Meeting Abstract 40.5 Monday, Jan. 5 11:30 Influence of load type on flight stability and maneuverability of bumblebees RAVI, S*; MOUNTCASTLE, AM; COMBES, SA; RMIT University; Harvard University; Harvard University Foraging bumblebees fly through complex wind and spatial environments while carrying up to their body mass in pollen and/or nectar back to the hive. Bumblebees carrying […]
sessions: Session 40
Does individual quality mask the detection of performance trade-offs A test using Australian northern quolls (Dasyurus hallucatus)
Meeting Abstract 40.3 Monday, Jan. 5 11:00 Does individual quality mask the detection of performance trade-offs? A test using Australian northern quolls (Dasyurus hallucatus) CHARTERS, J*; CLEMENTE, C; HEINIGER, J; NIEHAUS, AC; WILSON, RS; The University of Queensland Trade-offs are thought to constrain the evolution of performance ability, via conflicts in the morphological or physiological bases […]
Body size limit predictions for mechanically mediated maneuvers
Meeting Abstract 40.1 Monday, Jan. 5 10:30 Body size limit predictions for mechanically mediated maneuvers JAYARAM, K*; FULL, R.J.; University of California Berkeley; University of California Berkeley In nature, animals perform a variety of maneuvers to negotiate complex terrain and escape from predators. During rapid behaviors, when neural control systems are less effective due to […]
A Virtual Bird that Simulates Jumping Take-Off and Flight
Meeting Abstract 40.6 Monday, Jan. 5 11:45 A Virtual Bird that Simulates Jumping Take-Off and Flight PARSLEW, B*; SIVALINGAM, G; The University of Manchester; The University of Manchester In jumping take-off birds are known to generate forces up to eight times their own weight. While the wings do help out, the bulk of this effort […]
What a Long Strange TRiP Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Thermal “Vision” in Pit Vipers and Pythons
Meeting Abstract 40-5 Tuesday, Jan. 5 09:00 What a Long Strange TRiP: Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Thermal “Vision” in Pit Vipers and Pythons GRACE, M.S.*; MCLAMB, W.T.; Florida Institute of Technology; Florida Institute of Technology Boid and crotaline snakes (boas, pythons and pit vipers) image their worlds simultaneously in two very different regions of the […]
System identification of flower tracking in three species of hawkmoths reveals interspecific tuning of motor control to visual ecology
Meeting Abstract 40-1 Tuesday, Jan. 5 08:00 System identification of flower tracking in three species of hawkmoths reveals interspecific tuning of motor control to visual ecology SPONBERG, S.N.*; STöCKL, A.; Georgia Inst. of Tech; Lund University Animals must maintain maneuverability despite difference in sensory ecology. Both sensory and motor conditions vary widely both across species […]
Modeling and measuring perceptual color distances in anoline lizards
Meeting Abstract 40-2 Tuesday, Jan. 5 08:15 Modeling and measuring perceptual color distances in anoline lizards FLEISHMAN, L.J.; Union College Anolis lizards communicate with colorful throat fans known as dewlaps. Dewlaps come in a wide variety of colors and our research has focused on trying to explain the evolution of this diversity. We assume that dewlap […]
Hummingbirds visually control forward flight using image features instead of image pattern velocity
Meeting Abstract 40-3 Tuesday, Jan. 5 08:30 Hummingbirds visually control forward flight using image features instead of image pattern velocity DAKIN, R*; FELLOWS, TK; ALTSHULER, DL; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia Optic flow can provide information about the distance between an observer and passing obstacles. It has been […]
Haltere influence on gaze control in tethered Drosophila flight
Meeting Abstract 40-7 Tuesday, Jan. 5 09:30 Haltere influence on gaze control in tethered Drosophila flight THANIGAIVALEN, I*; MURELI, S; FOX, JL; Case Western Reserve University; Case Western Reserve University; Case Western Reserve University Animal behavior requires the integration of multiple sensory information streams. For flying animals, stability and control require the rapid integration of visual […]
Eyes under the beach the visual system of sand crabs (Lepidopa benedicti)
Meeting Abstract 40-6 Tuesday, Jan. 5 09:15 Eyes under the beach: the visual system of sand crabs (Lepidopa benedicti) FAULKES, Z.*; GARCIA, L.; TERRY, M.; The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Eyes are often reduced or lost in species that inhabit dark environments, indicating that such habitats relax, or even reverse, selection pressure for […]