How froglets pay the price carry-over effects on morphology and performance in response to pond drying

Meeting Abstract 4.3  Wednesday, Jan. 4  How froglets pay the price: carry-over effects on morphology and performance in response to pond drying CHARBONNIER, J.F*; VONESH, J.R; Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond; Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond Animals with complex life cycles cope with environmental uncertainty by altering life history switchpoints through developmental plasticity. This plasticity may impact morphology, […]

Gases for the masses ecological interactions promote rapid embryonic development of a marine gastropod

Meeting Abstract 4.2  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Gases for the masses: ecological interactions promote rapid embryonic development of a marine gastropod MORAN, AL*; PHILLIPS, NE; Clemson University, SC; Victoria University of Wellingon, NZ Oxygen is a limiting resource to embryos developing in protected environments. Among marine invertebrates, embryos of many taxa are enclosed in egg capsules or […]

Exposing larvae to reduced salinity does not impact post-metamorphic growth for the marine gastropod Crepidula onyx

Meeting Abstract 4.1  Wednesday, Jan. 4  Exposing larvae to reduced salinity does not impact post-metamorphic growth for the marine gastropod Crepidula onyx PECHENIK, Jan A*; JARRETT, Jerry; ARELLANO, Shawn; DIEDERICH, Casey; Tufts Univ.; Central Connecticut State Univ., New Britain; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution; Tufts Univ. For animals with an ecologically distinct larval stage during development, sublethal […]

Structure and Mechanics of Fin Whale Arteries

Meeting Abstract 4.2  Friday, Jan. 4  Structure and Mechanics of Fin Whale Arteries LILLIE, MA*; PISCITELLI , MA; GOSLINE, JM; SHADWICK, RE; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia; University of British Columbia The mechanical properties of mammalian arteries are linked to their function and generally reflect the loads they experience […]

Reconstructing Respiration and Olfaction in the Mammalian Nasal Cavity

Meeting Abstract 4.4  Friday, Jan. 4  Reconstructing Respiration and Olfaction in the Mammalian Nasal Cavity CRAVEN, B.A.*; RICHTER, J.P.; RUMPLE, C.R.; QUIGLEY, A.P.; RANSLOW, A.N.; NEUBERGER, T.; KRANE, M.H.; YEE, K.K.; WYSOCKI, C.J.; VAN VALKENBURGH, B.; Penn State University; Penn State University; Penn State University; Penn State University; Penn State University; Penn State University; Penn State University; […]

Mechanics of bat vocal folds

Meeting Abstract 4.3  Friday, Jan. 4  Mechanics of bat vocal folds DUDEK, DM*; GAO, L; LU, H; MUELLER, R; Virginia Tech; Shandong Univ; Shandong Univ; Virginia Tech & Shandong Univ Many bat species emit ultrasonic pulses as part of their active biosonar sensing. These pulses are produced, as in other mammals, through vibrating membranes called vocal […]

Mechanical Properties of a Shark Jaw Support Structure

Meeting Abstract 4.1  Friday, Jan. 4  Mechanical Properties of a Shark Jaw Support Structure BALABAN, JB*; SUMMERS, AP; WILGA, CAD; University of Rhode Island; University of Washington; University of Rhode Island The upper jaws of elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays) are not fused to the cranium as they are in tetrapods. Instead, they are suspended by […]

Form and Function of the Odontocete Ear

Meeting Abstract 4.5  Friday, Jan. 4  Form and Function of the Odontocete Ear ARY, WJ*; CRANFORD, T; BERTA, A; KRYSL, P; San Diego State University; San Diego State University; San Diego State University; Univ. of California, San Diego Toothed whales (odontocetes) have a sound reception apparatus that is specialized for underwater hearing and works in tandem […]

Sticking to slippery surfaces – the impact of fouling on suction adhesion in Northern Clingfish

Meeting Abstract 4.4  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:45  Sticking to slippery surfaces – the impact of fouling on suction adhesion in Northern Clingfish DITSCHE-KURU, P.*; WAINWRIGHT, D./K.; SUMMERS, A./P.; University of Washington, Friday Harbor Labs, US; Havard, Cambridge, US; University of Washington, Friday Harbor Labs, US In aquatic environments solid substrates are fouled by bacteria, algae and […]

Pectoral fin muscular architecture of batoids in relation to ecological lifestyle

Meeting Abstract 4.1  Saturday, Jan. 4 08:00  Pectoral fin muscular architecture of batoids in relation to ecological lifestyle GABLER, MK*; FISH, FE; COUGHLIN, DJ; University of North Carolina Wilmington; West Chester University of PA; Widener University Batoid fish swim using two different modes of locomotion, undulation and oscillation. To achieve these locomotory modes, batoids have evolved […]

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