Meeting Abstract 44.5  Monday, Jan. 5  LIZARD BODY FORM EVOLUTION AS ADAPTATIONS FOR OPTIMAL LOCOMOTION IN DIFFERENT HABITATS PIENAAR, J*; SCALES, J. A. ; WIENS, J. J. ; BUTLER, M. A. ; University of Hawaii We hypothesize that locomotion requirements through a given habitat are a major determinant of body form evolution amongst lizards. To test […]

Evolution of fiber type composition in a lizard locomotor muscle

Meeting Abstract 44.6  Monday, Jan. 5  Evolution of fiber type composition in a lizard locomotor muscle SCALES, J A*; KING, A A; BUTLER, M A; University of Hawaii, Manoa; University of Michigan; University of Hawaii, Manoa Locomotion has often served as a model system for adaptive evolution. Many studies have examined how morphology, especially limb proportions, […]

Evolution of Dewlap Pigmentation in Anoline Lizards

Meeting Abstract 44.3  Monday, Jan. 5  Evolution of Dewlap Pigmentation in Anoline Lizards CRAWFORD, N.G.*; SCHNEIDER, C.J.; LOSOS, J.B.; HOEKSTRA, H.E.; Boston University; Boston University; Harvard University; Harvard University Anoles (genus Anolis) are small arboreal lizards found throughout the Caribbean and Central and northern South America. Anoles are sexually dimorphic and males have extensible gular folds […]

Adaptive Radiation in Toepad Characteristics in Mainland and Caribbean Anolis Communities

Meeting Abstract 44.2  Monday, Jan. 5  Adaptive Radiation in Toepad Characteristics in Mainland and Caribbean Anolis Communities FRANK, H.K.*; MAHLER, D.L.; REVELL, L.J.; LOSOS, J.B.; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Harvard University, Cambridge, MA Caribbean Anolis lizards are a model system for the study of evolutionary divergence and adaptive […]

Tracking the oxidative kinetics of carbohydrates, amino acids, and fatty acids in the house sparrow using exhaled 13CO2

Meeting Abstract 44.5  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Tracking the oxidative kinetics of carbohydrates, amino acids, and fatty acids in the house sparrow using exhaled 13CO2 MCCUE, Marshall/D*; SIVAN, Orit; MCWILLIAMS, Scott/R; PINSHOW, Berry; Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research; Ben Gurion University; Univ Rhode Island; Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research Clinicians have measured the 13CO2 in exhaled breath […]

Seasonal energetics of a northern free-ranging mammal in a resource pulse system

Meeting Abstract 44.1  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Seasonal energetics of a northern free-ranging mammal in a resource pulse system FLETCHER, Q.E.*; BOUTIN, S.; MCADAM, A.G.; SPEAKMAN, J.R.; HUMPHRIES, M.M.; McGill Univ. Throughout the year, all animals face energetic demands resulting from allocation to reproduction, in addition to variation in food availability and climatic conditions. The role played […]

Maternal investment in the Antarctic fur seal Impacts of maternal traits, pup traits, and provisioning strategy

Meeting Abstract 44.2  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Maternal investment in the Antarctic fur seal: Impacts of maternal traits, pup traits, and provisioning strategy MCDONALD, B.I.*; GOEBEL, M.E.; CROCKER, D.E.; COSTA, D.P.; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Antarctic Ecology Research Division, NOAA; Sonoma State University; Univ. of California, Santa Cruz Life history theory predicts that reproductive effort should […]

Fueling flight with fat substrate selectivity of avian CPT

Meeting Abstract 44.4  Tuesday, Jan. 5  Fueling flight with fat: substrate selectivity of avian CPT PRICE, Edwin R.*; GUGLIELMO, Christopher G.; University of Western Ontario; University of Western Ontario Carnitine palmitoyl transferase (CPT) catalyzes the conversion of fatty acyl CoA to fatty acyl carnitine which can then be transported across the mitochondrial membrane. This is often […]

A complete profile of carbohydrate metabolism during prolonged fasting in the northern elephant seal

Meeting Abstract 44.3  Tuesday, Jan. 5  A complete profile of carbohydrate metabolism during prolonged fasting in the northern elephant seal CHAMPAGNE, CD*; FOWLER, MA; COSTA, DP; HOUSER, DS; CROCKER, DE; UC Santa Cruz; UC Santa Cruz; UC Santa Cruz; Sonoma State University; Sonoma State University During prolonged fasting, glucose derives from gluconeogenesis and is required as […]

Turning the corner in arboreal locomotion the kinetics of changing direction in the Siberian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus)

Meeting Abstract 44.3  Wednesday, Jan. 5  Turning the corner in arboreal locomotion: the kinetics of changing direction in the Siberian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus) LAMMERS, A.R.*; SUFKA, K.M.; Cleveland State University; Cleveland State University Arboreal animals frequently change directions during locomotion on tree branches, trunks, or twigs. The linear and rotational impulses required to change direction during […]

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