NAVARA, KJ*; SIEFFERMAN, LM; HILL, GE; MENDON�A, MT; Auburn University, AL; Auburn University, AL; Auburn University, AL; Auburn University, AL: Yolk androgens differ independently of maternal androgens in eastern bluebirds: an experimental study Avian females deposit variable amounts of androgen into the yolks of their eggs, a potentially adaptive mechanism for altering offspring quality. It […]
sessions: Session 42
Transfer of Maternal Corticosterone to Yolk in Preovulatory and Postovulatory Tree Lizard (Urosaurus ornatus) Eggs
JOHNSTON, G.I.H.**; MOORE, M.C.; Arizona State University; Arizona State University: Transfer of Maternal Corticosterone to Yolk in Preovulatory and Postovulatory Tree Lizard (Urosaurus ornatus) Eggs Eggs of many vertebrates contain yolk steroids of maternal origin, which can profoundly influence offspring development, growth, and behavior. How and when steroids get into the yolk is still not […]
The Effects of Experimentally Elevated Testosterone on Parental Care in Female Dark-eyed Juncos
O’NEAL, D.M.*; PAVLIS, K.; KETTERSON, E.D.; Indiana University, Bloomington; University of Guelph; Indiana University, Bloomington: The Effects of Experimentally Elevated Testosterone on Parental Care in Female Dark-eyed Juncos Experimental elevation of plasma testosterone (T) in male dark-eyed juncos (Junco hyemalis) has been shown to decrease male parental care, but results in an overall fitness increased […]
Sex-Specific Effects of Yolk Androgens in American Kestrels
SOCKMAN, KW*; WEBSTER, MS; TALBOT, V; SCHWABL, H; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Washington State Univ.; Washington State Univ.; Washington State Univ.: Sex-Specific Effects of Yolk Androgens in American Kestrels Female birds deposit high concentrations of androgen hormones into the yolks of their eggs as they are formed on the ovarian follicle. In several […]
Could female ringtailed lemurs be masculinized by maternal androgens
DREA, C.M.; Duke University: Could female ringtailed lemurs be �masculinized� by maternal androgens? To examine the broader application of hormonal mechanisms of behavioral and morphological masculinization described for the female spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta ), the present study explored a similar, but less extreme, phenomenon in the ringtailed lemur (Lemur catta ), a Malagaszy primate […]
Blocking androgen and estrogen action does not affect territorial behaviour of sex-role reversed female black coucals Centropus grillii
GOYMANN, W*; MUCK, C; SCHWABL, I; Max Planck Institute for Ornithology: Blocking androgen and estrogen action does not affect territorial behaviour of sex-role reversed female black coucals Centropus grillii In male birds, territorial behavior and song during the breeding season is commonly modulated by androgens. In classically polyandrous bird species, the sex roles are reversed, […]
The versatile mechanical function of two proximal hindlimb muscles in running turkeys
Meeting Abstract 42.2 Jan. 6 The versatile mechanical function of two proximal hindlimb muscles in running turkeys ROBERTS, T.J.*; HIGGINSON, B.K.; Brown University, Providence, RI; Oregon State University, Corvallis The muscles that power running must be remarkably flexible in their mechanical function. For example, the muscular system performs almost no net mechanical work during level running, […]
Ontogeny of Muscle Fiber Type Distribution in Climbing Hawaiian Gobioid Fishes Muscle and locomotor correlation
Meeting Abstract 42.4 Jan. 6 Ontogeny of Muscle Fiber Type Distribution in Climbing Hawaiian Gobioid Fishes: Muscle and locomotor correlation CEDIEL, R*; SCHOENFUSS, H; BLOB, R; SHRANK, G; St.Cloud State; St.Cloud State; Clemson; St.Cloud State Three species of Hawaiian amphidromous gobies are remarkable in their ability to climb waterfalls several hundred meters tall. Juveniles of Lentipes […]
Muscle Function in a Complex Muscle During Legged Locomotion
Meeting Abstract 42.3 Jan. 6 Muscle Function in a Complex Muscle During Legged Locomotion CARR, J.A.*; MARSH, R.L.; Northeastern University; Northeastern University Understanding the mechanical function of muscles with extensive origins and insertions is challenging. The Iliotibialis lateralis pars postacetabularis (ILPO) is one of the largest muscles in the hindlimb of cursorial birds, but this muscle […]
Function of uniarticular and biarticular heads of the triceps during jumping and landing in goats
Meeting Abstract 42.1 Jan. 6 Function of uniarticular and biarticular heads of the triceps during jumping and landing in goats. CARROLL, A. M.*; BIEWENER, A. A.; Concord Field Station, Harvard University; Concord Field Station, Harvard University Muscle systems in the limbs of tetrapods are often organized into synergistic uni- and bi-articular regions. To understand how these […]