Multi-stressor proteomics responses to simultaneous emersion, low pH and temperature stress

Meeting Abstract 39-2  Tuesday, Jan. 5 08:15  Multi-stressor proteomics: responses to simultaneous emersion, low pH and temperature stress TOMANEK, L.*; GARLAND, M. A.; STILLMAN, J. H.; HARMS, L.; California Polytechnic State Univ. San Luis Obispo; California Polytechnic State Univ. San Luis Obispo; San Francisco State Uni. San Francisco; Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar Research We analyzed the […]

Methoprene-tolerant a putative juvenile hormone pathway gene in Uca pugilator

Meeting Abstract 39-5  Tuesday, Jan. 5 09:00  Methoprene-tolerant: a putative juvenile hormone pathway gene in Uca pugilator SHYAMAL, SD*; DURICA, DS; RUDKINS, JM; University of Oklahoma The physiological importance of sesquiterpenoid signaling has been recognized in both insects and crustaceans, particularly in the regulation of reproduction. Crustaceans use methyl farnesoate (MF) as the innate ligand whereas […]

Expression and characterization of eight timeless gene paralogs in Dapnia pulex

Meeting Abstract 39-6  Tuesday, Jan. 5 09:15  Expression and characterization of eight timeless gene paralogs in Dapnia pulex TILDEN, A.R.*; CHRISTIE, A.E.; WRAY, C.; REYNOLDS, C.J.; PARTRIDGE, J.C.; COLFORD, B.R.; SUNDERLAND, D.K.; SUTANDI, A.; WISE, D.L.; Colby College; University of Hawaii at Manoa; Jackson Laboratory; Colby College; Colby College; Colby College; Colby College; Colby College; Colby College […]

De novo transcriptome assembly and analysis of the molting gland in blackback land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis, throughout various molt stages

Meeting Abstract 39-4  Tuesday, Jan. 5 08:45  De novo transcriptome assembly and analysis of the molting gland in blackback land crab, Gecarcinus lateralis, throughout various molt stages MARTIN, L.A.*; DAS, S.; MYKLES, D.L.; Colorado State University, Fort Collins; Colorado State University, Fort Collins; Colorado State University, Fort Collins In Gecarcinus lateralis, molting is stimulated by ecdysteroids, […]

The evolution of hormonal control of life histories a case study with juvenile hormone

Meeting Abstract 39-4  Friday, Jan. 6 08:45 – 09:00  The evolution of hormonal control of life histories: a case study with juvenile hormone SWANSON, EM*; SNELL-ROOD, EC; University of Minnesota – Twin Cities; University of Minnesota – Twin Cities Hormones regulate phenotypic development in response to genetic and environmental variation. These molecular signals thus represent the […]

Telomeres and Life Histories; Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going

Meeting Abstract 39-5  Friday, Jan. 6 09:00 – 09:15  Telomeres and Life Histories; Where Are We Now and Where Are We Going? VERHULST, S; University of Groningen, the Netherlands Understanding the biological pathways causing life-history trade-offs is a challenge of major importance, because it concerns all life including humans. Telomere length potentially provides a unifying […]

New insights on the roles of juvenile hormone, ecdysteroids and insulin-like peptides as regulators of wing polymorphism

Meeting Abstract 39-2  Friday, Jan. 6 08:15 – 08:30  New insights on the roles of juvenile hormone, ecdysteroids and insulin-like peptides as regulators of wing polymorphism ZERA, AJ; University of Nebraska Juvenile hormone (JH) has been a major focus of studies investigating the endocrine regulation of wing-polymorphism. The most general model postulates a single threshold, above […]

Food restriction of mothers during gestation alters offspring growth and adult behavior in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus)

Meeting Abstract 39-6  Friday, Jan. 6 09:15 – 09:30  Food restriction of mothers during gestation alters offspring growth and adult behavior in Syrian hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus). BROZEK, J.M.*; SCHNEIDER, J.E.; RHINEHART, E.; Lehigh University; Lehigh University ; Susquehanna University Undernutrition during early development (for example, due to maternal food restriction) can lead to altered phenotypes in […]

Early breeding female Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) have shorter telomeres

Meeting Abstract 39-3  Friday, Jan. 6 08:30 – 08:45  Early breeding female Dark-eyed Juncos (Junco hyemalis) have shorter telomeres BAUER, CM*; GRAHAM, JL; ABOLINS-ABOLS, M; HEIDINGER, BJ; KETTERSON, ED; GREIVES, TJ; North Dakota State University; North Dakota State University; Indiana University; North Dakota State University; Indiana University; North Dakota State University In female birds, timing of […]

Cellular oxidative damage is more sensitive to biosynthetic rate than to metabolic rate A test of the theoretical model on hornworms (Manduca sexta larvae)

Meeting Abstract 39-1  Friday, Jan. 6 08:00 – 08:15  Cellular oxidative damage is more sensitive to biosynthetic rate than to metabolic rate: A test of the theoretical model on hornworms (Manduca sexta larvae) AMUNUGAMA, K; JIAO, L; OLBRICHT, G.R; WALKER, C; HUANG, Y-W; NAM, P; HOU, C*; Missouri University of Science and Technology; Missouri University of Science […]

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