CT scan based quantitative comparison of respiratory turbinates in the Canidae and Felidae

THEODOR, J. M.; VAN VALKENBURGH, B. ; FRISCIA, A.; ROWE, T.: CT scan based quantitative comparison of respiratory turbinates in the Canidae and Felidae The maxilloturbinates, bony scrolls within the anterior nasal chamber of most mammals, function to warm inspired air and conserve water during ventilation. Variation in maxilloturbinate structure among species is poorly understood, […]

Lactate Accumulation and Glycogen Depletion in Hatchling Turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii, Chelydra serpentina, and Graptemys geographica) Submerged at 3 oC

REESE,, S.A.*; JACKSON, D.C.; ULTSCH, G.R.; Brown University, Providence, RI; University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa: Lactate Accumulation and Glycogen Depletion in Hatchling Turtles (Chrysemys picta bellii, Chelydra serpentina, and Graptemys geographica) Submerged at 3 oC Newly hatched Chrysemys picta bellii, Graptemys geographica, and Chelydra serpentina were submerged at 3 oC in anoxic and normoxic water to […]

Fatty acid composition of body fat and its affect on aerobic performance in Red-eyed Vireos

PIERCE, B.J.*; MCWILLIAMS, S.R.; O’CONNOR, T.P.; GUGLIELMO, C.G.; Univ. Rhode Island; Univ. Rhode Island; City Univ. New York; Univ. Montana: Fatty acid composition of body fat and its affect on aerobic performance in Red-eyed Vireos Most migrating birds accumulate large lipid stores as their primary source of energy for fueling long distance flights. The depot […]

Effect of Increased Ocean Temperature on the Metabolic Rates of Tropical and Temperate Sea Cucumbers

NESTLER, J.R.*; TRUEBLOOD, L.A.; WHEELING, R.J.; Walla Walla College, College Place WA; Walla Walla College, College Place WA; Walla Walla College, College Place WA: Effect of Increased Ocean Temperature on the Metabolic Rates of Tropical and Temperate Sea Cucumbers Sea cucumbers (Phylum Echinodermata, Class Holothuria) are important in tropical and temperate ocean communities by affecting […]

Basal Oxygen Consumption in Fundulus heteroclitus

KIDDER, G.W.,III*; GOLDSMITH, C.E.; NEVILLE, M.J.; PETERSEN, C.W.; PRESTON, R.P.; Mt. Desert Isl. Bio. Lab, Salisbury Cove, ME; Illinois St. Univ., Normal, IL; Illinois St. Univ., Normal, IL; College of the Atlantic, Bar Harbor, ME; Illinois St. Univ., Normal, IL: Basal Oxygen Consumption in Fundulus heteroclitus The basal oxygen consumption of F. heteroclitus is needed […]

The Biomechanics of Bounding Crocodiles

HUTCHINSON, J.R.*; DONELAN, J.M.; ERICKSON, G.E.; VLIET, K.A.; KLEDZIK, D.; KRAM, R.; Stanford Univ.; Univ. of Alberta, Canada; Florida State Univ., Tallahassee; Univ. of Florida, Gainesville; St. Augustine Alligator Farm, Florida; Univ. of Colorado, Boulder; ; : The Biomechanics of Bounding Crocodiles Aside from some mammals, crocodylians are the only major extant tetrapod group known […]

Mousehead Revisited – Microevolutionary Variation of the Cranial Base in Three Inbred Mouse Strains

MCBRATNEY-OWEN, B. M. ; OLSEN, B. R.; Harvard Medical School; Harvard Medical School: Mousehead Revisited – Microevolutionary Variation of the Cranial Base in Three Inbred Mouse Strains In order to investigate the genetic architecture and molecular development of morphological variation, the magnitude of morphological divergence must first be investigated among the variation being studied. This […]

Morphological Integration in the Mammalian Skull The Influences of Phylogeny, Function, and Ontogeny

GOSWAMI, A; University of Chicago, IL and Field Museum, Chicago, IL: Morphological Integration in the Mammalian Skull: The Influences of Phylogeny, Function, and Ontogeny Recent genetic and developmental studies have produced compelling hypotheses of the importance of trait correlations to morphological evolution. However, these hypotheses have never been tested with a broad, comparative data set […]

Homology of extant archosaur jaw muscles soft tissues and their osteological correlates

HOLLIDAY, Casey; Ohio University: Homology of extant archosaur jaw muscles: soft tissues and their osteological correlates. Divergent morphological specializations of extant groups and fragmentary descriptions of soft- and hard-tissue topology have hampered understanding of the evolution and homology of archosaur jaw musculature, hindering interpretation of feeding evolution in non-avian dinosaurs. A similarity test was conducted […]

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