Meeting Abstract 45.8 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Turbulent mixing inhibits discrimination of attractive vs. aversive chemicals in crabs by eroding small scale filament structure impinging on antennulary chemosensors WEISSBURG, M.J.*; BERKENKAMP, K.; MANKIN, D.; GA Tech; GA Tech; GA Tech Animals distinguish chemicals in environments where cues from different sources may be mixed. Although the role of […]
sessions: Session 45
The shadow response of RPeD11, in Lymnaea
Meeting Abstract 45.5 Tuesday, Jan. 5 The shadow response of RPeD11, in Lymnaea SUNADA, Hiroshi; SAKAKIBARA, Manabu*; Tokai University Stress, especially that elicited by ecologically relevant stressors (e.g. Predator detection) enhances long-term memory (LTM) formation in the pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis. In addition, predator detection elicits a suite of so-called vigilance behaviors one of which is […]
Quality of the song environment affects monoaminergic activity in the forebrain of male Lincoln’s sparrows
Meeting Abstract 45.11 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Quality of the song environment affects monoaminergic activity in the forebrain of male Lincoln’s sparrows SEWALL, K.B.*; CARO, S.P.; SOCKMAN, K.W.; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Male songbirds often establish territories and attract mates by singing, and […]
Diurnal and circadian regulation of opsins co-expressed in Limulus photoreceptors
Meeting Abstract 45.2 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Diurnal and circadian regulation of opsins co-expressed in Limulus photoreceptors BATTELLE, B-A.*; KATTI, C; LEGG, A; GONZALES, R; RIVERA, E; KEMPLER, K; Whitney Laboratory, Univ. of Florida Three opsins co-express in Limulus lateral eye (LE) photoreceptors: opsins1 and 2, which are 99% identical to one another and called here ops1-2, […]
Detection of Airborne Odorants by Loggerhead Sea Turtles
Meeting Abstract 45.9 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Detection of Airborne Odorants by Loggerhead Sea Turtles ENDRES, C*; PUTMAN, N; LOHMANN, KJ; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Sea turtles are known to detect chemical cues, but in contrast to most marine animals, turtles surface to […]
Dermal photoreception in the pond snail Lymnaea
Meeting Abstract 45.3 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Dermal photoreception in the pond snail Lymnaea PANKEY, M.S.*; SUNADA, H.; SAKAKIBARA, M.; University of California, Santa Barbara; Tokai University; Tokai University Light perception in many animals, even those lacking eyes, is assisted by a diffuse system of photoreceptive neurons. Such nonvisual photoreception may represent an ancient mechanism predating the […]
Convergent evolutionary origin of an eye in the demosponge Amphimedon queenslandica
Meeting Abstract 45.4 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Convergent evolutionary origin of an eye in the demosponge Amphimedon queenslandica OAKLEY, TH*; RIVERA, AS; OZTURK, N; FAHEY, B; PLACHETZKI, DC; DEGNAN, BM; LEYS, SP; SANCAR, A; Univ. of California, Santa Barbara; Univ. of Richmond; Univ of North Carolina; Univ of Queensland; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ of Queensland; Univ of […]
Comparative physiology of mechanosensory neurons in three species of leeches
Meeting Abstract 45.6 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Comparative physiology of mechanosensory neurons in three species of leeches. BALTZLEY, MJ; St. Mary’s College of Maryland In the leech Hirudo verbana, each midbody ganglion has four pressure (P) mechanosensory neurons, six touch (T) mechanosensory neurons, and four nociceptive (N) neurons. Putative P cell homologues in the leech Erpobdella obscura […]
Behavioral and brain responses of female Lincoln’s sparrows to variation in male song quality
Meeting Abstract 45.10 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Behavioral and brain responses of female Lincoln’s sparrows to variation in male song quality CARO, S.P.*; SEWALL, K.B.; SALVANTE, K.G.; ALDREDGE, R.A.; SOCKMAN, K.W.; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, Canada; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina, […]
Autonomous Cricket Biosensors for Acoustic Detection
Meeting Abstract 45.1 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Autonomous Cricket Biosensors for Acoustic Detection MULCAHEY, Thomas I. *; HORSTMANN, Jan T.; HU, David L.; SABRA, Karim; WEISSBURG, Marc; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology This project characterizes and utilizes the underlying signal processing mechanisms […]