Meeting Abstract 41.6 Sunday, Jan. 5 11:30 Aquatic burst locomotion by hydroplaning and running in Common Eiders (Somateria mollissima) GOUGH, W.T.*; FARINA, S.C.; FISH, F.E.; Cornell University; Cornell University; West Chester University Eiders have high wing loadings that are near the accepted threshold for flightlessness in birds that can cause flight to be energetically expensive. Surface […]
sessions: Session 41
What makes slug glue tough Testing the double network mechanism in a dilute hydrogel
Meeting Abstract 41.1 Monday, Jan. 5 10:15 What makes slug glue tough? Testing the double network mechanism in a dilute hydrogel SMITH, AM*; WILKS, A; RABICE, S; GARBACZ, H; Ithaca College, NY; Ithaca College, NY; Ithaca College, NY; Ithaca College, NY The terrestrial slug Arion subfuscus produces a sticky defensive secretion that is a dilute gel. […]
The impact of environment and physiological condition on the strength of a biological adhesive
Meeting Abstract 41.6 Monday, Jan. 5 11:30 The impact of environment and physiological condition on the strength of a biological adhesive GEORGE, M.N.*; CARRINGTON, E; Univ. of Washington; Univ. of Washington Mussels (Mytilus spp.) possess the remarkable ability to adhere to a wide variety of surfaces in one of the most dynamic environments on the […]
Intelligent Adhesives The Structure and Function of Humidity Responsive Spider Aggregate Glues
Meeting Abstract 41.2 Monday, Jan. 5 10:30 Intelligent Adhesives: The Structure and Function of Humidity Responsive Spider Aggregate Glues BLACKLEDGE, TA*; GREGORIC, M; JAIN, D; AMARPURI, G; OPELL, BD; DHINOJWALA, A; Univ. of Akron; Univ. of Akron; Univ. of Akron; Univ. of Akron; VA Tech; Univ. of Akron The evolution of viscid aggregate glues is […]
Gecko clinging strength before and after death
Meeting Abstract 41.5 Monday, Jan. 5 11:15 Gecko clinging strength before and after death STEWART, W.J.*; HIGHAM, T.E.; Univ. of California, Riverside; Univ. of California, Riverside Many geckos adhere to surfaces with remarkable strength using toe pads on the bottom of their digits. A single toe pad, consisting of thousands of microscopic and adhesive setae, is […]
Functional morphology of the remora adhesive disc
Meeting Abstract 41.3 Monday, Jan. 5 10:45 Functional morphology of the remora adhesive disc FLAMMANG, B.E.*; BECKERT, M.; NADLER, J.H.; GARBORG, C.S.; ANDERSON, E.; NJIT/Rutgers-Newark; Georgia Tech; Georgia Tech Research Institute; Grove City College; WHOI; Grove City College Remoras (Family Echeneidae) are best known for their cranial suction disc modified from dorsal fin elements. Remoras […]
Biomechanics of suction attachment in Northern Clingfish
Meeting Abstract 41.4 Monday, Jan. 5 11:00 Biomechanics of suction attachment in Northern Clingfish DITSCHE, P*; FAHLBUSH, J; SUMMERS, A.P.; University of Washington; University of Washington; University of Washington Northern clingfish have a remarkable ability to stick to smooth and rough surfaces. Specimens longer than 10 cm can attach to surfaces as rough as 2-4 […]
Aquatic versus terrestrial animal attachment – water makes a difference
Meeting Abstract 41.7 Monday, Jan. 5 11:45 Aquatic versus terrestrial animal attachment – water makes a difference DITSCHE, P.; SUMMERS, A.P. *; Friday Harbor Labs, UW; Friday Harbor Labs, UW Animals attaching to a substrate face very different conditions in terrestrial and aquatic environments. We compare both the forces of attachment and the forces acting to […]
Shakers and head bangers Differences in sonication behavior between Australian blue banded bees and North American bumblebees
Meeting Abstract 41-7 Tuesday, Jan. 5 09:30 Shakers and head bangers: Differences in sonication behavior between Australian blue banded bees and North American bumblebees SWITZER, C.M.*; HOGENDOORN, K.; RAVI, S.; COMBES, S.A.; Harvard Univ.; Univ. of Adelaide; RMIT Univ.; Harvard Univ. Many bees collect pollen via sonication, or buzz-pollination, during which they grasp the anthers […]
Performance-Based Feedback and the Adaptive Regulation of Behavioral Plasticity
Meeting Abstract 41-4 Tuesday, Jan. 5 08:45 Performance-Based Feedback and the Adaptive Regulation of Behavioral Plasticity SOCKMAN, KW; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Optimizing plasticity in behavioral performances requires the abilities to regulate physiological effort and to estimate the effects of the environment. One way to do so is through the use of performance-based […]