RAJAKARUNA, R.S.*; BROWN, J.A.; KAUKINEN, K.; MILLER, K.M.: MHC genes influence the kin recognition in juvenile Atlantic salmon Several animal species have the ability to recognize kin from unrelated conspecifics. In salmonids, juveniles can discriminate between unfamiliar kin and unrelated individuals. They probably use a phenotype matching mechanism for the recognition, which involves comparison of […]
sessions: Session 4
Intra- and Interspecific Differences in Sound Production in the Neotropical Catfish Genus Corydoras (Callichthyidae)
KAATZ, I.M.*; LOBEL, P.S.: Intra- and Interspecific Differences in Sound Production in the Neotropical Catfish Genus Corydoras (Callichthyidae) The behavioral contexts of sound production and differences among sounds produced by callichthyid catfishes were characterized using captive populations observed in monospecific groups (10-15 adults per species). Disturbance is a context in which many families of catfishes […]
What determines the direction of evolutionary change
ARTHUR, W.; University of Sunderland (UK): What determines the direction of evolutionary change? In this presentation, I examine the deceptively simple question posed in the title. I begin with a historical approach. I look at the views of Darwin and Wallace; Fisher and Ford; Gould and Lewontin. I then pose the question: is there a […]
Homeosis and Hopeless Monsters
ROBERT, Jason S.; Dalhousie University: Homeosis and Hopeless Monsters Beginning with William Bateson’s (1894) coining of the term ‘homeosis’, I trace significant events in the history of this concept throughout the twentieth century. Key episodes include Goldschmidt’s account of hopeful monsters (1940), early and contemporary developmental work on homeotic genes, and recent attempts to explain […]
Evolving modularity evolutionary origins and consequences of modular developmental resources
BOLKER, J.A.; University of New Hampshire: Evolving modularity: evolutionary origins and consequences of modular developmental resources Evolution of both phenotypes and genotypes occurs through changes in the form and interrelationships of biological modules. Developmental modules have themselves evolved, and continue to do so. Modular developmental resources (Gass and Bolker, 2002) can incorporate both genetic and […]
Changing the Spin An Evo Devo Retelling of the Birth of Evolutionary Biology
AMUNDSON, R; Univ. of Hawaii at Hilo: Changing the Spin: An Evo Devo Retelling of the Birth of Evolutionary Biology Histories of science are often written by scientists (and colleagues) for the purpose of providing a historical perspective to contemporary debates. Much of the content of today�s histories of evolutionary biology was first composed in […]
Urchins on Coral Reefs Enhancement of Macroalgal Cover
WALTERS, LJ; SACKS, PE; LISS, JL; ROBINSON, NM; GLARDON, CG; GREVERT, JA; STINER, JL; Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando; Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando; Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando; Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando; Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando; Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando; Univ. of Central Florida, Orlando; : Urchins on Coral Reefs: Enhancement […]
UV-induced biosynthesis of algal mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) and their conversion to secondary MAAs in the zooxanthellate coral, Stylophora pistillata
SHICK, J.M.*; FERRIER-PAG�S, C.; ALLEMAND, D.; Univ. of Maine, Orono; Centre Scientifique de Monaco; Centre Scientifique de Monaco: UV-induced biosynthesis of algal mycosporine-like amino acids (MAAs) and their conversion to secondary MAAs in the zooxanthellate coral, Stylophora pistillata UV-na�ve colonies of S. pistillata contained minimal amounts of MAAs. After increasing rapidly during acute UV irradiation, […]
Transects indicating living and dead coral species on two shallow coral reefs (Bailey’s Cay and Anthony’s Key, Roatan, Honduras)
JOURDAN, M.C.*; GILCHRIST, S.L.; New College of Florida, Sarasota; New College of Florida, Sarasota: Transects indicating living and dead coral species on two shallow coral reefs (Bailey’s Cay and Anthony’s Key, Roatan, Honduras) An assessment of coral coverage on two small reefs was made during July and August 2003. Both Bailey�s Cay and Anthony�s Key […]
Phylogeny and Biogeography of Anthopleura in the North Atlantic Ocean
DALY, M.; Univ. Kansas: Phylogeny and Biogeography of Anthopleura in the North Atlantic Ocean The dynamics of the distribution of the sea anemone genus Anthopleura in the North Atlantic, and possible underlying causes for this distribution are discussed as part of a phylogenetic analysis of morphological data. The tree shows geographic structure: one clade includes […]