Not Your Typical Teleost Post-Embryonic Development of Neuromasts and Cranial Lateral Line Canals in the Zebrafish, Danio rerio

WEBB, J. F.; SHIREY, J. E.; Villanova University; Villanova University: Not Your Typical Teleost: Post-Embryonic Development of Neuromasts and Cranial Lateral Line Canals in the Zebrafish, Danio rerio The zebrafish, Danio rerio is a valuable model system for the study of fundamentals of vertebrate embryogenesis, but the post-embryonic development of zebrafish remains largely unexplored. We […]

New insight into brain evolution viewpoint from planarian

AGATA , K; UMESONO, Y; KOINUMA, S; OKAMOTO, K; ITOH, H; INOUE, T; Center for Dev. Biol., RIKEN Kobe; Center for Dev. Biol., RIKEN Kobe; Center for Dev. Biol., RIKEN Kobe; Center for Dev. Biol., RIKEN Kobe; Center for Dev. Biol., RIKEN Kobe; Center for Dev. Biol., RIKEN Kobe: New insight into brain evolution: viewpoint […]

Neuromuscular Morphology of Buccal Cones in Clione limacina

IMLAY, G.J.*; PIRTLE, T.J.; NOREKIAN, T.P.; SATTERLIE, R.A.; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University; Arizona State University: Neuromuscular Morphology of Buccal Cones in Clione limacina The pteropod mollusk Clione limacina is a carnivorous predator, which feeds exclusively on actively swimming, shelled pteropods of the genus Limacina. Prey capture in Clione is achieved […]

Functional expression of Calcineurin During Neural Response to Injury; One of Seven cDNA Enriched Following Hippocampal Lesion

PRICE, Mitch; LANG, Molly; PATEL, Samip; FRANK, Ami; EWING, Andrew; DAY, Jonathan; The Pennsylvania State University; The Pennsylvania State University; The Pennsylvania State University; The Pennsylvania State University; The Pennsylvania State University; California State Universtiy, Chico: Functional expression of Calcineurin During Neural Response to Injury; One of Seven cDNA Enriched Following Hippocampal Lesion Synaptic plasticity […]

Developmental plan of the lamprey CNS; with reference to the vertebrate evolution

MURAKAMI, Y; TAKIO, Y; PASQUALETTI, M; RIJLI, F; KURATANI, S; RIKEN, CDB, Kobe; RIKEN, CDB, Kobe; Insti. Genet. France; Insti. Genet. France; RIKEN, CDB, Kobe: Developmental plan of the lamprey CNS; with reference to the vertebrate evolution To understand the vertebrate brain evolution, developmental pattern of lamprey neruomeres was studied . We have isolated cognates […]

Tiny insects, sticking vortices, and clap and fling

MILLER, L A; PESKIN, C S; Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University; Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University: Tiny insects, sticking vortices, and clap and fling Although a large number of studies have investigated insect flight at Reynolds numbers of 100 and higher, few studies have considered the aerodynamics of flight […]

Quantifying the effect of advance ratio on aerodynamic force generation during forward flight

DICKSON *, W.B.; DICKINSON , M.H.; California Institute of Technology; California Institue of Technology: Quantifying the effect of advance ratio on aerodynamic force generation during forward flight. Recent studies have demonstrated that a quasi-steady model closely matches the instantaneous force produced by an insect wing during hovering flight. It is not clear, however, if such […]

Low-speed maneuvering flight in the rose-breasted cockatoo

HEDRICK, TL; Harvard University, Cambridge MA: Low-speed maneuvering flight in the rose-breasted cockatoo Maneuvering flight has long been recognized as an important component of the natural behavior of many bird species but has been the subject of little experimental work. Here I examine the kinematics and neuromuscular control of turning flight in the Rose-breasted cockatoo […]

How flies fly fast

WALKER, J.A.; University of Southern Maine: How flies fly fast The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, can potentially increase flight speed by modulating wing beat frequency, the magnitude of wing displacement, the angle of the (stroke) plane along which the wing oscillates, the angle (or pitch) of a wing section relative to its flight trajectory, and […]

Forward flight kinematics of rufus hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) with and without their tails

CLARK, Christopher J.; TOBALSKE, Bret; POWERS, Don; Univ. of California, Berkeley; University of Portland; John Fox University: Forward flight kinematics of rufus hummingbirds (Selasphorus rufus) with and without their tails Birds use their tails to generate aerodynamic forces. Recent theoretical work has begun to identify potential uses of these forces. In forward flight, there are […]

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