The evolution of mechanical function in the mantle of squids

THOMPSON, J.T.: The evolution of mechanical function in the mantle of squids The mechanical support for the mantle of cephalopod molluscs arises from a complex arrangement of muscle fibers, networks of connective tissue fibers, and in some cases, a rigid rod that runs the length of the mantle. Although there are over 700 species of […]

Expanding the niche by extending the proboscis Feeding habits of southern oyster drills, Stramonita haemastoma (Gastropoda Muricidae), on sabellariid worm reefs

WATANABE, JEFFREY T.*; YOUNG, CRAIG M.: Expanding the niche by extending the proboscis: Feeding habits of southern oyster drills, Stramonita haemastoma (Gastropoda: Muricidae), on sabellariid worm reefs Survival of predators depends in part on the abundance and availability of suitable prey. Finding habitats where specific prey occur is especially important for organisms with planktonic larvae […]

Evolution of colony morphology in bryozoans Do encrusting sheets have an advantage

PRATT, M.C.: Evolution of colony morphology in bryozoans: Do encrusting sheets have an advantage? Colonial animals show a wide diversity of growth forms that can be categorized into six basic growth forms: runners, vines, sheets, mounds, trees, and plates. Each of these growth forms is represented in the phylum Bryozoa; however, the encrusting sheet growth […]

Evaluating a putative neogastropod adaptation is there a functional relationship between columellar folds and the columellar muscle

PRICE, R. M.: Evaluating a putative neogastropod adaptation: is there a functional relationship between columellar folds and the columellar muscle? Malacologists traditionally assume that columellar folds, ridges inside a gastropod shell, offer a functional advantage. Two functional hypotheses for the existence of folds are frequently cited in the literature, but neither has been rigorously tested. […]

The ecology, behaviour, and conservation of the vulnerable burrowing crayfish Fallicambarus fodiens (Decapoda, Cambaridae)

GUIASU, R. C. * ; DUNHAM, D. W. ; Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Canada ; Univ. of Toronto, Toronto, Canada : The ecology, behaviour, and conservation of the vulnerable burrowing crayfish Fallicambarus fodiens (Decapoda, Cambaridae) Fallicambarus fodiens is a semi-terrestrial, burrowing crayfish species, whose entire Canadian distribution is restricted to only a few wetlands in […]

The Mane Question Untangling why lions have it

SIMANDLE, E.T.*; TRACY, C.R.; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno: The Mane Question: Untangling why lions have it Lions (Panthera leo) are unique among felids, in that most males possess a conspicuous mane. For over a century, researchers have speculated that the lion�s mane may confer certain costs or benefits with respect to […]

Oviposition Sites of the Amargosa Toad (Bufo Nelsoni)

JONES, D.J.; TRACY, C.R.; SIMANDLE, E.T.; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno; University of Nevada, Reno: Oviposition Sites of the Amargosa Toad (Bufo Nelsoni) The Amargosa toad (Bufo nelsoni) is an isolated endemic found in the Oasis Valley in Nye County, Nevada. In 1995, the Fish and Wildlife Service was petitioned to list […]

New Amphibian Diversity Estimates and their Implications for Conservation Biology

ANGULO, A.; REICHLE, S.; KWET, A.; University of Toronto; Zoologische Forschungsinstitut und Museum A. Koenig, Bonn; Staatliches Museum fur Naturkunde, Stuttgart: New Amphibian Diversity Estimates and their Implications for Conservation Biology Although recent times have seen a boost in development of areas ranging from biotechnology to space research, biodiversity assessments regrettably are not among them. […]

Is an ELISA Test for Mycoplasma agassizzi a Useful Diagnostic Tool for Tortoise Conservation

HYDE*, D.M; TRACY, C.R.; Univ. of Nevada, Reno; Univ. of Nevada, Reno: Is an ELISA Test for Mycoplasma agassizzi a Useful Diagnostic Tool for Tortoise Conservation ? Mycoplasma agassizii is believed to be responsible for large scale population declines of the desert tortoise(Gopherus agassizii). Indeed, this disease was responsible for the emergency listing of the […]

Evaluation of Kemps ridley hatchling sex ratios within egg corral and in situ nests at the primary nesting beach

GEIS, A.A.*; WIBBELS, T.; GARDUNO-D., M. ; MARQUEZ-M., R.; BURCHFIELD, P.; SCHROEDER, B.; University of Alabama at Birmingham; University of Alabama at Birmingham; SEMARNAT, Mexico City; Instituto Nacional de la Pesca, Mexico; Gladys Porter Zoo, Brownsville, TX; National Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Springs, MD: Evaluation of Kemp�s ridley hatchling sex ratios within egg corral and […]

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