Sperm production in Gambusia affinis as a biomarker of endocrine disruption

Meeting Abstract 44.11  Jan. 6  Sperm production in Gambusia affinis as a biomarker of endocrine disruption MELVIN, III, Paul D.*; BOYD, Amy; ANGUS, Robert A.; University of Alabama at Birmingham; University of Alabama at Birmingham; University of Alabama at Birmingham pdmelvin@uab.edu Many anthropogenic compounds with endocrine disrupting activity have been detected in aquatic environments. The mosquitofish, Gambusia […]

Reproductive Disruption of Fishes by an Endocrine-active Wastewater Effluent

Meeting Abstract 44.7  Jan. 6  Reproductive Disruption of Fishes by an Endocrine-active Wastewater Effluent VAJDA, A.M.*; LOPEZ, E.M.; GRAY, J.L.; BARBER, L.B.; WOODLING, J.D.; NORRIS, D.O.; University of Colorado; University of Colorado ; U.S. Geological Survey; U.S. Geological Survey ; University of Colorado; University of Colorado alan.vajda@colorado.edu The city of Boulder discharges its wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) […]

Nitrate stress in the Morro Bay Ecosystem Utilizing 2D gel electrophoresis to characterize protein expression profiles in Mytilus californianus

Meeting Abstract 44.1  Jan. 6  Nitrate stress in the Morro Bay Ecosystem: Utilizing 2D gel electrophoresis to characterize protein expression profiles in Mytilus californianus TURNER, B. E.; TOMANEK, L.*; California Polytechnic State Univ., San Luis Obispo ltomanek@calpoly.edu Estuaries depend on effluents containing complex mixtures of numerous anthropogenic and naturally derived chemical compounds, e.g. nitrogen. Increased nitrate and […]

Multiple vitellogenins and their physiological regulation by 17&beta-estradiol and two endocrine disruptors in the Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus

Meeting Abstract 44.5  Jan. 6  Multiple vitellogenins and their physiological regulation by 17&beta-estradiol and two endocrine disruptors in the Mozambique tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus DAVIS, L.K.*; HIRAMATSU, N.; SULLIVAN, C.; HIRANO, T.; GRAU, E.G.; Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii, Kaneohe; Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute, Kushiro, Japan; North Carolina State University, Raleigh; Hawaii Institute of […]

Location-associated Differences in Sex Steroid Levels in Flatfish of the Santa Monica Bay, California Human-derived Sources

Meeting Abstract 44.4  Jan. 6  Location-associated Differences in Sex Steroid Levels in Flatfish of the Santa Monica Bay, California � Human-derived Sources? PETSCHAUER, D.M.**; REYES, J.A.; KELLEY, K.M.; California State University, Long Beach; California State University, Long Beach; California State University, Long Beach drgnfly0602@aol.com Santa Monica Bay (SMB) is utilized extensively for both recreational and commercial purposes, […]

From chemical confusion to chemical castration endocrine disruption leads to a range of reproductive abnormalities in Bufo marinus living in agricultural areas of South Florida

Meeting Abstract 44.6  Jan. 6  From chemical confusion to chemical castration: endocrine disruption leads to a range of reproductive abnormalities in Bufo marinus living in agricultural areas of South Florida MCCOY, K. A*; GUILLETTE, L. J; ST MARY, C.; Univ of Florida, Gainesville; Univ of Florida, Gainesville; Univ of Florida, Gainesville kristam@zoo.ufl.edu Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) cause […]

Effects of environmental estrogens on osmoregulatory homeostasis and endocrine responses of euryhaline teleosts

Meeting Abstract 44.3  Jan. 6  Effects of environmental estrogens on osmoregulatory homeostasis and endocrine responses of euryhaline teleosts LERNER, D.T.*; DAVIS, L.K.; MCCORMICK, S.D.; HIRANO, T.; GRAU, E.G.; Hawaii Inst. of Marine Biol., Univ. of Hawaii, Kaneohe; Hawaii Inst. of Marine Biol., Univ. of Hawaii, Kaneohe; USGS, Conte Anadromous Fish Res. Cntr, Turners Falls, MA; Hawaii Inst. […]

Disruption of the Fish Thyroid Axis by Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) Flame Retardants

Meeting Abstract 44.2  Jan. 6  Disruption of the Fish Thyroid Axis by Polybrominated Diphenyl Ether (PBDE) Flame Retardants LEMA, S.C.*; DICKEY, J.T.; SCHULTZ, I.R.; SWANSON, P.; Northwest Fisheries Science Center; Univ. of Washington; Battelle Marine Sciences Laboratory; Northwest Fisheries Science Center sean.lema@noaa.gov Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) are a class of brominated hydrocarbons used as flame retardant additives […]

Reproductive allometry and the size-number trade-off for lizards

Meeting Abstract 44.8  Saturday, Jan. 5  Reproductive allometry and the size-number trade-off for lizards WARNE, R.W.*; CHARNOV, E.L.; WOLF, B.O.; Univ. of New Mexico rwarne@unm.edu Fundamental to life history theory is the assumed inverse proportionality between the number of offspring and the resource allocation per offspring. Lizards have been model organisms for empirical tests of this theory […]

Repeated Convergent Evolution of Parental Care Strategies within Xenotilapia, a Genus of Cichlid Fishes from Lake Tanganyika

Meeting Abstract 44.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  Repeated Convergent Evolution of Parental Care Strategies within Xenotilapia, a Genus of Cichlid Fishes from Lake Tanganyika KIDD, M.R.*; HOFMANN, H.A.; The University of Texas at Austin; The University of Texas at Austin mckidd@earthlink.net The factors promoting the evolution of parental care strategies have been extensively studied in experiment and theory. […]

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