A comparative study of behavioral, morphological, and molecular reaction norms of locust phase polyphenism

Meeting Abstract 44-7  Saturday, Jan. 5 09:30 – 09:45  A comparative study of behavioral, morphological, and molecular reaction norms of locust phase polyphenism FOQUET, B.*; SONG, H.; Texas a&m University; Texas a&m University Bertfoquet@tamu.edu Locusts are grasshoppers (Acrididae) that form large migratory swarms or marching bands, and show density-dependent phase polyphenism. This polyphenism consists of two phases, […]

A Tale of Two Colors How Structural and Pigmented Wing Colors Share a Developmental Mechanism in the Seasonally Polyphenetic Southern Dogface Butterfly

Meeting Abstract 44-2  Saturday, Jan. 5 08:15 – 08:30  A Tale of Two Colors: How Structural and Pigmented Wing Colors Share a Developmental Mechanism in the Seasonally Polyphenetic Southern Dogface Butterfly FENNER, JL*; COUNTERMAN, BA; Mississippi State University; Mississippi State University Jls1393@msstate.edu The vast array of biodiversity and natural variation that we see around us has been […]

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