Meeting Abstract 4.4 Thursday, Jan. 3 Heterospecific alarm-call recognition in a non-vocal reptile VITOUSEK, Maren N.*; ADELMAN, James S.; GREGORY, Nathan C.; ST CLAIR, James J. H.; Princeton University; Princeton University; Princeton University; University of Bath Heterospecific alarm call recognition has previously been described only in species with vocal communication. Galapagos marine iguanas (Amblyrhynchus cristatus), do […]
sessions: Session 4
Finding the Lady in Red The effects of turbidity on sexual signaling in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus
Meeting Abstract 4.2 Thursday, Jan. 3 Finding the Lady in Red: The effects of turbidity on sexual signaling in the blue crab Callinectes sapidus BALDWIN, J. L. *; JOHNSEN, S.; Duke University; Duke University Research has suggested that male blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) select females based on the redness of their claws. Many estuaries in which […]
Exposure to song that is preferred by females affects activity and body mass in male starlings
Meeting Abstract 4.1 Thursday, Jan. 3 Exposure to song that is preferred by females affects activity and body mass in male starlings SALVANTE, K.G.*; WHITMAN, B.A.; SOCKMAN, K.W.; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Signals under inter-sexual selection elicit behavioral responses in and have […]
The impact of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi on white-footed mice implications for the ecology of Lyme disease
Meeting Abstract 4.3 Sunday, Jan. 4 The impact of the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi on white-footed mice: implications for the ecology of Lyme disease SCHWANZ, Lisa E*; BRISSON, Dustin; GOMES-SOLECKI, Maria; OSTFELD, Richard S; Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies; University of Pennsylvania; New York Medical College; Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies Parasitic infection can have diverse direct […]
Predator response to novel aposematic coloration in a poison dart frog
Meeting Abstract 4.5 Sunday, Jan. 4 Predator response to novel aposematic coloration in a poison dart frog STUART, Y.E.*; DAPPEN, N.; LOSIN, N.; Harvard University; University of Miami; Univ. of California, Los Angeles Aposematism is the use of warning signals by prey to advertise their unprofitability to potential predators. The efficacy of an aposematic signal generally […]
Innate immunocompetence in Polistes dominulus A critical test of the haploid susceptibility hypothesis
Meeting Abstract 4.2 Sunday, Jan. 4 Innate immunocompetence in Polistes dominulus: A critical test of the haploid susceptibility hypothesis WILSON-RICH, N.*; HESTER, F.; STARKS, P.T.; Tufts University; Tufts University; Tufts University The order hymenoptera is characterized by a haplodiploid mode of genetic inheritance, whereby males are typically haploid and females are typically diploid. The ‘haploid susceptibility […]
Disruptive selection and the evolution of variation within species
Meeting Abstract 4.4 Sunday, Jan. 4 Disruptive selection and the evolution of variation within species MARTIN, R.A.*; PFENNIG, D.W.; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill What evolutionary and ecological factors account for the amazing diversity seen within most natural populations? A long-standing hypothesis is that disruptive selection promotes the evolution […]
Connecting performance and behavior the evolution of bite performance and biting behavior in bats
Meeting Abstract 4.1 Sunday, Jan. 4 Connecting performance and behavior: the evolution of bite performance and biting behavior in bats SANTANA, S.E.*; DUMONT, E.R.; University of Massachusetts Amherst; University of Massachusetts Amherst Morphological variation is usually regarded as determinant of differences in performance, behavior and ecology within and among species. The interaction between behavior and performance […]
Precise measurement of growth using multiple fluorochrome markers, the cubed root of weight and a new growth function
Meeting Abstract 4.4 Monday, Jan. 4 Precise measurement of growth using multiple fluorochrome markers, the cubed root of weight and a new growth function JOHNSON, A.S.*; ELLERS, O; Bowdoin College; Bowdoin College Fluorochromes have been widely used to mark growing calcitic structures. We present images from a size range (3.9–44.3 mm in diameter) of growing sea […]
Perturbations in the E-cadherincatenin junctional complex in mouse embryos resulting in exencephaly
Meeting Abstract 4.5 Monday, Jan. 4 Perturbations in the E-cadherin/catenin junctional complex in mouse embryos resulting in exencephaly DESCAMPS, E*; TIAN, H; SANDERS, E; VAN HENGEL, J; VAN ROY, F; ADRIAENS, D; Ghent University, Gent; Flanders Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology , Gent; Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology , Gent; Interuniversity Institute for Biotechnology , Gent; Interuniversity Institute for […]