WILLINK, P.W.: The intertwining influences of prey, head shape, and attack behavior on gill raker morphology Gill rakers are believed to play a critical function during the feeding of fishes. The predominant view is that gill rakers strain prey from the medium. Long, closely-spaced gill rakers are correlated with feeding on small prey, whereas short, […]
sessions: Session 41
The effect of temperature on feeding characteristics in two sympatric crayfish species
CROLL, S.L.*; WATTS, S.A.: The effect of temperature on feeding characteristics in two sympatric crayfish species Crayfish are an integral component of many freshwater habitats. They often impact the environment through vegetative grazing, burrowing activities, and predation. The red swamp crayfish, Procambarus clarkii (PC), and the white river crayfish, P. zonangulus (PZ), are commonly found […]
The Functional Morphology of Jaw Protrusion Among Neotropical Cichlids
Waltzek, T.B.*; Wainwright, P.C.: The Functional Morphology of Jaw Protrusion Among Neotropical Cichlids The evolution of protrusible upper jaws among acanthopterygian teleosts has long been argued a major factor contributing to the success of this extremely diverse group of fishes. Yet, few studies have investigated upper jaw protrusion in a comparative framework. Additionally, previously unstudied […]
How do gill rakers function in suspension-feeding fishes
SANDERSON, S.L.*; CHEER, A.Y.; GOODRICH, J.S.; GRAZIANO, J.D.; CALLAN, W.T.: How do gill rakers function in suspension-feeding fishes? Gill rakers have been assumed to serve as either (1) a sieve that accumulates particles larger than the mesh size or (2) a sticky filter that retains particles encountered via a hydrosol filtration mechanism. However, our video […]
How carnivorous deep-sea ascidians catch their prey
Young, C. M.*; Vazquez, E.: How carnivorous deep-sea ascidians catch their prey. Two new species of carnivorous deep-sea octacnemid ascidians have recently been discovered at bathyal depths in the Bahamas, one in the genus Dicopia and one in the genus Kaikoja. Analysis of gut contents indicates that both species consume mostly small crustaceans, though we […]
Functional and morphological bases of prey-capture performance in marine-fish larvae
TURINGAN, R.G.: Functional and morphological bases of prey-capture performance in marine-fish larvae. A critical period, marked by a rapid decline in population size, occurs immediately following yolk-absorption during the larval phase of marine teleosts. Biotic and abiotic factors associated with mortality during this critical period have been identified, but the causal link between these factors […]
Three Dimensional Complexity of Bat Wing Movements
BISHOP, K.L.; SWARTZ, S.M.; STOCKWELL, E.F.; SKENE, J.A.; ISMAEL-AGUIRRE, M.F.: Three Dimensional Complexity of Bat Wing Movements The kinematics of vertebrate flight have traditionally been described in terms of a few, simply measured parameters, i.e. wing beat frequency, stroke amplitude, and stroke plane angle, but how these parameters affect the aerodynamics of flight is not […]
Take-off mechanics in hummingbirds (Trochilidae)
TOBALSKE, B.W.*; ALTSHULER, D.L.; POWERS, D.R.: Take-off mechanics in hummingbirds (Trochilidae) Among birds species studied to date, leg forces contribute proportionally more to initial take-off velocity than lift from the wings. Hummingbirds use their wings in a different manner compared with all other flying birds, and, as members of the Apodiformes, hummingbirds possess relatively small […]
Power Output of Cockatiels A Musculo-skeletal and Aerodynamic Approach
HEDRICK, TL; TOBALSKE, BW; DIAL, KP; BIEWENER, AA: Power Output of Cockatiels: A Musculo-skeletal and Aerodynamic Approach Measurements of pectoralis muscle power output were obtained in cockatiels (Nymphaticus hollandicus n=5, 97.4g) trained to fly in a wind tunnel over a wide range of speeds (1 – 14 m/s). Pectoralis muscle force was measured via a […]
Large-scale deformations in the wing bones of flying bats
SWARTZ, S. M.; BISHOP, K. L.; ISMAEL AGUIRRE, M. F.; STOCKWELL, E. S.; SKENE, J. A.: Large-scale deformations in the wing bones of flying bats During flight, bat wings move through space in a three-dimensionally complex way. When we quantify wingbeat amplitudes and frequencies, we capture some proportion of that complexity, but neglect some aspects […]