Humeral loads during swimming and walking in turtles implications for the evolution of limb bone shape changes during reinvasions of water from land

Meeting Abstract 4.6  Sunday, Jan. 4 09:15  Humeral loads during swimming and walking in turtles: implications for the evolution of limb bone shape changes during reinvasions of water from land YOUNG, V.KH.*; BLOB, R.W.; Clemson University; Clemson University In many vertebrate lineages that have reinvaded aquatic habitats, major morphological changes have evolved in the forelimb, including […]

Seasonal Variation and Correlation between Corticosterone and the Antioxidant Uric Acid During Stress in the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis)

Meeting Abstract 4-1  Monday, Jan. 4 08:00  Seasonal Variation and Correlation between Corticosterone and the Antioxidant Uric Acid During Stress in the Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) WALKER, B.G.*; HASKINS, J.W.; SPIZOUCCO, F.A.; Fairfield University; Fairfield University; Fairfield University Glucocorticoids modify metabolism in order to mount a response to stressors. In passerines, this response is affected by […]

Public information can change your brain mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor expression in food-reduced red crossbills differs depending on their neighbors food treatment

Meeting Abstract 4-3  Monday, Jan. 4 08:30  Public information can change your brain: mineralocorticoid and glucocorticoid receptor expression in food-reduced red crossbills differs depending on their neighbors food treatment CORNELIUS, JM*; MEDDLE, SL; HAHN, TP; Eastern Michigan Univ.; Univ. of Edinburgh; Univ. of California, Davis Public information was recently found to influence the physiological and behavioral […]

Measuring Allostatic Load Heart rate and corticosterone in free-living and captive wintering Gambel’s white-crowned sparrows

Meeting Abstract 4-6  Monday, Jan. 4 09:15  Measuring Allostatic Load: Heart rate and corticosterone in free-living and captive wintering Gambel’s white-crowned sparrows WORD, K.R.*; WINGFIELD, J.C.; Univ. of California, Davis; Univ. of California, Davis The model of allostatic load describes a functional role for the stress response in moderating energetic optimization and tradeoffs in a capricious […]

Computed tomography (CT) imaging demonstrates that captivity causes rapid changes in body composition in wild house sparrows (Passer domesticus)

Meeting Abstract 4-5  Monday, Jan. 4 09:00  Computed tomography (CT) imaging demonstrates that captivity causes rapid changes in body composition in wild house sparrows (Passer domesticus) LATTIN, CR*; PECHENENKO, AV; CARSON, RE; Yale University; Yale University; Yale University Wild birds are brought into captivity for conservation purposes such as captive breeding and translocation. Additionally, many […]

Captivity alters neuroendocrinology of house sparrows

Meeting Abstract 4-4  Monday, Jan. 4 08:45  Captivity alters neuroendocrinology of house sparrows. DURANT, S.E.*; LOVE, A.C.; BELIN, B.; TAMAYO-SANCHEZ, D.; SANTOS-PACHECO, M; DICKENS, M.J.; CALISI, R.M.; Oklahoma State Univ; Oklahoma State Univ; Barnard College, Columbia University; Barnard College, Columbia University; Barnard College, Columbia University; UC Berkely; Barnard College, Columbia University/UC Davis Captivity causes stress in […]

Acute stress decreases corticosterone-binding globulin for 24 hours and a second stressor during this time increases sleep disruptions in Mountain White-crowned Sparrows

Meeting Abstract 4-2  Monday, Jan. 4 08:15  Acute stress decreases corticosterone-binding globulin for 24 hours and a second stressor during this time increases sleep disruptions in Mountain White-crowned Sparrows MALISCH, J.L.*; JOHNSON, E.; DOAN, P.; TANG, A.; HUMPHRIES, T.J.; CRINO, O.L.; BREUNER, C.W.; The Claremont Colleges; University of Montana; Pitzer College; Scripps College; University of California, San […]

Structural limits to mechanical work production in skeletal muscle

Meeting Abstract 4-6  Thursday, Jan. 5 09:15 – 09:30  Structural limits to mechanical work production in skeletal muscle HOLT, N/C*; EATON, C/E; AZIZI, E; Univ. of California, Irvine Skeletal muscles generate the mechanical work needed to accelerate or raise an animal’s center of mass during locomotion. Therefore, a muscle’s capacity to generate mechanical work can be […]

Optimal muscle length is the same for twitch and tetanic contractions in muscles from mdm mice a role for titin in isometric force production

Meeting Abstract 4-1  Thursday, Jan. 5 08:00 – 08:15  Optimal muscle length is the same for twitch and tetanic contractions in muscles from mdm mice: a role for titin in isometric force production? HESSEL, AL*; NISHIKAWA, KC; Northern Arizona University; Northern Arizona University The muscular dystrophy with myositis (mdm) mutation in mouse is a spontaneous […]

How does Architectural Gearing affect Muscle Function In Vivo

Meeting Abstract 4-2  Thursday, Jan. 5 08:15 – 08:30  How does Architectural Gearing affect Muscle Function In Vivo? KONOW, N*; TIJS, C; BIEWENER, A. A.; U. Mass. Lowell; Harvard University; Harvard University Architectural gear ratio (AGR), or the ratio of whole muscle versus myofiber contraction speed, is a phenomenon observed in pennate muscles that results […]

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