the effect of summer storms on the recruitment success of fiddler crabs

Meeting Abstract 49.1  Jan. 6  the effect of summer storms on the recruitment success of fiddler crabs BRODIE, R. *; GODLEY, J.; Mount Holyoke College The estuarine fiddler crabs, Uca minax, U. pugnax and U. pugilator, have complex life cycles spanning vastly different salinity regimes. Larvae are spawned in estuaries and travel to the coastal ocean […]

Tolerance of the Early Life History Stages of owenia fusiformis= to Environmental Conditions Possible Limits to Dispersalowenia

Meeting Abstract 49.8  Jan. 6  Tolerance of the Early Life History Stages of to Environmental Conditions: Possible Limits to Dispersal SMART, T.I.; University of Oregon Exposure to extreme environmental conditions has been shown to cause lethal and sub-lethal effects on survival and development in marine invertebrates, affecting both dispersal and abundance. is a tube-building polychaete found […]

Siblicide in Crepidula coquimbensis (Gastropoda) the role of multipaternity

Meeting Abstract 49.4  Jan. 6  Siblicide in Crepidula coquimbensis (Gastropoda): the role of multipaternity BRANTE, Antonio*; FREDERIQUE , Viard; FERNANDEZ, Miriam; Pont. Univ. Catolica de Chile; Station Biologique de Roscoff; Pont. Univ. Catolica de Chile Sibling cannibalism during intracapsular development is a common strategy observed across different marine invertebrate taxa. It is still an open question […]

Predator-Induced Morphological Defenses In Marine Zooplankton A Larval Case Study

Meeting Abstract 49.3  Jan. 6  Predator-Induced Morphological Defenses In Marine Zooplankton: A Larval Case Study VAUGHN, Dawn ; Univ. of Washington, Friday Harbor Laboratories While there are numerous reports of predator-induced morphological defenses for benthic marine animals, freshwater zooplankton and freshwater larvae, at present there is an absence of studies demonstrating similar phenomena in adult marine […]

Larval Metamorphosis of Phestilla spp in Response to Water Soluble Cues

Meeting Abstract 49.7  Jan. 6  Larval Metamorphosis of Phestilla spp. in Response to Water Soluble Cues RITSON-WILLIAMS, R.*; PAUL, V.J.; Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce; Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce In marine systems many invertebrates depend on their larvae for dispersal and to find the appropriate habitat for adult survival, yet the mechanisms of […]

Impacts of food concentration and larval stage on incidence of cloning in Dendraster excentricus plutei

Meeting Abstract 49.2  Jan. 6  Impacts of food concentration and larval stage on incidence of cloning in Dendraster excentricus plutei MCDONALD, K.A.*; VAUGHN, D.; University of Washington, Friday Harbor Labs; University of Washington, Friday Harbor Labs Asexual reproduction confers efficient use of limiting resources. Some freshwater plankters undergo a shift in reproductive mode in response to […]

Genome-Enabled Insight into Biogeographic Patterns of Marine Larval Thermotolerance

Meeting Abstract 49.5  Jan. 6  Genome-Enabled Insight into Biogeographic Patterns of Marine Larval Thermotolerance FIELMAN, K.T.*; HOFMANN, G.E.; Auburn Univ.; UC, Santa Barbara The role of larval thermotolerance in setting marine species� biogeographic distribution and abundance patterns is unclear and little is known of the underlying genomic-scale molecular physiology. We compared heat shock survivorship among plutei […]

Egg mass physiology Comparative morphology and physiology of experimental and natural invertebrate egg masses from temperate and Antarctic sites

Meeting Abstract 49.10  Jan. 6  Egg mass physiology: Comparative morphology and physiology of experimental and natural invertebrate egg masses from temperate and Antarctic sites MORAN, A.L.**; WOODS, H.A.; Clemson University, Clemson, SC; University of Montana, Missoula Embryos of many marine invertebrates are encased in gelatinous masses for part or all of development. Both experimental evidence and […]

Egg mass physiology Interactive effects of morphology, temperature, and embryonic age on oxygen gradients in invertebrate egg masses

Meeting Abstract 49.11  Jan. 6  Egg mass physiology: Interactive effects of morphology, temperature, and embryonic age on oxygen gradients in invertebrate egg masses WOODS, H.A.**; MORAN, A.L.; Univ. of Montana, Missoula; Clemson University, Clemson, SC Embryos of many marine invertebrates are encased in gelatinous masses for part or all of development. Because gel retards oxygen flux, […]

Ecological stoichiometry of Manduca sexta herbivory on Datura wrightii

Meeting Abstract 49.9  Jan. 6  Ecological stoichiometry of Manduca sexta herbivory on Datura wrightii. BARKER, JENNIFER S.**; HUXMAN, T.; BRONSTEIN, J.; DAVIDOWITZ, G.; University of Arizona; University of Arizona; University of Arizona; University of Arizona Host plants can differ in quality among different habitats, among plants in the same microhabitats, as well as among leaves within […]

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