Variation in gametic incompatibility of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, within the Gulf of Maine

SLAUGHTER, C.; MCCARTNEY, M.A.; Univ. of North Carolina, Wilmington; Univ. of North Carolina, Wilmington: Variation in gametic incompatibility of the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis, within the Gulf of Maine. Documented cases of natural hybridization among species of free-spawning marine invertebrates are few, however species within the M. edulis complex of blue mussels are found to […]

The causes and consequences of hybridization in California and Gambel’s Quail

GEE, JM; Princeton University: The causes and consequences of hybridization in California and Gambel’s Quail The maintenance of two distinct species is dependent on barriers that limit gene flow between them, yet isolating mechanisms rarely work in an all-or-none fashion. California Quail and Gambel�s Quail (C. californica and C. gambelii) have hybridized in a narrow […]

The Genetic Structure Of A Stenotopic Patellogastropod Species In Patchy Coastal Habitats

BEGOVIC, Emina; University of California, Berkeley: The Genetic Structure Of A Stenotopic Patellogastropod Species In Patchy Coastal Habitats Previous study of three Aleutian Island patellogastropod species has shown that larval dispersal affects population structure more than the extrinsic factors associated with an island distribution. Here I compare those data to the stenotopic patellogastropod species, Tectura […]

The G-matrix of energetics and life histories in a wild mammal

NESPOLO, RF; Universidad Austral de Chile: The G-matrix of energetics and life histories in a wild mammal How close are endotherm physiological traits to fitness? Can maximum capacities for energy expenditure in endotherms respond to natural selection? Is the aerobic model a plausible explanation for the evolution of endothermy? These are implicit, yet strongly debated […]

Population genetics and mating pattern of Diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin)

HAUSWALDT, Susanne/J; GLENN, Travis/C; DRAUD, Matthew/J; University of South Carolina, Columbia and Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Aiken; Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, Aiken and University of South Carolina, Columbia; Long Island University, Brookville: Population genetics and mating pattern of Diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) The Diamondback terrapin is the only species of turtle in North America that […]

Mechanisms underlying reproductive isolation in the copepod Tigriopus californicus

EDMANDS, S.; University of Southern California: Mechanisms underlying reproductive isolation in the copepod Tigriopus californicus Much of what we know of the genetics of speciation comes from studies of Drosophila. The copepod Tigriopus californicus provides an alternative model. This species is well suited for breeding studies due its hardiness and short generation time (~ 3 […]

Geographic isolation and genetic differentiation among nine populations of the freshwater isopod, Thermosphaeroma subequalum (Cole and Bane)

LEARNED , J.L.; SHUSTER, S.M; Northern Arizona University: Geographic isolation and genetic differentiation among nine populations of the freshwater isopod, Thermosphaeroma subequalum (Cole and Bane) The eight described species of Thermosphaeroma isopods inhabit warm springs in Mexico, Texas, and New Mexico. Thermosphaeroma subequalum, the easternmost described species of the genus, is found in nine hot […]

Genetic evaluation of loggerhead sea turtles from the Alabama coastal waters and nesting beaches

GEIS, A.*; WIBBELS, T.; FLETCHER, D.; GATES, W.; SWILLING, R.; Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham; Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham; Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge; Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge; Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge: Genetic evaluation of loggerhead sea turtles from the Alabama coastal waters and nesting beaches The loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) […]

Genetic Variation in an Insular Population of Cottonmouth Snakes

ROARK, A. W.; LILLYWHITE, H. B.; University of Florida; University of Florida: Genetic Variation in an Insular Population of Cottonmouth Snakes Seahorse Key (Levy County, Florida) is an important rookery for wading birds and supports an unusually dense population of cottonmouth snakes (Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti) that are dependent on the rookery. The snakes are entirely […]

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