Electromyographic pattern of the gular pump in monitor lizards

Owerkowicz, T.*; Brainerd, E. L.; Carrier, D. R.: Electromyographic pattern of the gular pump in monitor lizards. Gular pumping has recently been shown to play an important role in lung ventilation of monitor lizards but its evolutionary origin has not yet been investigated. To compare this mechanism with the amphibian buccal pump, we studied the […]

Altitudinal variation in effects of hibernation and feeding on nutrient uptake in chuckwallas (Sauromalus obesus Iguanidae)

TRACY, C. R.*; DIAMOND, J.: Altitudinal variation in effects of hibernation and feeding on nutrient uptake in chuckwallas (Sauromalus obesus: Iguanidae) We examined the effects of hibernation and fasting on intestinal glucose and proline uptake rates of chuckwallas. These lizards show dramatic geographic variation in body size and growth rate that parallels an altitudinal gradient […]

Larval settlement success and physiological adaptation in the patchwork distribution of introduced and native bay mussels (Mytilus spp) in the central CA hybrid zone

BRABY, C.E.*; SOMERO, G.N.: Larval settlement success and physiological adaptation in the patchwork distribution of introduced and native bay mussels (Mytilus spp.) in the central CA hybrid zone California is home to two bay mussel species: the native Mytilus trossulus and the invasive M. galloprovincialis, which was introduced to southern CA in the early 1900’s […]

Is temperature variability good or bad for intertidal embryos

PODOLSKY, R.D.: Is temperature variability good or bad for intertidal embryos? Development in an intertidal habitat exposes embryos to a suite of potentially stressful conditions, including large and rapid fluctuations in temperature. Embryo masses of the mollusc Melanochlamys diomedia are deposited in soft-sediment tide pools where temperature change on a spring tide can exceed 23°C […]

Effects of larval nutrition on juvenile performance the relative importance of constant vs variable food rations

PHILLIPS, N.E.: Effects of larval nutrition on juvenile performance: the relative importance of constant vs. variable food rations For marine invertebrates, increasing evidence points to the important consequences larval history can have for subsequent early juvenile performance. In an earlier experiment on the marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis, I raised larvae at 3 constant food rations, […]

Differential movement as a mechanism of selection in Mytilus spp

SCHNEIDER, Kimberly R.; HILBISH, Thomas J.; HELMUTH, Brian S.T.: Differential movement as a mechanism of selection in Mytilus spp. Two predominantly intertidal species of mussel, Mytilus edulis and Mytilus galloprovincialis, successfully hybridize in southwest England. In this hybrid zone directional selection favors M. galloprovincialis and closely related hybrids and wave exposure and temperature have been […]

What Limits Coral Growth Location, Translocation, Allocation

SEBENS, Kenenth P.; University of Maryland: What Limits Coral Growth?: Location, Translocation, Allocation Scleractinian corals use a wide variety of resources to grow and calcify in regions that are often low in potentially limiting resources. In shallow reef habitats, zooxanthellae translocate abundant photosynthate, but nutrients needed for tissue growth may be scarce. In deeper zones […]

Increases in the Activity of Zooxanthellae Nitric Oxide Synthase are Associated with the Temperature-Induced Bleaching of the Coral Madracis mirabilis

BUXTON, L.; GUTOWSKA, M.; SAWNEY, S.; OWEN, R.; TRAPIDO-ROSENTHAL, H.*; Bermuda Biological Station for Research; Evergreen State College; Eckerd College; Bermuda Biological Station for Research; Bermuda Biological Station for Research: Increases in the Activity of Zooxanthellae Nitric Oxide Synthase are Associated with the Temperature-Induced Bleaching of the Coral Madracis mirabilis Coral bleaching, in which corals […]

Effects of Reduced Light Availability on a Sponge-Cyanobacterial Symbiosis

THACKER, R.W.*; ERWIN, P.M.; BEVIS, K.P.; PAUL, V.J.; Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham; Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham; Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham; Smithsonian Marine Station, Fort Pierce, FL: Effects of Reduced Light Availability on a Sponge-Cyanobacterial Symbiosis The tropical marine sponge Dysidea herbacea contains large populations of the symbiotic, blue-green alga Oscillatoria spongeliae. These […]

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