Beyond just cort fecal aldosterone as a complementary measure of adrenal activation in North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis)

Meeting Abstract 46-4  Tuesday, Jan. 5 11:15  Beyond just cort: fecal aldosterone as a complementary measure of adrenal activation in North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis) HUNT, K.E.*; BURGESS, E.A.; ROLLAND, R.M.; New England Aquarium; New England Aquarium; New England Aquarium There has been great interest in fecal glucocorticoids (fGCs) as a measure of stress in […]

Baseline CORT, what is it good for Differences in stress responsiveness influence and obscure ‘baseline’ corticosterone values collected within 3 minutes of capture

Meeting Abstract 46-2  Tuesday, Jan. 5 10:45  Baseline CORT, what is it good for? Differences in stress responsiveness influence and obscure ‘baseline’ corticosterone values collected within 3 minutes of capture SMALL, TW*; SCHOECH, SJ; Univ. of Memphis; Univ. of Memphis Plasma glucocorticoid (CORT) levels collected within 3 min of capture/handling are commonly believed to reflect pre-stressor […]

Visual acuity in birds Effects of behavior, ecology, and morphology

Meeting Abstract 46-7  Friday, Jan. 6 09:45 – 10:00  Visual acuity in birds: Effects of behavior, ecology, and morphology BRANDLEY, N*; CAVES, E; Colorado College; Duke University The use of the phrase “eagle eye” illustrates the widespread belief that birds have sharp spatial vision. Although some birds of prey do show visual acuity measurements finer than […]

Spectral Tuning in Heliconius Butterflies Following Loss of a Second UV Photoreceptor

Meeting Abstract 46-3  Friday, Jan. 6 08:45 – 09:00  Spectral Tuning in Heliconius Butterflies Following Loss of a Second UV Photoreceptor MCCULLOCH, KJ*; BRISCOE, AD; University of California, Irvine; University of California, Irvine For many animals, color vision is essential for survival and reproduction. Butterflies in particular have good color vision and colorful wing patterns that […]

Genetic mechanisms underlying variation in visual systems of freshwater fishes in the genus Etheostoma

Meeting Abstract 46-4  Friday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:15  Genetic mechanisms underlying variation in visual systems of freshwater fishes in the genus Etheostoma GUMM, JM*; CARLETON, KL; MENDELSON, TC; Stephen F. Austin State University; University of Maryland, College Park; University of Maryland, Baltimore County Variation in visual systems may lead to differences in visually mediated […]

Expression and Spectral Analysis of Eleven Opsins Reveals Astonishing Photochemical Diversity in the Scallop Argopecten irradians (Mollusca Bivalvia)

Meeting Abstract 46-2  Friday, Jan. 6 08:30 – 08:45  Expression and Spectral Analysis of Eleven Opsins Reveals Astonishing Photochemical Diversity in the Scallop Argopecten irradians (Mollusca: Bivalvia) FAGGIONATO, D; PAIRETT, AN; SERB, JM*; Iowa State Univ.; Iowa State Univ.; Iowa State Univ. Despite having complex mirror eyes and showing mantle shadow response, the molecular details […]

Entraining to the Polar Day Circadian Rhythms in Arctic Ground Squirrels

Meeting Abstract 46-6  Friday, Jan. 6 09:30 – 09:45  Entraining to the Polar Day: Circadian Rhythms in Arctic Ground Squirrels WILLIAMS, CT*; BARNES, BM; YAN, L; BUCK, CL; Northern Arizona University; Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks; Michigan State University; Northern Arizona University In mammals, the master circadian clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus, […]

Diel Lighting Impacts on Behavior and Opsin Expression in a Coastal Cnidarian

Meeting Abstract 46-5  Friday, Jan. 6 09:15 – 09:30  Diel Lighting Impacts on Behavior and Opsin Expression in a Coastal Cnidarian LEACH, W.B.*; PERES, R.; REITZEL, A.M.; University of North Carolina, Charlotte; University of Hawaii Cancer Center; University of North Carolina, Charlotte Species occurring in aquatic habitats are subjected to a range of optical stimuli. Previous […]

Characterization of Phototransduction Genes in Alima pacifica (Crustacea, Stomatopoda)

Meeting Abstract 46-1  Friday, Jan. 6 08:15 – 08:30  Characterization of Phototransduction Genes in Alima pacifica (Crustacea, Stomatopoda) STECK, M*; RONCALLI, V; CIESLAK, M; LENZ, P; CHRISTIE, A; PORTER, M; University of Hawaii at Manoa; PBRC; PBRC; PBRC; PBRC; University of Hawaii at Manoa Adult stomatopods have complex eyes that are specialized for color and polarization […]

Variation in Young’s modulus of tracheal tubes in the beetle (Zophobas morio)

Meeting Abstract 46-4  Friday, Jan. 5 08:45 – 09:00  Variation in Young’s modulus of tracheal tubes in the beetle (Zophobas morio) ADJERID, K*; SOOD, N; DE VITA, R; SOCHA, J; Virginia Tech; Pulaski County High School; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech Insects breathe using a complex network of rhythmically collapsing tracheal tubes, facilitating active ventilation. In […]

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