Snakes partition their body to traverse large steps and inspire a snake robot

Meeting Abstract 41-4  Saturday, Jan. 5 08:45 – 09:00  Snakes partition their body to traverse large steps and inspire a snake robot GART, SW; FU, Q; MITCHEL, TW; LI, C*; Johns Hopkins University Many snakes traverse complex 3-D terrain such as mountains and forests with obstacles comparable to their body size. Similarly, snake robots have […]

Mechanics of Snake Slithering on Deformable Substrates

Meeting Abstract 41-6  Saturday, Jan. 5 09:15 – 09:30  Mechanics of Snake Slithering on Deformable Substrates. SCHIEBEL, PE*; RIESER, JM; ASTLEY, HC; HUBBARD, AM; DIAZ, K; GOLDMAN, DI; Georgia Institute of Technology Elongate, limbless animals from the microscopic C. elegans to eels and snakes move in both fluid and terrestrial habitats using flexural waves of the […]

Body compliance helps snakes traverse large step obstacles

Meeting Abstract 41-5  Saturday, Jan. 5 09:00 – 09:15  Body compliance helps snakes traverse large step obstacles FU, Q*; LI, C; Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins University Snakes move well in complex 3-D terrain such as mountains and deserts with large step-like obstacles. Our recent study discovered that a generalist kingsnake (Lampropeltis mexicana) uses a […]

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