a critical component of the neural control of locomotion in vertebrates. In the vestibule, macular endorgans transduce linear movements of the head and the semicircular ducts transduce the rotational […]

On the structure and function of the inner chamber of the facial pits of pitvipers (Viperidae Crotalinae)

Meeting Abstract 50.6  Jan. 6  On the structure and function of the inner chamber of the facial pits of pitvipers (Viperidae: Crotalinae) YOUNG, Bruce A.; FAHEY, Anna; KROCHMAL, Aaron R.*; Washburn University; Washburn University; University of Houston – Downtown Pitvipers (Viperidae: Crotalinae) are named for their paired, thermally-sensitive facial pits located midway between the eye and […]

Movement and Body Stretch Encoding by Mechanosensors in Manduca sexta

Meeting Abstract 50.7  Jan. 6  Movement and Body Stretch Encoding by Mechanosensors in Manduca sexta SIMON, M.A.**; TRIMMER, B.A.; Tufts University, Medford, MA; Tufts University, Medford, MA Caterpillars are soft-bodied, terrestrial climbers capable of a wide variety of complex movements despite a relatively simple nervous system. To navigate successfully, they must adapt their movements in response […]

Morphology and mechanism of the opercular spine locking apparatus in haematophagous candiru catfish

Meeting Abstract 50.1  Jan. 6  Morphology and mechanism of the opercular spine locking apparatus in haematophagous candiru catfish ADRIAENS, D*; BEKAERT, K; Ghent University, Belgium; Ghent University, Belgium During early evolution of actinopterygian fishes, mouth opening enabled by the hyoid system became assisted by the opercular linkage system, coupling opercular rotation to lower jaw depression. This […]

Hydraulic Delivery of Chemicals to the Vomeronasal Organs in Squamate Reptiles A Comparative Morphological Study

Meeting Abstract 50.5  Jan. 6  Hydraulic Delivery of Chemicals to the Vomeronasal Organs in Squamate Reptiles: A Comparative Morphological Study FILORAMO, N.I.; SCHWENK, K.**; Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs; Univ. of Connecticut, Storrs Despite growing evidence for the importance of vomeronasal chemoreception in the sociobiology of lizards and snakes, the biomechanics of this process are poorly understood. […]

Death roll of the alligator mechanics of a new twist on an old spin

Meeting Abstract 50.8  Jan. 6  Death roll of the alligator: mechanics of a new twist on an old spin FISH, F.E.*; BOSTIC, S.A.; NICASTRO, A.J.; BENESKI, J.T.; West Chester University; West Chester University; West Chester University; West Chester University Crocodilians, including the alligator (Alligator mississippiensis), perform a spinning maneuver to subdue and dismember prey. The spinning […]

Three-dimensional kinematics of pectoral fin locomotion in freshwater stingrays

Meeting Abstract 50.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Three-dimensional kinematics of pectoral fin locomotion in freshwater stingrays BLEVINS, E.L.*; LAUDER, G.V.; Harvard University; Harvard University Batoid swimming is characterized by distinctive undulations and oscillations of expanded, flexible pectoral fins. Previous work has described fin motion in two dimensions, placing species along a continuum from undulatory to oscillatory locomotion. […]

Strain patterns on an antenna are moth antennae tuned

Meeting Abstract 50.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Strain patterns on an antenna: are moth antennae tuned? MYHRVOLD, C.A.*; FOX, J.L.; SANE, S.P.; DANIEL, T.L.; Princeton University; University of Washington; National Center for Biological Science, Bangalore, India; University of Washington Insects rely on mechanosensory feedback to maintain stable flight. For example, a recent study by Sane et al. […]

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