Evidence for Permo-Triassic colonization of the deep sea by isopods

Meeting Abstract 50.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  Evidence for Permo-Triassic colonization of the deep sea by isopods LINS, L.S.F.*; HO, S.Y.W.; WILSON, G.D.F.; LO, N.; University of Sydney/Australian Museum; University of Sydney; Australian Museum; University of Sydney luana.lins@sydney.edu.au The deep sea is one of the largest ecosystems on Earth and is home to a highly diverse fauna, with […]

The effect of muscle relaxation rate on tendon recoil during energy dissipating tasks

Meeting Abstract 50.7  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:45  The effect of muscle relaxation rate on tendon recoil during energy dissipating tasks ABBOTT, EM*; AZIZI, E; Univ. of California, Irvine emily.m.abbott@gmail.com Series elastic elements, such as tendons and aponeuroses, can amplify muscle power, minimize energy consumption and limit injury susceptibility. Specifically, during energy dissipating tasks, muscles initially store energy […]

Passive Properties of Anuran Hindlimb Muscles

Meeting Abstract 50.1  Sunday, Jan. 5 10:15  Passive Properties of Anuran Hindlimb Muscles DANOS, N*; AZIZI, E; Univ. of California Irvine; Univ. of California Irvine ndanos@uci.edu Frog muscles are unusually compliant compared to mammalian muscles. An important implication of this muscle property is that frog muscles can be stretched to long lengths and can operate on the […]

Myosin heavy chain isoforms of the flight and leg muscles of hummingbird and zebra finch

Meeting Abstract 50.3  Sunday, Jan. 5 10:45  Myosin heavy chain isoforms of the flight and leg muscles of hummingbird and zebra finch VELTEN, B*; WELCH, K; University of Toronto; University of Toronto brandy.velten@mail.utoronto.ca The maximum shortening velocity of a muscle fiber is strongly correlated with the myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms it contains. While MHC isoforms of […]

How does the velocity-dependent behavior of muscles change with activation

Meeting Abstract 50.4  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:00  How does the velocity-dependent behavior of muscles change with activation? TAHIR, UH*; MONROY, JA; NISHIKAWA, KC; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University ut5@nau.edu Despite the success of the sliding filament theory, many important properties of muscle remain unexplained. Surprisingly, the goal of predicting muscle force output during […]

Effects of prenatal glucocorticoids on the fetal guinea pig scalenus muscle

Meeting Abstract 50.5  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:15  Effects of prenatal glucocorticoids on the fetal guinea pig scalenus muscle BUTLER, M.R.*; CHUGHTAI, A.; RILEY, L.A.; WALKER, R.A.; DEAROLF, J.L.; RICHMOND, J.P.; Hendrix College, Conway, AR; Univ. of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL butlermr@hendrix.edu Glucocorticoids are commonly administered to women considered at risk for premature birth to speed up fetal […]

Does Ca2+ diffusion limit myofibril size

Meeting Abstract 50.6  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:30  Does Ca2+ diffusion limit myofibril size? KELLY, K.L.; GOLDING, C.; LOCKE, B.R.; DILLAMAN, R.M.; KINSEY, S.T.*; Univ. of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington; Florida State Univ., Tallahassee; Florida State Univ., Tallahassee; Univ. of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington; Univ. of North Carolina Wilmington, Wilmington kinseys@uncw.edu Tail beat frequency in fishes generally decreases […]

Boundaries of skeletal muscle instability at long sarcomere lengths

Meeting Abstract 50.2  Sunday, Jan. 5 10:30  Boundaries of skeletal muscle instability at long sarcomere lengths AZIZI, E*; DUNLEVIE, MD; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine eazizi@uci.edu Skeletal muscles are thought to be unstable when operating at lengths beyond the plateau of the force-length curve. This instability is a result of variation in sarcomere length […]

Three visible light sensitive opsins are specific to Limulus median ocelli and are co-expressed

Meeting Abstract 50.7  Monday, Jan. 5 11:30  Three visible light sensitive opsins are specific to Limulus median ocelli and are co-expressed BATTELLE, B-A*; KEMPLER, K.E.; SARAF, S.R.; MARTEN, C; DUGGER, D.R.; SPEISER, D.I.; OAKLEY, T.H.; Whitney Lab., University of Florida; Whitney Lab., University of Florida; Whitney Lab., University of Florida; Whitney Lab., University of Floirda; Dept. Ophthalmology, […]

Identical opsins in the retina and central nervous system of crayfish, Procambarus clarkii

Meeting Abstract 50.8  Monday, Jan. 5 11:45  Identical opsins in the retina and central nervous system of crayfish, Procambarus clarkii KINGSTON, ACN*; CRONIN, TW; University of Maryland Baltimore County; University of Maryland Baltimore County anahm1@umbc.edu There are several photosensing systems in epigeal crayfish that operate simultaneously. The eyes, brain, and caudal photoreceptor (CPR) are known to generate […]

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