JANOVETZ, J.: Feeding in Serrasalmine Fishes: A Comparison of Suction and Biting Prey Capture Most fishes capture prey by suction feeding, rapidly expanding the oral cavity to create an inward flow of water that transports prey into the mouth. This type of prey capture is primitive for osteichthyes and has been the subject of considerable […]
sessions: Session 42
A Comparison of Prey Capture Behavior and Kinematics in Three Ram Feeding Fishes
Porter, H.T.*; Motta, P.J.: A Comparison of Prey Capture Behavior and Kinematics in Three Ram Feeding Fishes Ram feeding is the process by which a predatory fish uses a high-velocity lunge or chase to overtake its prey. This study compares the strike and prey capture behaviors and kinematics of three species of ram-feeding fishes: Florida […]
Wake structure and force production during steady swimming by the chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus
NAUEN, J.C.; LAUDER, G.V.: Wake structure and force production during steady swimming by the chub mackerel, Scomber japonicus We quantified patterns of water motion in the wakes of chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus) swimming steadily in a recirculating flow tank at speeds of 1.2 and 2.2 lengths/s. Using Digital Particle Image Velocimetry methods, thrust was calculated […]
Steady swimming muscle dynamics in the leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata)
DONLEY, Jeanine/M; SHADWICK, Robert/E: Steady swimming muscle dynamics in the leopard shark (Triakis semifasciata) We investigated the muscle dynamics of the aerobic red myotomal muscle during steady swimming in the leopard shark, Triakis semifasciata. Electromyographic and sonometric techniques were used to measure red muscle activation patterns and instantaneous muscle length. The timing of muscle activation […]
Novel body kinematics of trout swimming in a von Karman trail; can fish tune to vortices
LIAO, J.*; BEAL, D.N.*; LAUDER, G.V.*; TRIANTAFYLLOU, M.*: Novel body kinematics of trout swimming in a von Karman trail; can fish tune to vortices? Flow past cylinders creates a downstream array of staggered, counter-rotating vortices known as the von Karman trail. By altering the combination of flow and cylinder diameter we can change the frequency […]
Multiple escape response patterns in Polypterus senegalus Kinematics and electromyography
TYTELL, E.D.*; LAUDER, G.V.: Multiple escape response patterns in Polypterus senegalus: Kinematics and electromyography The kinematics and muscle activity patterns of escape responses in the bichir, Polypterus senegalus, were analyzed using high speed video and electromyography (EMG). Five fish were filmed at 250Hz while recording white muscle activity at five sites on both sides of […]
Jet flow in swimming squid
ANDERSON, E.J.*; JIANG, H.; GROSENBAUGH, M.A.: Jet flow in swimming squid Jet flow from live swimming squid (L. pealei) and boundary layer flow in the vicinity of the jet orifice were visualized using PIV and PTV. The squid were swum in a flume at 0.25 – 2 body lengths per second (BL/s) (i.e. 9 – […]
Experimental Studies of Jumping Preferences of Adult Migrating Pacific Salmon
LAURITZEN, Dean V.*; HERTEL, Fritz; GORDON, Malcolm S.: Experimental Studies of Jumping Preferences of Adult Migrating Pacific Salmon The damming of streams has been a major contributor to the decline of many populations of anadromous fishes around the world. This is especially true for the endangered Pacific salmon. Fishladders have been built to help fishes […]
Towards a non-invasive protocol for monitoring the wellbeing of marsupial populations
MCKENZIE, Sarah; DEANE, Elizabeth M; Macquarie University; Macquarie University: Towards a non-invasive protocol for monitoring the wellbeing of marsupial populations. Effective management of captive animal populations requires a comprehensive understanding of both their biological and psychosocial needs, and the tools to monitor their resultant wellbeing. We are concerned with developing and validating a non-invasive protocol […]
Plasma corticosterone in captive sibling American kestrels effects of age, hatching order and hatching asynchrony
LOVE, O.P.; BIRD, D.M.; SHUTT, L.; McGill University, Montreal; McGill University, Montreal; Canadian Wildlife Service, Hull: Plasma corticosterone in captive sibling American kestrels: effects of age, hatching order and hatching asynchrony Sibling variation in adrenocortical function was investigated in postnatally developing, asynchronously-hatching American kestrels (Falco sparverius) by measurements of baseline and acute stress-induced levels of […]