Scaling of avian bipedal locomotion How does body size influence gait dynamics in level and uneven terrain

Meeting Abstract 45.5  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:15  Scaling of avian bipedal locomotion: How does body size influence gait dynamics in level and uneven terrain? DALEY, MA*; BIRN-JEFFERY, AV; Royal Veterinary Colleg; University of California Riverside Most studies on scaling of locomotion are based on steady movement over level terrain. It is well established that leg posture […]

New methods for assessing scaling and body condition in several shark species

Meeting Abstract 45.3  Sunday, Jan. 5 10:45  New methods for assessing scaling and body condition in several shark species IRSCHICK, DJ*; HARTOG, K; ESCONTRELA, D; HAMMERSCHLAG, N; University of Massachusetts at Amherst; Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami; Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami; Rosenstiel School of Marine and […]

From Archaeopteryx to modern Aves testing the impact of allometry and phylogeny in shaping bird brain evolution

Meeting Abstract 45.6  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:30  From Archaeopteryx to modern Aves: testing the impact of allometry and phylogeny in shaping bird brain evolution WATANABE, A.*; BALANOFF, A.B.; NORELL, M.A.; American Museum of Natural History, New York; Stony Brook University, Stony Brook; American Museum of Natural History, New York Brain anatomy is thought to be highly […]

Compensatory growth and lipid generation in “Threespine Stickleback” (Gasterosteus aculeatus)

Meeting Abstract 45.1  Sunday, Jan. 5 10:15  Compensatory growth and lipid generation in “Threespine Stickleback” (Gasterosteus aculeatus) REYES, ML*; BAKER, J; FOSTER, S; Clark University Many organisms exhibit compensatory growth (CG), an accelerated growth rate during recovery from a total or partial food deprivation than during periods of continuous food availability. However, many aspects of compensatory […]

Archosaur hip joint and its significance in body size and locomotor evolution

Meeting Abstract 45.7  Sunday, Jan. 5 11:45  Archosaur hip joint and its significance in body size and locomotor evolution TSAI, H.P.*; MIDDLETON, K.M.; HOLLIDAY, C.M.; Univ. of Missouri; Univ. of Missouri; Univ. of Missouri Reconstructing joint anatomy and function is critical to understanding posture, locomotor behavior, ecology, and evolution of vertebrates. Archosaurs evolved a wide diversity […]

Tracking down historical data in the Digital Age

Meeting Abstract 45.4  Monday, Jan. 5 11:15  Tracking down historical data in the Digital Age SMITH, KA; University of Washington Assessing the effect of global warming on natural systems is critical. The rate of global warming has been increasing in recent years, and a powerful method for determining the effects of global warming on the […]

Oyster Reef Restoration and Recreational Boating Compatible or Not

Meeting Abstract 45.3  Monday, Jan. 5 11:00  Oyster Reef Restoration and Recreational Boating: Compatible or Not? WALTERS, LJ*; SACKS, PE; PALMER, J; Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando; Winter Springs High School; Brevard Zoo We document significant declines of intertidal oysters within Mosquito Lagoon, Florida, with the most serious losses occurring within Canaveral National Seashore, where reef […]

Ocean Acidification and Arm Regeneration in the Burrowing Brittle Star Ophiophragmus filograneus

Meeting Abstract 45.2  Monday, Jan. 5 10:45  Ocean Acidification and Arm Regeneration in the Burrowing Brittle Star Ophiophragmus filograneus CLEMENTS, LAJ*; STALKER, JC; WENK, L; Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL; Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL; Jacksonville University, Jacksonville, FL Environmental perturbations, both natural and man-made have consequences on the growth, behavior and ecology of marine organisms. Ocean acidification […]

Hedgehogs or Foxes

Meeting Abstract 45.6  Monday, Jan. 5 11:45  Hedgehogs or Foxes RINGOLD, PAUL L; None What kind of scientists will be in demand in the future? Should we be training generalists or specialists? For my dissertation, I looked at factors controlling the distribution and abundance of three species of Uca. I conducted the research in small plots […]

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