Neural Encoding of Multiple Song Types in the Swamp Sparrow HVc

HOESE, W.J.*; MOONEY, R.; NOWICKI, S.: Neural Encoding of Multiple Song Types in the Swamp Sparrow HVc Many songbirds, including swamp sparrows (Melospiza georgiana), sing multiple song types as adults. In Songbirds that sing only a single song type, such as zebra finches and white-crowned sparrows, neurons in the song nucleus HVc are song-selective, firing […]

Lizard home ranges revisited traditional and phylogenetic perspectives

PERRY, G.*; GARLAND, T., JR.: Lizard home ranges revisited: traditional and phylogenetic perspectives Home range (HR) is the area traversed during food gathering, mating, and other routine activities. Thus, it is an ecologically important indicator of the behavioral and resource requirements of an animal. We reevaluated the factors affecting estimates of HR area in lizards. […]

Hatching as a defense against egg predators the role of vibrational cues

WARKENTIN, K.M.: Hatching as a defense against egg predators: the role of vibrational cues Red-eyed treefrogs, Agalychnis callidryas, lay their eggs on vegetation overhanging water, into which the tadpoles fall at hatching. The age and developmental stage at which hatching occurs varies. The ability of hatchlings to escape from aquatic predators improves with development, and […]

Getting to Know You Habituation as a Mechanism for Territorial Neighbor Recognition

Bee, M.A.*; Gerhardt, H.C.: Getting to Know You: Habituation as a Mechanism for Territorial Neighbor Recognition Territorial animals commonly exhibit low levels of aggression toward familiar neighbors in their usual territories and high levels of aggression toward strangers and neighbors in novel locations. Vocal recognition of neighbors is well known in songbirds, and also has […]

Condition-dependent acoustic signals and their importance for resolving aggressive conflicts in the skunk loach (Botia morleti) integrating sensory and behavioral approaches

SPARKES, T.C.*; YAN, H.Y.; PRATER, C.; AKAMATSU, T: Condition-dependent acoustic signals and their importance for resolving aggressive conflicts in the skunk loach (Botia morleti): integrating sensory and behavioral approaches In the skunk loach, Botia morleti (Pisces, Cobitidae) sounds are produced during aggressive contests over access to hiding places. These contests are costly for both contestants […]

Proboscis Evolution in Mammalia Preliminary Studies

CLIFFORD, A.B.; WITMER, L.M.: Proboscis Evolution in Mammalia: Preliminary Studies Specialized narial anatomy in Mammalia is involved in such diverse functions as manipulation, vocal and visual communication, sensation (both mechanosensory and olfactory), and physiological regulation (water and heat balance). Various clades have independently evolved a specialized narial structure often referred to as a proboscis. This […]

Lung Ventilation during Treadmill Locomotion in Terrapene carolina

LANDBERG, Tobias*; MAILHOT, Jeffrey; BRAINERD, Elizabeth L.: Lung Ventilation during Treadmill Locomotion in Terrapene carolina. Turtles are unique in that their shells essentially contain a fixed volume. As a result, when the head or limbs are retracted or protracted, air may be forced into or out of the lungs. Resting turtles may actively ventilate the […]

Growth versus repair responses to loading in mammalian limb bones

LIEBERMAN, DE; PEARSON, OM; POLK, JD: Growth versus repair responses to loading in mammalian limb bones Bones respond to mechanical loading either through growth (modeling) or repair (remodeling), but how and why bones modulate these two processes is poorly understood. Most models propose that modeling and remodeling are coordinated to maintain mechanical equilibrium, adapting functionally […]

Foot Morphology and Water-bounding in the Nazca Booby

MORGAN, S. M. *; ASHLEY-ROSS, M. A.; ANDERSON, D. J.: Foot Morphology and Water-bounding in the Nazca Booby Nazca Boobies (Sula granti) have totipalmate feet, meaning they have webbing between all four of their toes. These birds use their unique feet in several aspects of their biology, including aiding them in taking off from the […]

Compartmentalization of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) diaphragm

DEAROLF, J.L.*; ROMMEL, S.A.; HERMANSON, J.W.: Compartmentalization of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) diaphragm Rommel and Reynolds (�00) proposed that Florida manatees may utilize unique contractions of their hemidiaphragms to determine the amount and distribution of air in their elongated lungs and thereby control their body position and pitch in the water column. However, […]

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