Turning Mechanisms in Cubomedusae

Meeting Abstract 42.8  Thursday, Jan. 5  Turning Mechanisms in Cubomedusae EICHINGER, J. M.*; SATTERLIE, R.A.; University of North Carolina Wilmington jme1463@uncw.edu Box Jellyfish (Class: Cubozoa) are strong, active swimmers capable of evading hazardous obstacles and orienting to photic stimuli. Directional swimming is accompanied by asymmetric deformations of the velarium, a striated muscle sheet encircling the bell opening. […]

Swim pacemaker response to bath applied neurotransmitters in the box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora rhopalium

Meeting Abstract 42.7  Thursday, Jan. 5  Swim pacemaker response to bath applied neurotransmitters in the box jellyfish Tripedalia cystophora rhopalium. BIELECKI, Jan*; GARM, Anders; University of Copenhagen; University of Copenhagen jbielecki@bio.ku.dk Here we present the first physiological evidence of neurotransmitters used in box jellyfish visual processing. Bath applied RFamides have a proven positive effect on photo tactic […]

Suppression of inappropriate reflexes during centrally commanded movements

Meeting Abstract 42.6  Thursday, Jan. 5  Suppression of inappropriate reflexes during centrally commanded movements TAHIR, U*; EDWARDS, D.H; Georgia State University; Georgia State University utahir1@student.gsu.edu During centrally orchestrated movements, the nervous system must distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate reflex responses. For example, a contact-evoked startle response may be appropriate when the contact is unexpected but inappropriate when […]

Gaining insight visual feedback control in the hawkmoth Manduca sexta

Meeting Abstract 42.2  Thursday, Jan. 5  Gaining insight: visual feedback control in the hawkmoth Manduca sexta. FECHKO, AS*; HINTERWIRTH, AJ; DANIEL, TL; University of Washington; University of Washington; University of Washington ambersf@uw.edu Animals acquire and process sensory information to control motion in complex environments. In the hawkmoth Manduca sexta both visual and mechanosensory information are critical components […]

Flight Decisions Target Orientation, Landing, and Obstacle Avoidance in Fruit Flies

Meeting Abstract 42.3  Thursday, Jan. 5  Flight Decisions: Target Orientation, Landing, and Obstacle Avoidance in Fruit Flies VAN BREUGEL, Floris*; DICKINSON, Michael; California Institute of Technology; University of Washington floris@caltech.edu Landing behavior is one of the most critical, yet least studied, aspects of insect flight behavior. In order to safely land, an insect must recognize a visual […]

Activity of Mauthner cells and their serial homologues during alternative startles in larval zebrafish

Meeting Abstract 42.9  Thursday, Jan. 5  Activity of Mauthner cells and their serial homologues during alternative startles in larval zebrafish LIU, Y.-C.*; HALE, M. E.; Univ. Chicago; Univ. Chicago ycliu@uchicago.edu Fishes perform a range of escape responses to threatening stimuli. Many species perform C-starts, characterized by a C-shaped body bend during stage 1, the initial turn away […]

A mechanical basis for bilateral deficit and facilitation

Meeting Abstract 42.5  Thursday, Jan. 5  A mechanical basis for bilateral deficit and facilitation GUTMANN, Anne K.; University of Moscow, ID agutmann@uidaho.edu Using two limbs, as opposed to one limb, to perform a task can affect single-limb performance. Both bilateral deficit (reduction of single-limb performance during bilateral tasks) and bilateral facilitation (enhancement of single-limb performance during bilateral […]

A hybrid neuromechanical system for studying reflex reversal in crayfish

Meeting Abstract 42.4  Thursday, Jan. 5  A hybrid neuromechanical system for studying reflex reversal in crayfish CHUNG, BP*; LINAN-VELEZ, G; CATTAERT, D; EDWARDS, DH; Georgia State University; Georgia State University; University of Bordeaux 1; Georgia State University bchung4@student.gsu.edu Resistance reflexes help to stabilize posture against outside perturbation. During voluntary movement, however, these types of reflexes can lead […]

A bird’s eye view of path planning Is there a simple rule for flying in a cluttered environment

Meeting Abstract 42.1  Thursday, Jan. 5  A bird’s eye view of path planning: Is there a simple rule for flying in a cluttered environment? LIN, H*; ROS, I/G; BIEWENER, A/A; Harvard University; Harvard University; Harvard University huaiti.lin@gmail.com For a bird, flying through cluttered environments is challenging due to the complexity of 3D obstacles and high speed of […]

The role of titin in force enhancement along the length-tension curve

Meeting Abstract 42.1  Saturday, Jan. 5  The role of titin in force enhancement along the length-tension curve. PACE, CM*; MONROY, JA; NISHIKAWA, KC; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University Cinnamon.Pace@nau.edu Force enhancement is when steady state muscle forces are larger after stretch and can result in muscle forces that exceed isometric force at Lo, […]

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