SUMIDA, S.S; REDD, J.; BRUDERLIN, A.: Computer Modeling of Complex Integumentary Structures: Digitally Generated Birds and Feathers Digital modeling of muscles, bones and integument of dinosaurs and mammals has progressed farther than any other group to date. Homeotherms present particular difficulties due to the complexity of their insulating hair or feathers. Modeling complex integumentary structures […]
sessions: Session 41
Effect of Cold-Acclimation on Capacity for Supercooling in Hatchling Painted Turtles
PACKARD, G.C.; PACKARD, M.J.; Colorado State University, Fort Collins: Effect of Cold-Acclimation on Capacity for Supercooling in Hatchling Painted Turtles Neonates of the North American painted turtle (Chrysemys picta) typically spend their first winter of life inside the shallow, subterranean nest where they completed embryogenesis the preceding summer. This behavior commonly causes overwintering hatchlings in […]
Cold acclimation and cutaneous resistance to freezing in hatchling painted turtles, Chrysemys picta
PACKARD, M.J.; PACKARD, G.C.; Colorado State Univ.: Cold acclimation and cutaneous resistance to freezing in hatchling painted turtles, Chrysemys picta Neonatal painted turtles overwinter in the natal nest and may be exposed to prolonged periods of ice and cold. Hatchlings survive by supercooling, a capability that depends on their ability to resist the inoculative freezing […]
Adaptations to terrestrial hibernation of hatchling northern map turtles (Graptemys geographica)
BAKER, P.J.*; COSTANZO, J.P.; IVERSON, J.B.; LEE JR., R.E.; Miami University; Miami University; Earlham College; Miami University: Adaptations to terrestrial hibernation of hatchling northern map turtles (Graptemys geographica) Field observations and laboratory experiments were conducted on hatchlings of the northern map turtle (Graptemys geographica), a species that commonly overwinters within the natal nest in the […]
A Rare Incident of Hibernation in Free-Ranging Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs
LEHMER, Erin M; Colorado State University: A Rare Incident of Hibernation in Free-Ranging Black-Tailed Prairie Dogs In the natural environment, hibernating sciurids generally remain dormant during winter and enter numerous torpor bouts from the time of first immergence in fall until emergence in spring. This is in contrast to free-ranging black-tailed prairie dogs (Cynomys ludovicianus), […]
Suction Generation In Bamboo Sharks
WILGA, C.D.; SANFORD, C.P.; University of Rhode Island, Kingston; Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY: Suction Generation In Bamboo Sharks Prey capture by suction is the result of rapid expansion of head, hyoid and branchial elements that draws water, and any prey contained therein, into the mouth. Although recent studies have increased our understanding of suction generation […]
Muscle function during suction feeding in the largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides
CARROLL, Andrew; UC Davis: Muscle function during suction feeding in the largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. Activation and strain in the sternohyoideus (SH) were measured in vivo in five largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides. The SH is thought to actuate lower jaw depression, hyoid depression, and suspensorial abduction during suction feeding in teleost fish. Sonomicrometry was used […]
Modulation of prey-capture kinematics in largemouth bass, Micropterus spp
HUSKEY, S.H.; Western Kentucky University: Modulation of prey-capture kinematics in largemouth bass, Micropterus spp. The feeding behavior of a predator may be as important as it�s morphology in shaping patterns of prey-resource use. The ability to modulate these predatory behaviors based on the perceived type and location of prey likely leads to a species� trophic […]
Extremely high-power tongue projection in plethodontid salamanders
DEBAN, Stephen M.; O’REILLY, James C.; DICKE, Ursula; VAN LEEUWEN, Johan; Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City; Univ. of Miami, Coral Gables; Univ. of Bremen, Germany; Wageningen University, Netherlands: Extremely high-power tongue projection in plethodontid salamanders Plethodontid salamanders can project the tongue very rapidly for long distances. In many species, the tongue and its supporting […]
Does collagen fiber angle affect prey capture kinematics in inertial elongators
ZEPNEWSKI, E.D.*; NISHIKAWA, K.C.; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University: Does collagen fiber angle affect prey capture kinematics in inertial elongators? Inertial elongation is one of three non-exclusive feeding mechanisms that frogs use to protract their tongues. It is a ballistic mechanism in which the tongue is projected out of the mouth using angular momentum […]