Small Marine Reserves do Not Provide a Safeguard Against Overfishing

Meeting Abstract 39-2  Friday, Jan. 5 08:15 – 08:30  Small Marine Reserves do Not Provide a Safeguard Against Overfishing LASCALA-GRUENEWALD, DE*; HAGGITT, TR; SHEARS, NT; Univ. of Auckland; Univ. of Auckland; Univ. of Auckland Marine reserves provide protection to harvested species within their boundaries, and can reverse the ecosystem-level effects of fishing pressure. This has been […]

Restoration of Timber Rattlesnake Gestation Sites Efficacy of Daylighting Management

Meeting Abstract 39-5  Friday, Jan. 5 09:00 – 09:15  Restoration of Timber Rattlesnake Gestation Sites: Efficacy of Daylighting Management HOWEY, C.A.F; The University of Scranton The range of Timber Rattlesnakes (Crotalus horridus) extends further north than most other rattlesnakes. In these colder, northern latitudes, pregnant female C. horridus must use rare, open habitats (gestation sites) […]

Predicting Climate-Induced Distributional Shifts for Puerto Rican Anoles

Meeting Abstract 39-6  Friday, Jan. 5 09:15 – 09:30  Predicting Climate-Induced Distributional Shifts for Puerto Rican Anoles THONIS, AE*; LISTER, BC; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute With over 400 known species, the lizard genus Anolis is the most speciose group of vertebrates in the world. They are also widely distributed, occurring throughout Central and South […]

Estimating Global Extinction Threat Levels in Butterflies

Meeting Abstract 39-4  Friday, Jan. 5 08:45 – 09:00  Estimating Global Extinction Threat Levels in Butterflies HEIM, N.A.*; PAYNE, J.L.; Stanford University; Stanford University Butterflies are charismatic mesofauna that are sensitive to environmental change and have great potential to inspire conservation mindsets in the general public. We present the results of a macroecological analysis of extinction […]


Meeting Abstract 39-1  Friday, Jan. 5 08:00 – 08:15  EFFECTS OF DEPREDATION AND STORM SURGE ON HATCHING SUCCESS OF LEAST TERN NESTS ON A RENOURISHED SOUTHEAST LOUISIANA BEACH BOLINGER, S*; AVERHART, M; DUKE-SYLVESTER, S. M.; JOHNSON, E. I.; RAY, K; BOLINGER, Sarah; University of Louisiana – Lafayette; Audubon Louisiana; University of Louisiana – Lafayette; Audubon Louisiana; American […]

A Comparison of Macroinvertebrate Communities Among Vernal Pools with Varying Fire Histories

Meeting Abstract 39-3  Friday, Jan. 5 08:30 – 08:45  A Comparison of Macroinvertebrate Communities Among Vernal Pools with Varying Fire Histories NOVAK, RA*; HOWEY, CAF; The Pennsylvania State University; The University of Scranton Prescribed fire is a technique used by land and forest managers to create more ecologically desirable vegetative habitat. Vernal pools, small bodies of […]

Varying temperature effects on the growth of the amphibian chytrid fungus

Meeting Abstract 39-3  Saturday, Jan. 5 08:30 – 08:45  Varying temperature effects on the growth of the amphibian chytrid fungus GAJEWSKI, ZJ*; STEVENSON, LA; PIKE, D; ROZNIK, EA; JOHNSON, L; Virginia Tech; Northern Australia Quarantine Strategy; Rhodes College; Memphis Zoo; Virginia Tech Temperature is an important driver and constraint on life history traits of many organisms. […]

The interactive impact of temperature and nutrition on disease resistance

Meeting Abstract 39-1  Saturday, Jan. 5 08:00 – 08:15  The interactive impact of temperature and nutrition on disease resistance CLISSOLD, FJ*; WOODMAN, JD; WILSON, K; SIMPSON, SJ; The University of Sydney; Department of Agriculture and Water Resources; Lancaster University; The University of Sydney Temperature and nutrition influence the growth and development of all organisms, with the […]

Natural Antibody Abundance But Not Avidity Predicts Salmonella Infection in a Reptile

Meeting Abstract 39-6  Saturday, Jan. 5 09:00 – 09:15  Natural Antibody Abundance But Not Avidity Predicts Salmonella Infection in a Reptile GRAY, WA; SUNNUCKS, E; HUBER, T; ZIMMERMAN, LM*; Millikin University; Towson University; Millikin University; Millikin University Salmonella is a generalist pathogen prominently found in various taxa including reptiles, birds, and mammals. While mammals and birds […]

Honey Bees in Peril An Investigation of Honey Bee Viral Infection Dynamics

Meeting Abstract 39-2  Saturday, Jan. 5 08:15 – 08:30  Honey Bees in Peril: An Investigation of Honey Bee Viral Infection Dynamics FASSBINDER-ORTH, C*; HUGHES, S; SABOTIN, R; PUSH, G; TRAN, T; Creighton University Honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies in the United States have suffered annual losses of up to 30% of total managed colonies over the […]

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