Meeting Abstract 40.3 Saturday, Jan. 5 Computational model of aquatic feeding: Scaling of suction feeding dynamics from larval to adult fish YANIV, S; ELAD, D; HOLZMAN, R*; Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv University; Tel Aviv University To capture prey, larval fishes swim towards their target while rapidly opening their mouth to generate a flow of water […]
sessions: Session 40
BassBot A Biorobotic Model of the Teleost Feeding System
Meeting Abstract 40.2 Saturday, Jan. 5 BassBot: A Biorobotic Model of the Teleost Feeding System KENALEY, C. P.*; LAUDER, G. V.; Harvard University; Harvard University Comparative morphologists have studied aquatic prey capture in fishes for nearly two centuries. Although current approaches will continue to yield fruitful insights into the relationships between form, function, and performance, studies […]
When is sexual selection not sexual selection Surprisingly often
Meeting Abstract 40.1 Sunday, Jan. 5 08:00 When is sexual selection not sexual selection? Surprisingly often … PADIAN, K.; Univ. of California, Berkeley Darwin invented the concept of sexual selection in order to explain sexual dimorphism, notably those unusual structures (usually in males) that did not conceivably contribute to the individual’s success in its environment, but […]
Mate Choice in a Hybrid Zone Chemical and Visual Preferences of Male Swordtails,
Meeting Abstract 40.2 Sunday, Jan. 5 08:15 Mate Choice in a Hybrid Zone: Chemical and Visual Preferences of Male Swordtails, SQUIRE, M S*; ROSENTHAL, G G; Texas A&M University; Texas A&M University Species recognition via various cues, including chemical and visual cues, is extremely important when it comes to animals’ mating preferences and subsequently, mate choice […]
Male color as an indication of quality and reproductive success in painted buntings (Passerina ciris)
Meeting Abstract 40.5 Sunday, Jan. 5 09:00 Male color as an indication of quality and reproductive success in painted buntings (Passerina ciris) BURT, D.B.*; KWIATKOWSKI, M.A.; GUMM, J.M.; Stephen F. Austin State University; Stephen F. Austin State University; Stephen F. Austin State University Painted buntings, Passerina ciris, are elaborately colored passerine birds. The exaggerated display traits […]
Integrating genetics, physiology, and ecology to understand the evolution of condition dependent sexual traits an elemental approach
Meeting Abstract 40.6 Sunday, Jan. 5 09:15 Integrating genetics, physiology, and ecology to understand the evolution of condition dependent sexual traits: an elemental approach GOOS, JM*; COTHRAN, RD; JEYASINGH, PD; Oklahoma State University; University of Pittsburgh; Oklahoma State University Condition dependence of sexual traits may help explain why sexual traits are extremely variable in the face […]
Do dominance and attractiveness of the male guppy go hand-in-hand
Meeting Abstract 40.3 Sunday, Jan. 5 08:30 Do dominance and attractiveness of the male guppy go hand-in-hand? HUYGHE, K.*; VAN DAMME, R.; University of Antwerp, Belgium; University of Antwerp, Belgium Sexual selection is driven by two mechanisms: male-male competition (intrasexual selection) and female mate choice (intersexual selection). These mechanisms are typically studied in isolation, and although […]
Call polymorphism mediates assortative mating between genetic morphs in an Amazonian frog
Meeting Abstract 40.4 Sunday, Jan. 5 08:45 Call polymorphism mediates assortative mating between genetic morphs in an Amazonian frog GUERRA, M.A.*; CANNATELLA, D.C.; RYAN, M.J.; University of Texas at Austin; University of Texas at Austin; University of Texas at Austin Theory predicts the importance of sexual selection in driving speciation processes. Empirical studies supporting this phenomenon, […]
The interplay between locomotion and adhesion on inclines in the Namib Day Gecko
Meeting Abstract 40.4 Monday, Jan. 5 11:15 The interplay between locomotion and adhesion on inclines in the Namib Day Gecko COLLINS, CE*; HIGHAM, TE; University of California, Riverside; University of California, Riverside Terrestrial animals must effectively navigate structurally complex environments. For geckos, non-level substrata are important because the adhesive system engages during uphill locomotion, limiting sprint […]
Modulation of orthogonal body waves enables versatile and rapid maneuverability in sidewinding locomotion
Meeting Abstract 40.2 Monday, Jan. 5 10:45 Modulation of orthogonal body waves enables versatile and rapid maneuverability in sidewinding locomotion. ASTLEY, H.C.*; GONG, C.; TRAVERS, M.; SERRANO, M.M.; VELA, P.A.; CHOSET, H.; MENDELSON, J.; HU, D. ; GOLDMAN, D.; Georgia Institute of Technology; Carnegie Melon University; Carnegie Melon University; Georgia Institute of Technology; Georgia Institute of Technology; […]