Meeting Abstract 48.1 Saturday, Jan. 5 Temperature effects and aerobic capacity in sedentary and migratory forms of the Mormon cricket CHAPPELL, MA*; BAILEY, NW; REDAK, RA; ZUK, M; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside A central premise of comparative and evolutionary physiology is that physiological functions […]
sessions: Session 48
Metabolic Substrate Utilization in Response to Temperature Acclimation and Insulin Exposure in Frog Skeletal Muscle
Meeting Abstract 48.3 Saturday, Jan. 5 Metabolic Substrate Utilization in Response to Temperature Acclimation and Insulin Exposure in Frog Skeletal Muscle PETERSEN, A.M.*; GLEESON, T.T.; University of Colorado, Boulder; University of Colorado, Boulder Animals alter metabolic fuel use in order to suit changes in energy requirements brought about by such challenges as prolonged activity, hibernation, or […]
Hemoglobin Gelation in Arcto-Boreal Fishes To Sickle or not to Sickle
Meeting Abstract 48.4 Saturday, Jan. 5 Hemoglobin Gelation in Arcto-Boreal Fishes: To Sickle or not to Sickle? HUNT VON HERBING, Ione*; CASHON , Robert; BABCOCK, Mike; University of North Texas; University of Maine; Dahl-Chase Diagnostic Services Recent observations of red blood cells in teleost fishes have shown the formation of regular paracrystalline arrays of hemoglobin (Hb) […]
Differential adaptation to cold as a potential influence on a moving hybrid zone
Meeting Abstract 48.2 Saturday, Jan. 5 Differential adaptation to cold as a potential influence on a moving hybrid zone OLSON, J.R.*; WILLIAMS, J.B.; GRUBB, T.C.; BRAUN, M.J.; Ohio State Univ., Columbus; Ohio State Univ., Columbus; Ohio State Univ., Columbus; Smithsonian Institution, Suitland, MD Black-capped chickadees (Poecile atricapillus, BC) are year-round residents in most of Canada and […]
Underwater gecko feet – how clingfish and snailfish adhere to wet surfaces
Meeting Abstract 48.6 Monday, Jan. 5 Underwater gecko feet – how clingfish and snailfish adhere to wet surfaces SUMMERS, A.P.*; GORB, S.; UC Irvine; University of Kiehl Clingfishes (Gobiesocidae) and snailfishes (Liparidae) have independently evolved, ventral suction disks that they use to adhere to substrates with unpredictable surface characteristics. Adhesion is completely underwater and appears largely […]
Patterns of S-crystallin evolution are correlated with optical acuity in cephalopods
Meeting Abstract 48.2 Monday, Jan. 5 Patterns of S-crystallin evolution are correlated with optical acuity in cephalopods SWEENEY, AM*; MATZ, MV; MORSE, DE; JOHNSEN, S; University of California, Santa Barbara; University of Texas, Austin; University of California, Santa Barbara; Duke University Positive selection on surface charge and thermodynamic stability in Loligo opalescens lens S-crystallin proteins contributed […]
Morphological and Biomechanical Variation in the Stomatpod Cuticle
Meeting Abstract 48.1 Monday, Jan. 5 Morphological and Biomechanical Variation in the Stomatpod Cuticle ANDREW, J*; GEORGE, M; PATEK, S; SWANSON, B; Gonzaga University; Gonzaga University; University of California, Berkeley; Gonzaga University The stomatopod crustacean dactyl, a highly derived appendage, can repeatedly smash open very hard snail shells, producing cavitation and impact forces in excess of […]
Evolution of supercontraction in spider silk
Meeting Abstract 48.5 Monday, Jan. 5 Evolution of supercontraction in spider silk BOUTRY, C.**; BLACKLEDGE, T.A.; University of Akron; University of Akron Spider silk is a high performance material renowned for its tensile properties. However, silk can also strongly contract when exposed to high humidities (~70%) and shrink by up to 50%, generating high stresses (~50 […]
Co-evolution of silk material properties with spider webs
Meeting Abstract 48.3 Monday, Jan. 5 Co-evolution of silk material properties with spider webs SENSENIG, Andrew T.*; AGNARSSON, Ingi; BLACKLEDGE, Todd A.; University of Akron; University of Akron; University of Akron Silk fibers spun by spiders perform varied and numerous roles, but have been studied most intensively in the context of prey capture in webs. Orb-weaving […]
Variation in Behavior of Larval Lobsters as a Function of Population, Parentage, and Development Time
Meeting Abstract 48.5 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Variation in Behavior of Larval Lobsters as a Function of Population, Parentage, and Development Time SHUTTARI, N*; JACOBS, M.W.; Boston University; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Variation in Behavior of Larval Lobsters as a Function of Population, Parentage, and Development Time Shuttari N and M.W. Jacobs Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Boston […]