Peristaltic burrowing in beach sands by the polychaete Thoracophelia mucronata

Meeting Abstract 43.9  Thursday, Jan. 5  Peristaltic burrowing in beach sands by the polychaete Thoracophelia mucronata DORGAN, K.M.*; ROUSE, G.; Scripps Institution of Oceanography; Scripps Institution of Oceanography Recent work has shown that a range of polychaete annelids extend burrows through muddy sediments by fracture. Beach sands, however, are non-cohesive granular materials with different mechanics than […]

Migration in three dimensions Flight altitudes of small migratory birds

Meeting Abstract 43.5  Thursday, Jan. 5  Migration in three dimensions: Flight altitudes of small migratory birds BOWLIN, M.S.*; ENSTROM, D.A.; COCHRAN, W.W.; COCHRAN, J.; Univ. of Michgan-Dearborn; Illinois Natural History Survey; Illinois Natural History Survey; JDJC Corp. Small migratory birds use approximately one third of their energy budget during migration on flight; most of the mortality […]

Inertial and Fluid Forces during Bat Flight Maneuvers

Meeting Abstract 43.2  Thursday, Jan. 5  Inertial and Fluid Forces during Bat Flight Maneuvers BERGOU, AJ*; FRANCK, J; REIMNITZ, L; RISKIN, D; TAUBIN, G; SWARTZ, S; BREUER, K; Brown University Flying animals generate forces and torques to move through the air by coordinating the movement of their wings. Bats have evolved a particularly impressive capacity for […]

Flying in two dimensions

Meeting Abstract 43.3  Thursday, Jan. 5  Flying in two dimensions PRAKASH, Manu*; DONALD, Kim; Stanford University ; Stanford University Surface of a pond provides an ecological niche which is exploited by a large number of species capable of locomotion on a fluid interface. Here we describe the discovery of constrained flight in two dimensions as a […]

Does extended training alter the operating length of leg extensor muscles

Meeting Abstract 43.1  Thursday, Jan. 5  Does extended training alter the operating length of leg extensor muscles? KONOW, N*; ROBERTS, TJ; Brown University; Brown University Muscles are susceptible to damage during active lengthening. If a muscle operates at short fascicle lengths, on the ascending limb of its length-tension (LT) curve, the risk of damage may be […]

Climbing and falling in confined environments

Meeting Abstract 43.8  Thursday, Jan. 5  Climbing and falling in confined environments GRAVISH, N*; SALDANA, L; JANKOVSKY, N; GOODISMAN, M.A.D.; GOLDMAN, D.I.; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech Subterranean animals must rapidly navigate unpredictable and perilous underground environments. Nests of the fire ant Solenopsis invicta (average body length 0.39 cm) consist of […]

The timing of muscle recruitment alters series elastic function during lengthening contractions

Meeting Abstract 43.5  Saturday, Jan. 5  The timing of muscle recruitment alters series elastic function during lengthening contractions ABBOTT, EM*; AZIZI, E; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine During eccentric contractions muscles are actively lengthened to dissipate energy. While eccentric contractions are physiologically common, muscle injury and soreness are often associated with actively lengthened […]

The effect of muscle fibre recruitment on force-velocity properties and the implications for Hill-type models

Meeting Abstract 43.3  Saturday, Jan. 5  The effect of muscle fibre recruitment on force-velocity properties and the implications for Hill-type models HOLT, NC*; MIARA, M; WAKELING, JM; BIEWENER, AA; Concord Field Station; Concord Field Station; Simon Fraser University; Concord Field Station Hill-type muscle models, which are broadly used in human applications, provide a simple way to […]

Tendon function during swimming does compliance enhance performance

Meeting Abstract 43.2  Saturday, Jan. 5  Tendon function during swimming: does compliance enhance performance? RIVERA, A.R.V.*; CHOUDHURY, U.; RICHARDS, C.T.; Rowland Institute at Harvard; Rowland Institute at Harvard; Rowland Institute at Harvard Tendons can enhance performance by storing elastic energy produced by the muscle, then releasing it rapidly during recoil, assisting the muscle to accelerate the […]

Neuromuscular modulation of kinematic performance in hovering hummingbirds

Meeting Abstract 43.6  Saturday, Jan. 5  Neuromuscular modulation of kinematic performance in hovering hummingbirds MAHALINGAM, S; WELCH, KC*; University of Toronto; University of Toronto Scarborough While producing the highest power output of any vertebrate hummingbirds must also precisely modulate muscle activity to vary wingbeat kinematics and modulate lift production. However, wingbeat kinematics can vary in different […]

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