Comparison of eye morphology in Chrysomya megacephala males of differing sizes and the potential behavioral implications

Meeting Abstract 50.3  Monday, Jan. 5 10:30  Comparison of eye morphology in Chrysomya megacephala males of differing sizes and the potential behavioral implications SMITH, J.L.*; PALERMO, N.; THEOBALD, J.C.; WELLS, J.D.; Florida International University; Florida International University; Florida International University; Florida International University The male Chrysomya megacephala eye has dorsal ommatidia that are more than twice […]

Comparative Analysis of the Elopomorph Fish Retina Dramatic, Ecology-Specific Changes Through Development

Meeting Abstract 50.4  Monday, Jan. 5 10:45  Comparative Analysis of the Elopomorph Fish Retina: Dramatic, Ecology-Specific Changes Through Development GRACE, MS*; TAYLOR, SM; LOEW, ER; Florida Inst. of Technology, Melbourne FL; Florida Inst. of Technology, Melbourne FL; Cornell U., Ithaca NY Unlike the mammalian retina, the teleost fish retina undergoes persistent neurogenesis from intrinsic stem […]

Color vision in the Hawaiian damselfly Megalagrion xanthomelas how to see better in a highly heterogeneous environment

Meeting Abstract 50.2  Monday, Jan. 5 10:15  Color vision in the Hawaiian damselfly Megalagrion xanthomelas: how to see better in a highly heterogeneous environment BUTLER, MA*; SCALES, JS; RIVERA, JA; WALGUARNERY, J; SCHROEDER, R; University of Hawai’i Sending and receiving signals in a forest understory environment can be quite challenging because the light environment is heterogeneous. […]

Circadian rhythms in the retina of Atlantic tarpon, Megalops atlanticus

Meeting Abstract 50.5  Monday, Jan. 5 11:00  Circadian rhythms in the retina of Atlantic tarpon, Megalops atlanticus KOPPERUD, KL*; TAYLOR, SM; GRACE, MS; Florida Institute of Technology Biological clocks and the rhythms they produce are fundamental to eukaryotic life, allowing organisms to anticipate change in the environment. While many physiological and behavioral life processes may change […]

A Whale of a Tale Intact Cone Signaling Pathways Found in the First Mammalian Rod Monochromat

Meeting Abstract 50.6  Monday, Jan. 5 11:15  A Whale of a Tale: Intact Cone Signaling Pathways Found in the First Mammalian Rod Monochromat SCHWEIKERT, LE*; GRACE, MS; FASICK, JI; Florida Institute of Technology; Florida Institute of Technology; University of South Florida, St. Petersburg A central tenet of retinal neurobiology holds that the “duplex” mammalian retina functionally […]

The ecology and biogeography of Diopatra biscayensis (Fauchald) Kristian’s last description

Meeting Abstract 50-1  Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:15  The ecology and biogeography of Diopatra biscayensis (Fauchald): Kristian’s last description WOODIN, SA*; BERKE, SK; WETHEY, DS; Univ. of South Carolina; Siena College; Univ. of South Carolina Kristian, like myself, loved polychaetes. Of all the polychaetes in the world, Kristian quite rightly thought that Diopatra was the most wonderful. […]

Strategies of burrowing in soft muddy sediments by diverse polychaetes

Meeting Abstract 50-7  Tuesday, Jan. 5 11:45  Strategies of burrowing in soft muddy sediments by diverse polychaetes DORGAN, K.M.*; D’AMELIO, C; LINDSAY, S.M.; Dauphin Island Sea Lab; Dauphin Island Sea Lab; School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine Muddy sediments are elastic solids through which morphologically diverse animals extend burrows by fracture. Muddy sediments inhabited […]

On the biogeography, natural history, and invasive potential of the pantropical marine annelid Chaetopterus longipes

Meeting Abstract 50-3  Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:45  On the biogeography, natural history, and invasive potential of the pantropical marine annelid Chaetopterus longipes. MOORE, J. M.*; PAULAY, G.; Florida Museum of Natural History, University of Florida Chaetopterus longipes is an epifaunal mucus filter-feeding annelid, which inhabits straight tubes on hard substrates, usually in coral reef environments. The […]

Genetic structure of Polyeunoa laevis (Annelida Polynoidae) between Southeastern Argentinean waters and the Southern Ocean

Meeting Abstract 50-4  Tuesday, Jan. 5 11:00  Genetic structure of Polyeunoa laevis (Annelida: Polynoidae) between Southeastern Argentinean waters and the Southern Ocean BOGANTES, V.E.*; MAHON, A.R.; HALANYCH, K.M.; Auburn University; Central Michigan University; Auburn University The polychaete Polyeunoa laevis is a scale worm, often associated with gorgonians. This species shows a range of morphological variation; however, […]

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