Acute Effects of Triclosan and Triclocarban Exposure on the Physiology of Four Tadpole Species

Meeting Abstract 46.4  Monday, Jan. 5  Acute Effects of Triclosan and Triclocarban Exposure on the Physiology of Four Tadpole Species PALENSKE, N.M.*; DZIALOWSKI, E.M.; University of North Texas, Denton; University of North Texas, Denton The goal of this study was to determine acute effects of triclosan (TCS) and triclocarban (TCC), antimicrobials used in consumer products, on […]

Trade-offs between aggression and parenting in female birds what’s testosterone got to do with it

Meeting Abstract 46.2  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Trade-offs between aggression and parenting in female birds: what’s testosterone got to do with it? CAIN, KRISTAL E*; RICH, MIRIAM S; DAPPER, AMY L; KETTERSON, ELLEN D; Indiana University; Swarthmore College; Indiana University; Indiana University Males exhibiting parental care generally express an inverse relationship between effort (amount of time, energy, […]

Testosterone and melanin face mask coloration in female northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis)

Meeting Abstract 46.1  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Testosterone and melanin face mask coloration in female northern cardinals (Cardinalis cardinalis) JAWOR, Jodie M.*; WINTERS, Caitlin P.; University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg; University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg Melanin-based feather coloration (e.g., black, reddish-brown, or dark brown colors) has been a focus of research interest in sexual selection in terms […]

Molecular modules of maternal aggression in the African cichlid Astatotilapia burtoni

Meeting Abstract 46.3  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Molecular modules of maternal aggression in the African cichlid Astatotilapia burtoni CARLETON, J*; RENN, Suzy C. P.; Reed College, Portland OR Thirty years of research have contributed to our understanding of the physiological mechanisms of the socially regulated switch between dominant and subordinate phenotypes among males of the African cichlid […]

A novel cost of a sexually selected trait in females more aggressive female tree swallows incubate less

Meeting Abstract 46.4  Tuesday, Jan. 5  A novel cost of a sexually selected trait in females: more aggressive female tree swallows incubate less ROSVALL, K.A.; Indiana University, Bloomington Among the most studied behavioral trade-offs is that between mating and parental effort, where individuals divide limited resources between attracting mates or repelling rivals on the one hand, […]

Rapid, reversible response of iridescent feather color to ambient humidity

Meeting Abstract 46.4  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Rapid, reversible response of iridescent feather color to ambient humidity ELIASON, CM*; SHAWKEY, MD; University of Akron; University of Akron Colorful traits can vary in response to neural control, hormone levels, reproductive state, or abiotic factors. In birds, colorful plumage traits are generally considered static ornaments that only vary irreversibly […]

Preferences for color and pattern may explain reproductive isolation in sympatric darter species

Meeting Abstract 46.1  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Preferences for color and pattern may explain reproductive isolation in sympatric darter species WILLIAMS, TH*; MENDELSON, TC; University of Maryland, Baltimore County; University of Maryland, Baltimore County Numerous closely-related animal species can be distinguished based on differences in ornate coloration or patterning. These elaborate color patterns are thought to play […]

Nest building in two species of Engystomops from Ecuador direct benefits in sexual selection

Meeting Abstract 46.5  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Nest building in two species of Engystomops from Ecuador: direct benefits in sexual selection? NARVAEZ, A. E.*; RON, S. R.; HOKE, K. L.; TRILLO, P. A.; Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador; Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Ecuador; Colorado State University; Colorado State University, Unversidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos Female mate […]

Measuring Sexual Selection from Genetic Estimates of Effective Population Size in Lekking Manakins (Aves Pipridae)

Meeting Abstract 46.3  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Measuring Sexual Selection from Genetic Estimates of Effective Population Size in Lekking Manakins (Aves: Pipridae) MUSSER, J.M.*; BARKER, F.K.; PRUM, R.O.; Yale University; Univ. of Minnesota; Yale University Members of the Neotropical manakins (Aves: Pipridae) have evolved lek mating systems with highly diverse characteristics including size, density, and a diverse […]

Does the evolution of a sexually selected trait compromise sprint and endurance performance in Xiphophorus swordtails and their close relatives

Meeting Abstract 46.2  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Does the evolution of a sexually selected trait compromise sprint and endurance performance in Xiphophorus swordtails and their close relatives? OUFIERO, C.E.*; JUGO, K.; YAU, T.; CHAPPELL, M.A.; GARLAND, T.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside […]

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