Meeting Abstract 42.4 Monday, Jan. 5 11:00 Evolution of high performance and thermal robustness of salamander tongue projection DEBAN, SM*; SCALES, JA; University of South Florida, Tampa; University of South Florida, Tampa http:// Plethodontid salamanders are characterized by specialized feeding mechanisms, with ballistic and thermally robust tongue projection having evolved multiple times. All ballistic taxa project […]
sessions: Session 42
Dynamic Mechanical Advantage The Role of an Overlooked Muscle in Lower-jaw Adduction in Fishes
Meeting Abstract 42.2 Monday, Jan. 5 10:30 Dynamic Mechanical Advantage? The Role of an Overlooked Muscle in Lower-jaw Adduction in Fishes KENALEY, C/P*; MARECKI, M; LAUDER, G/V; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University The functional design of actinopterygian cranial musculoskeletal systems and its contribution to aquatic prey capture has been the subject of study for […]
Between the jaws of the leptocephalus larva biomechanically approaching a rarely observed organism
Meeting Abstract 42.3 Monday, Jan. 5 10:45 Between the jaws of the leptocephalus larva: biomechanically approaching a rarely observed organism BOUILLIART, M*; TOMKIEWICZ, J; LAUESEN, P; OKAMURA, A; ADRIAENS, D; Ghent University, Belgium; Technical University of Denmark; Billund Aquaculture, Denmark; IRAGO Institute, Japan; Ghent University, Belgium Being part of the Elopomorph group of fishes, Anguillidae species […]
Patterns of expression and evolution of cryptochrome and timeless genes involved in lunar spawning Temporal prezygotic isolation among sympatric species of the pantropical sea urchin Diadema
Meeting Abstract 42-5 Tuesday, Jan. 5 09:15 Patterns of expression and evolution of cryptochrome and timeless genes involved in lunar spawning: Temporal prezygotic isolation among sympatric species of the pantropical sea urchin Diadema COPPARD, S.E.; Hamilton College, Clinton, New York Diadema setosum and D. savignyi are sympatric throughout much of the Tropical West Pacific and Indian […]
Latent effects of environmental experience on learning and memory in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Meeting Abstract 42-3 Tuesday, Jan. 5 08:45 Latent effects of environmental experience on learning and memory in zebrafish (Danio rerio) HUANG, V*; LUBIN, F; University of Alabama at Birmingham A period of environmental experiences can influence an individual’s brain and behavior, such as the capacity to retain memory, long after the insuring experience. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) […]
Genomic deciphering of memory-forming circuits in Aplysia californica at single-neuron resolution
Meeting Abstract 42-1 Tuesday, Jan. 5 08:15 Genomic deciphering of memory-forming circuits in Aplysia californica at single-neuron resolution BOSTWICK, CJ*; YANG, Q; KOHN, AB; HAWKINS, RD; MOROZ, LL; Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL; Columbia Univ, New York, NY; Univ of Florida, Gainesville, FL Aplysia californica is […]
Epitranscriptomic landscape of Aplysia californica Single-cell approach
Meeting Abstract 42-2 Tuesday, Jan. 5 08:30 Epitranscriptomic landscape of Aplysia californica: Single-cell approach KOHN, A.B.*; BASANTA-SANCHEZ, M.; MOROZ, L.L.; University of Florida, Whitney lab; University of Albany, The RNA Institute; University of Florida, Whitney lab, Department of Neuroscience and McKnight Brain Institute Post-transcriptional changes in RNA have the potential to influence the epigenetic landscape. As […]
Divergence and degradation of a polymorphic supergene
Meeting Abstract 42-6 Tuesday, Jan. 5 09:30 Divergence and degradation of a polymorphic supergene BALAKRISHNAN, CN*; BERGLAND, AO; WARREN, WC; GONSER, RA; TUTTLE, EM; East Carolina University; Stanford University; Washington University; Indiana State University; Indiana State University Chromosomal inversions are thought to contribute to adaptation and speciation as they reduce recombination, protecting favorable combinations of alleles. […]
Characterization of gene expression profiles associated with light and temperature induced spawning in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis
Meeting Abstract 42-4 Tuesday, Jan. 5 09:00 Characterization of gene expression profiles associated with light and temperature induced spawning in the sea anemone Nematostella vectensis CROWDER, C*; BABONIS, L; MEYER, E; MARTINDALE, M; WEIS, V; CROWDER, camerr; Oregon State University; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences; Oregon State University; Whitney Laboratory for Marine Biosciences; Oregon State University […]
Voltage and calcium dynamics in alligator hearts in comparison to mammals
Meeting Abstract 42-2 Friday, Jan. 6 08:30 – 08:45 Voltage and calcium dynamics in alligator hearts in comparison to mammals HERNDON, CJ*; UZELAC, I; ASTLEY, HC; FENTON, FH; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; University of Akron; Georgia Institute of Technology American alligator hearts, despite having four chambers like birds and mammals and unlike […]