“Different different but same” Parallel gene expression between trophic specialists despite divergent genotypes and morphologies

Meeting Abstract 50-5  Friday, Jan. 5 11:15 – 11:30  “Different different but same”: Parallel gene expression between trophic specialists despite divergent genotypes and morphologies MCGIRR, JA*; MARTIN, CH; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill joemcg318@gmail.com There are many cases of parallel gene expression underlying the evolution of convergent niche specialization, but […]

Where is my mind Nervous system regionalization in the acoel Hofstenia miamia

Meeting Abstract 50-6  Friday, Jan. 5 11:30 – 11:45  Where is my mind: Nervous system regionalization in the acoel Hofstenia miamia HULETT, R.E.*; SRIVASTAVA, M.; Harvard University; Harvard University rhulett@g.harvard.edu Bilaterians with clear anterior-posterior (AP) and dorsal-ventral (DV) axes represent a major transition in early animal evolution. Most bilaterian lineages show a restriction of the central nervous […]

The Genetic Basis for Larval Life-History Dimorphism in the Polychaete Streblospio benedicti

Meeting Abstract 50-2  Friday, Jan. 5 10:30 – 10:45  The Genetic Basis for Larval Life-History Dimorphism in the Polychaete Streblospio benedicti ROCKMAN, MV*; ZAKAS, C; New York University; New York University mrockman@nyu.edu Among benthic marine invertebrates, some species make small eggs that develop into complex planktotrophic larvae, while others make large eggs that develop into lecithotrophic larvae […]

Shared Expression Patterns of Paralogous Genes Support a Derived Placement of Scorpiones in the Arachnid Tree of Life

Meeting Abstract 50-7  Friday, Jan. 5 11:45 – 12:00  Shared Expression Patterns of Paralogous Genes Support a Derived Placement of Scorpiones in the Arachnid Tree of Life SHARMA, PP*; NOLAN, ED; University of Wisconsin-Madison; University of Wisconsin-Madison prashant.sharma@wisc.edu http://www.sharmalabuw.org The phylogenetic position of Scorpiones and the attendant evolutionary scenario of arachnid terrestrialization remain an unresolved puzzle for […]

Patterning the freshwater sponge aquiferous system Wnt signaling and Pax networks

Meeting Abstract 50-1  Friday, Jan. 5 10:15 – 10:30  Patterning the freshwater sponge aquiferous system: Wnt signaling and Pax networks HILL, AL*; HALL, C; RIVERA, A; POSFAI, D; RODRIGUEZ, M; GARCIA, J; HILL, April; Univ. of Richmond, Virginia; Univ. of Virginia; Univ. of the Pacific, Stockton, California; Duke Univ., Durham, North Carolina; Univ. of Richmond, Virginia; Univ. […]

Is the function of the Wnt-1 co-receptor arrow conserved in segmentation of insects and arachnids

Meeting Abstract 50-3  Friday, Jan. 5 10:45 – 11:00  Is the function of the Wnt-1 co-receptor arrow conserved in segmentation of insects and arachnids? SETTON, EVW*; SHARMA, PP; University of Wisconsin-Madison; University of Wisconsin-Madison setton@wisc.edu https://integrativebiology.wisc.edu Segmentation is a key characteristic of the phylum Arthropoda and linked to the evolutionary success of this lineage. The formation of […]

Age and Tissue Specificity of Sex-biased Gene Expression and the Development of Sexual Dimorphism

Meeting Abstract 50-4  Friday, Jan. 5 11:00 – 11:15  Age and Tissue Specificity of Sex-biased Gene Expression and the Development of Sexual Dimorphism CHUNG, AK*; COX, CL; COX, RM; Georgia Southern University; Georgia Southern University; University of Virginia ac10578@georgiasouthern.edu Males and females of sexually dimorphic species must produce distinct phenotypes from a single, shared genome, which can […]

Using ancient DNA to elucidate extinct taxon relationships and to understand the historical biogeography of the Caribbean

Meeting Abstract 50-5  Saturday, Jan. 5 11:15 – 11:30  Using ancient DNA to elucidate extinct taxon relationships and to understand the historical biogeography of the Caribbean OSWALD, JA*; ALLEN, JM; LEFEBVRE, MJ; STEADMAN, D; GURALNICK, R; University of Florida; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Florida; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Florida ; University of Florida […]

Using RNA-Seq to elucidate the phylogeny of Polycladida (Platyhelminthes), a flatworm clade with diverse life histories

Meeting Abstract 50-2  Saturday, Jan. 5 10:30 – 10:45  Using RNA-Seq to elucidate the phylogeny of Polycladida (Platyhelminthes), a flatworm clade with diverse life histories GOODHEART, JA*; COLLINS, AG; CUMMINGS, MP; RAWLINSON, KA; Univ. of California, Santa Barbara; Univ. of Maryland, College Park; Smithsonian Institution; Univ. of Cambridge goodheart@ucsb.edu Flatworms are among the most diverse invertebrate phyla, […]

The Earliest Equatorial Record of Anurans New Fossils from the Late Triassic of Arizona

Meeting Abstract   50-6  Saturday, Jan. 5 11:30 – 11:45  The Earliest Equatorial Record of Anurans: New Fossils from the Late Triassic of Arizona STOCKER, MR*; NESBITT, SJ; KLIGMAN, BT; PALUH, DJ; BLACKBURN, DC; MARSH, AD; PARKER, WG; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida; Florida Museum of Natural History, […]

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