Biodiversity, and distribution with respect to substrate and depth, of marine sponges of the Caribbean coast of Panama

NICHOLS,, S.A.; BARNES,, P.A.G.*; HICKMAN,, C.S.; Univ. of California, Berkeley; Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; Univ. of California, Berkeley: Biodiversity, and distribution with respect to substrate and depth, of marine sponges of the Caribbean coast of Panama. This study increases voucher-documented sponge diversity of the Caribbean coast of Panama from 54 to 93. One new species […]

Adaptation and optimization of chemical defenses in coral reef sponges

PAWLIK, J.R.; Univ. of North Carolina at Wilmington: Adaptation and optimization of chemical defenses in coral reef sponges Marine chemical ecologists investigate the functional significance of secondary metabolites present in marine organisms within a theoretical framework that has been borrowed from earlier terrestrial studies, particularly plant-insect interactions. Foremost among models predicting intraspecific allocation of chemical […]

Visualization of Mother-to-Embryo Transfer in Livebearing Fishes

DEMARAIS, A.A.*; OLDIS, D.L; Univ. of Puget Sound; Univ. of Puget Sound: Visualization of Mother-to-Embryo Transfer in Livebearing Fishes Fishes of the family Poeciliidae are livebearers: eggs are retained in the ovary where they are fertilized and embryonic development ensues. At parturition, larval fish are released. Although the eggs of most Poeciliid fishes contain large […]

Patterns of Variability during early Embryonic Development of Zebrafish, Danio rerio

SCHMIDT, K.U.; STARCK, J.M.; Univ. of Munich; Univ. of Munich: Patterns of Variability during early Embryonic Development of Zebrafish, Danio rerio. Vertebrate embryos pass through a period of remarkable morphological similarity during their early embryonic development. Here, we study patterns of embryonic variation to test ideas about modularity and internal developmental constraints. Supposedly, modularity, constrains, […]

Ontogeny of Prey Capture Modulation in the common snook, Centropomus undecimalis

STOECKLIN, G.S.; Florida Institute of Technology: Ontogeny of Prey Capture Modulation in the common snook, Centropomus undecimalis The present study is the first to address the role of ontogeny in the feeding behavior of common snook under various prey types. Using high-speed video, feeding events were recorded and analyzed for integral linear and timing kinematic […]

Ecdysis of the Trophotaenial Placenta in Neonates of Viviparous Goodeid Fishes

ULUKOY, Gulsen; WOURMS, John P*; Mugla Univ., Turkey; Clemson Univ., SC USA: Ecdysis of the Trophotaenial Placenta in Neonates of Viviparous Goodeid Fishes Trophotaeniae, external extensions of the hindgut are the chief site of maternal nutrient uptake in embryos of viviparous goodeid fishes. At birth, neonates leave the isosmotic maternal environment for a hyposmotic one. […]

Development of the adenohypophysis in the lamprey Evolution of epigenetic patterning programs in organogenesis

UCHIDA, K; MURAKAMI, Y; KURAKU, S; KURATANI, S; CDB, Riken, Kobe, Japan; CDB, Riken, Kobe, Japan; CDB, Riken, Kobe, Japan; CDB, Riken, Kobe, Japan: Development of the adenohypophysis in the lamprey: Evolution of epigenetic patterning programs in organogenesis In gnathostomes, the adenohypophysis is believed to develop through hierarchically organized epigenetic interactions based primarily on the […]

Development Always the bridesmaid

GASS, Gillian; ROBERT, Jason S.; University of Toronto; Dalhousie University: Development: Always the bridesmaid? Programmatic statements about evolutionary developmental biology (evo-devo) promise mutual benefits for evolutionary and developmental biology: the encounter between evolutionary biology and developmental biology, the story goes, will improve both areas of study. But while there are plenty of examples of developmental […]

Reproductive disruption and intersex in white suckers (Catostomus commersoni) downstream of a Colorado wastewater treatment plant

VAJDA, Alan M. ; LOPEZ, Elena M.; WOODLING, John D.; MALDONADO, Tammy A.; NORRIS, David O. ; Univ. of Colorado, Boulder; Univ. of Colorado, Boulder; Colorado Division of Wildlife; Univ. of Colorado, Boulder; Univ. of Colorado, Boulder: Reproductive disruption and intersex in white suckers (Catostomus commersoni) downstream of a Colorado wastewater treatment plant We have […]

Integrating physiological and behavioral responses of California sheephead exposed to fishing-related stressors and its implications towards management

LOWE, C.G.; TOPPING, D.T.; GALIMA, M.M.; GOLDMAN, K.J.; KELLEY, K.M.; Calif. State Univ., Long Beach; Calif. State Univ., Long Beach; Calif. State Univ., Long Beach; Jackson State Univ.; Calif. State Univ., Long Beach: Integrating physiological and behavioral responses of California sheephead exposed to fishing-related stressors and its implications towards management Quantifying the effects of fishing-related […]

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