Phylogenetically-based Comparative Analysis of Life History Variation Among Populations of Sceloporus undulatus

Niewiarowski, P.H.*; Angilletta, Jr., M.J.; Leache, A.D.; Porter, W.P.: Phylogenetically-based Comparative Analysis of Life History Variation Among Populations of Sceloporus undulatus The eastern fence lizard, Sceloporus undulatus, is one of the most widely distributed lizards in North America. Across its range, populations display two- to three-fold variation in many life history traits, including age at […]

Maternal and Environmental Contributions to Hatchling Phenotypes and Survival of the Lizard Sceloporus undulatus

WARNER, D.A.*; ANDREWS, R.M.: Maternal and Environmental Contributions to Hatchling Phenotypes and Survival of the Lizard Sceloporus undulatus Phenotypic variation of hatchling reptiles is influenced by environmental conditions during egg incubation and by various maternal sources. We investigated the effects of incubation moisture conditions, maternal yolk investment, and clutch on various phenotypic traits and subsequent […]

Another look at Leuckart’s Law

HALL, M.I.: Another look at Leuckart’s Law Birds have particularly large eyes relative to their body mass when compared to other vertebrates. This has been hypothesized to be an adaptation for flight because increases in axial length of the eye enhance spatial resolution, possibly improving an animal’s ability to judge distances, of obvious importance for […]

Spatial variation in invertebrate upper limits, thermal stress, and effective tidal height

HARLEY, C.D.G.*; HELMUTH, B.S.T.: Spatial variation in invertebrate upper limits, thermal stress, and effective tidal height Physiological stress is generally assumed to play a predominant role in limiting the upper vertical limits of intertidal species. However, several stressors (e.g. temperature, desiccation, limited time for resource acquisition) may operate on any given species, and the specific […]

Quantification Of Hydrodynamic Microhabitats In The Intertidal Zone Of Wave-Swept Shores

O’DONNELL, M.J.: Quantification Of Hydrodynamic Microhabitats In The Intertidal Zone Of Wave-Swept Shores. The intertidal zone of wave swept shores is an area of extreme hydrodynamic forces. Organisms have evolved many strategies for survival in the path of large, breaking waves. One such strategy, which many investigators have explored, is the use of microhabitats in […]

Photosynthesis of fucoid algae during periods of emersion ontogenetic and interspecific responses to varying levels of environmental stress

JOHNSON, L.E.; LAMOTE, M.; LEMOINE, Y.: Photosynthesis of fucoid algae during periods of emersion: ontogenetic and interspecific responses to varying levels of environmental stress. Physical conditions experienced during low tide may affect the performance and survival of intertidal algae thereby contributing to patterns of distribution. Qu�bec rocky shores are dominated by three fucoid algae (Ascophyllum […]

Fluorescing fronds Snapshots of the physiological state of intertidal macrophytes

NIELSEN, K.J.*; MENGE, B.A.; LUBCHENCO, J.: Fluorescing fronds: Snapshots of the physiological state of intertidal macrophytes Disentangling the effects of multiple stressors on the physiological performance of organisms in the field is a major goal for physiological ecologists. Many ecological models invoke changes in physiological performance along environmental gradients as a major driver of the […]

Ecological and Physiological Effects of Thermal Stress on Intertidal Snails

BURNAFORD, J.L.; HOFMANN, G.E.: Ecological and Physiological Effects of Thermal Stress on Intertidal Snails Evaluating the cumulative consequences of repeated exposure to sub-lethal stress on individuals, populations and communities requires integrated studies that assess both stress avoidance and tolerance under ecologically relevant conditions. Using a combination of ecological and physiological techniques, we estimated the relative […]

Biochemical indices of bottom-up effects in Pacific rocky intertidal habitats

DAHLHOFF, E.P.; FREETO, J.C.; KEIL, A.P.; MELLO, J.D.; MENGE, B.A.: Biochemical indices of bottom-up effects in Pacific rocky intertidal habitats Previous studies of nearshore benthic communities have shown that food availability influences the metabolic activity of suspension feeding invertebrates. These studies have shown that RNA:DNA ratios respond rapidly to increases in nearshore concentrations of phytoplankton […]

The turtle shell as co-opting developmental programs of the vertebrate head

BENDER , G; TAN, F; SISTLA, S; ESTES, E; CEBRA-THOMAS, J; GILBERT, S. F. ; Swarthmore College; Swarthmore College; Swarthmore College; Swarthmore College; University of Pennsylvania; Swarthmore College: The turtle shell as co-opting developmental programs of the vertebrate head The 50 new bones of the turtle shell superficially resemble facial and calvarial bones in their […]

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