Meeting Abstract 41-4 Friday, Jan. 6 08:45 – 09:00 Development of a Material Constitutive Model for Killer Whale and Harbor Porpoise GREAR, ME*; DITSCHE, P; MOTLEY, MR; University of Washington; University of Alaska, Anchorage and Friday Harbor Laboratories; University of Washington Tidal energy has an immense potential for creating renewable energy and is being investigated […]
sessions: Session 41
Using Thermal Imaging to Detect Torpor in Nesting Hummingbirds
Meeting Abstract 41-1 Friday, Jan. 5 08:00 – 08:15 Using Thermal Imaging to Detect Torpor in Nesting Hummingbirds EBERTS, E*; SHANKAR, A; MORADO, M; TATTERSALL, G; WELCH, K; CURLEY, M; AUGER, P; University of Toronto Scarborough; Stony Brook University; Loyola Marymount University; Brock University; University of Toronto Scarborough; Loyola Marymount University Hummingbirds use energy at extremely […]
Foraging coordination while feeding young behavioural mechanisms underlying negotiation over offspring care
Meeting Abstract 41-5 Friday, Jan. 5 09:00 – 09:15 Foraging coordination while feeding young: behavioural mechanisms underlying negotiation over offspring care BALDAN, D*; HINDE, C. A.; LESSELLS, C.M.; Department of Animal Ecology, Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW), P.O. Box 50, 6700 AB Wageningen, The Netherlands; Behavioural Ecology Group, Life Sciences, University of Wageningen, P.O. Box 338, 6700 […]
Father–embryo coevolution in Neotropical glassfrogs
Meeting Abstract 41-6 Friday, Jan. 5 09:15 – 09:30 Father–embryo coevolution in Neotropical glassfrogs DELIA, J*; WARKENTIN, KM; Boston University, Boston; Boston University, Boston The evolution of parent and offspring traits is likely shaped by the social dynamics of family life. Theory has explored how interactions between the sexes impacts variation in parental investment and how […]
Deconstructing the mason spider mound mound building behavior, function, and ecology in spiders
Meeting Abstract 41-4 Friday, Jan. 5 08:45 – 09:00 Deconstructing the mason spider mound: mound building behavior, function, and ecology in spiders RABOIN, M*; ELIAS, D.O.; Univ. Of California, Berkeley; Univ. Of California, Berkeley Animal builders are littered throughout the known animal kingdom and the structures they construct are highly diverse in form and function. Animals […]
Corticosterone, Prolactin, Neophobia, and Behavioral Plasticity in Response to Brood Size Manipulations in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus)
Meeting Abstract 41-3 Friday, Jan. 5 08:30 – 08:45 Corticosterone, Prolactin, Neophobia, and Behavioral Plasticity in Response to Brood Size Manipulations in House Sparrows (Passer domesticus) FOX, RA*; WESTNEAT, DF; Transylvania University; University of Kentucky Parental provisioning of offspring is a labile behavioral trait that is expected to be shaped by tradeoffs during the current breeding […]
Complexity of Activity During Parental Care Does This Represent Exercise or Training
Meeting Abstract 41-2 Friday, Jan. 5 08:15 – 08:30 Complexity of Activity During Parental Care: Does This Represent “Exercise” or “Training? WILLIAMS, TD*; GILLESPIE, C; SEROTA, M; Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby; Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby; Simon Fraser Univ., Burnaby Analysis of parental behavior during chick-rearing is often focused on activity at the nest, measured as […]
Undulatory Locomotion in Heterogeneous Environments Across Scales
Meeting Abstract 41-1 Saturday, Jan. 5 08:00 – 08:15 Undulatory Locomotion in Heterogeneous Environments Across Scales DIAZ, K*; SCHIEBEL, PE; DING, JL; LU, H; GOLDMAN, DI; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech Undulatory locomotion is ubiquitous across scales. A well-studied system is the nematode C. elegans, which moves through propagation of dorsoventral […]
Tongue-sticking A static tongue flick in flying snakes
Meeting Abstract 41-3 Saturday, Jan. 5 08:30 – 08:45 Tongue-sticking: A static tongue flick in flying snakes SOCHA, JJ*; HERNANDEZ, P; OSSENKOPP, S; GRAHAM, M; ZAMORE, S; Virginia Tech; William Fleming High School; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech; Virginia Tech Tongue-flicking in lizards and snakes is used primarily for chemo- and mechanosensation. This behavior is characterized […]
The Effect of the ZygospheneZygantrum Joint on the Range of Motion in Snake Vertebrae
Meeting Abstract 41-2 Saturday, Jan. 5 08:15 – 08:30 The Effect of the Zygosphene/Zygantrum Joint on the Range of Motion in Snake Vertebrae JURESTOVSKY, DJ*; ASTLEY, HC; Univ. of Akron, Ohio; Univ. of Akron, Ohio Joint articulations determine range of motion (ROM), allowing or restricting particular motions to balance stability and flexibility. Snakes have a unique […]