Novel Air-breathing Modes in Anuran Tadpoles

Meeting Abstract 50-6  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:15 – 11:30  Novel Air-breathing Modes in Anuran Tadpoles PHILLIPS, JR*; HEWES, AE; SCHWENK, K; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT; University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT The biomechanics of air-breathing in anuran tadpoles is virtually unstudied. Our previous work showed that surface tension prevents small tadpoles […]

Modular Lung Ventilation in Snakes

Meeting Abstract 50-1  Sunday, Jan. 5 10:00 – 10:15  Modular Lung Ventilation in Snakes CAPANO, JG*; CIERI, RL; WELLER, HI; BRAINERD, EL; Brown University; University of Utah; Brown University; Brown University Most squamates rotate vertebral and sternal ribs to ventilate their lungs, whereas snakes lack sternal ribs and use only vertebral ribs to breathe. Rib […]

Linking morphology, performance, and behavior in the migration of stream goby fishes

Meeting Abstract 50-8  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:45 – 12:00  Linking morphology, performance, and behavior in the migration of stream goby fishes DIAMOND, KM*; GRINER, JG; LAGARDE, R; PONTON, D; POWDER, KE; SCHOENFUSS, HL; WALKER, JA; BLOB, RW; Clemson Univ.; Clemson Univ.; Univ. Perpignan Via Domitia; Univ. La Réunion; Clemson Univ.; St. Cloud State Univ.; Univ. Southern Maine; […]

Joint Loading and Transformation in Suchian Evolution

Meeting Abstract 50-2  Sunday, Jan. 5 10:15 – 10:30  Joint Loading and Transformation in Suchian Evolution SELLERS, KC*; MIDDLETON, KM; HOLLIDAY, CM; University of Missouri; University of Missouri; University of Missouri Modern crocodylians employ immense forces during feeding. Many characters that enable crocodylians to generate and resist these forces are not found in their ancestors, and […]

Feeding and Digestive Anatomy of Mud Snakes

Meeting Abstract 50-4  Sunday, Jan. 5 10:45 – 11:00  Feeding and Digestive Anatomy of Mud Snakes RUPP, AE*; MOON, B; University of Louisiana Lafayette; University of Louisiana Lafayette Mud snakes are dietary specialists that regularly consume elongate amphibian prey such as siren and amphiuma salamanders. This study described the unique feeding behaviors of adult and juvenile […]

Adhesive Setal Morphology and Setal Field Configuration in Anolis equestris

Meeting Abstract 50-5  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:00 – 11:15  Adhesive Setal Morphology and Setal Field Configuration in Anolis equestris GARNER, AM*; WILSON, MC; WRIGHT, C; RUSSELL, AP; NIEWIAROWSKI, PH; DHINOJWALA, A; University of Akron; University of Akron; University of Akron; University of Calgary; University of Akron; University of Akron Hundreds of studies have examined gecko […]

A Comparative Study of Lingual Prey Capture in Iguanian and Scincid Lizards

Meeting Abstract 50-7  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:30 – 11:45  A Comparative Study of Lingual Prey Capture in Iguanian and Scincid Lizards HEWES, A*; SCHWENK, K; University of Connecticut, Storrs; University of Connecticut, Storrs Among lizards, prey are captured with the tongue or the jaws. All iguanians are lingual feeders, and lingual feeding has evolved independently from […]

Who needs a nucleus Red blood cells in the genus Batrachoseps

MUELLER, R.L.: Who needs a nucleus? Red blood cells in the genus Batrachoseps Some species of lungless salamanders, family Plethodontidae, have blood containing enucleated red cells. Unlike nearly all mammals, which possess uniformly enucleated RBC’s, these salamanders have both enucleated and nucleated RBC’s present in their circulation at all times. In some cases, the percentage […]

Ultrastructure of the lingual surface in anguimorph lizards and snakes evolutionary and functional implications

Filoramo, N.I.*; Schwenk, K.: Ultrastructure of the lingual surface in anguimorph lizards and snakes: evolutionary and functional implications. In squamates, one of the tongue’s roles is to collect chemicals from the environment. Both volatile and non-volatile chemicals are delivered to the vomeronasal chemosensory organs (VNOs). The information gained from these chemicals allows squamates to find […]

The Historical Evolution of Thermal Physiology in the Diamondback Watersnake, Nerodia rhombifer

WINNE, C. T. *; KECK, M. B.: The Historical Evolution of Thermal Physiology in the Diamondback Watersnake, Nerodia rhombifer We investigated three laboratory measures of thermal physiology in the diamondback watersnake, Nerodia rhombifer, along a latitudinal gradient spanning 12 degrees in latitude and including individuals from three populations in Southern Texas (26,o 03’), one population […]

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