Development of neuroendocrine controls of food intake in amphibians

CRESPI, E.J.*; VAUDRY, H.; DENVER, R.J.; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Univ. of Rouen, France; Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor: Development of neuroendocrine controls of food intake in amphibians Almost all studies on the neuroendocrine controls of food intake have been conducted on juvenile or adult animals; thus, little is known about the roles of […]

The myth of the passive sex hormonal control of female aggression in a year-round territorial bird

GILL, S.A.*; ALFSON, E.D.; HAU, M.; Princeton University; Princeton University; Princeton University: The myth of the passive sex: hormonal control of female aggression in a year-round territorial bird The hormonal control of territorial aggression in female vertebrates is still unclear. We therefore studied buff-breasted wrens (Thryothorus leucotis), a resident of the neotropics, in which females […]

Seasonal aggression in female Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus)

SCOTTI, M.L.*; DEMAS, G.E.; Indiana University, Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior; Indiana University, Center for the Integrative Study of Animal Behavior: Seasonal aggression in female Siberian hamsters (Phodopus sungorus) Most seasonally breeding species demonstrate a suite of adaptations including reproductive regression and increased territorial aggression in short �winter-like� compared with long �summer-like� […]

Do hormones other than testosterone influence intrasexual aggression in female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis)

JAWOR, Jodie*; RICHARDSON, Jennifer; KETTERSON, Ellen; Indiana University, Bloomington, IN; Indiana University, Bloomington, IN; Indiana University, Bloomington, IN: Do hormones other than testosterone influence intrasexual aggression in female dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis)? Hormones and aggressive behavior have been widely studied in male birds, but not as widely in females. In some species, female aggression has […]

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and territorial aggression in the European nuthatch

LANDYS, M.M.*; GOYMANN, W.; SOMA, K.K.; SLAGSVOLD, T.; Univ. of Oslo, Norway; Max Planck Institute of Ornithology, Andechs; Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver; Univ. of Oslo, Norway: Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and territorial aggression in the European nuthatch During breeding, territorial aggression in male birds is closely linked to secretion of gonadal testosterone (T). However, hormonal regulation […]

Reproductive character displacement in a wood cricket Gryllus fultoni (Gryllidae Orthoptera)

Meeting Abstract 5.5  Jan. 4  Reproductive character displacement in a wood cricket Gryllus fultoni (Gryllidae: Orthoptera) JANG, Yikweon*; CHOE, Jae C; Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea; Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Republic of Korea Two wood cricket species, Gryllus fultoni (Orthoptera: Gryllidae) and G. vernalis, occur together in the eastern US and have a similar […]

Moving away from the mean does trophic divergence in sympatric populations of the Gold-breast Splitfin, (Ilyodon furcidens) increase fitness

Meeting Abstract 5.2  Jan. 4  Moving away from the mean: does trophic divergence in sympatric populations of the Gold-breast Splitfin, (Ilyodon furcidens) increase fitness? HUIZINGA, M.*; GHALAMBOR, C.K.; Colorado State University A central focus of evolutionary ecology is to understand how historic and current processes interact to generate and maintain patterns of diversity within and between […]

Massive introgression of gamete recognition alleles in a blue mussel hybrid zone

Meeting Abstract 5.4  Jan. 4  Massive introgression of gamete recognition alleles in a blue mussel hybrid zone MCCARTNEY, Michael A.*; LIMA, Thiago G.; Univ of North Carolina, Wilmington Earlier work in our laboratory examined evidence for reproductive character displacement of gamete compatibility between the blue mussels Mytilus edulis and M. trossulus inside and outside of their […]

Effects of human disturbance and global warming on hybridization and gene flow in two subspecies of White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys)

Meeting Abstract 5.3  Jan. 4  Effects of human disturbance and global warming on hybridization and gene flow in two subspecies of White-crowned Sparrows (Zonotrichia leucophrys) HESS, Christopher M*; O’BRIEN, Sara; DAVIS, Jason; ADDIS, Elizabeth; WINGFIELD, John C. ; University of Portland; University of Washington; University of Washington; University of Washington; University of Washington Isolation is an […]

Adapting Crotalus microsatellites for use in the Florida cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti

Meeting Abstract 5.1  Jan. 4  Adapting Crotalus microsatellites for use in the Florida cottonmouth, Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti MCCLEARY, R.J.R.*; OSTROW, D.G.; CLARK, A.M.; University of Florida, Department of Zoology; University of Florida, ICBR Genetic Analysis Lab; University of Florida, ICBR Genetic Analysis Lab Microsatellite loci are powerful tools for analyzing many parameters of population genetics. However, […]

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