Does advanced age alter in vivo muscle operating length

Meeting Abstract 39.6  Sunday, Jan. 5 09:15  Does advanced age alter in vivo muscle operating length? HORNER, AM*; MOURADIAN, G; GROGAN, S; ROBERTS, TJ; Cal State San Bernardino; Brown University; Brown University; Brown University Advanced aging is associated with muscle weakness, stiffness, and decreasing joint range of motion. The operating lengths used by aged muscle in […]

Compliance, activation and the force-length relationship in skeletal muscle

Meeting Abstract 39.2  Sunday, Jan. 5 08:15  Compliance, activation and the force-length relationship in skeletal muscle HOLT, NC*; ABBOTT , EM; AZIZI, E; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine; Univ. of California, Irvine In vivo muscle performance is modulated by varying the level of muscle activation, both by changing activation frequency and the number […]

Spectating is stressful witnessing two seconds of a predator attack increases levels of circulating glucocorticoids

Meeting Abstract 39.5  Monday, Jan. 5 11:15  Spectating is stressful: witnessing two seconds of a predator attack increases levels of circulating glucocorticoids. JONES, BC*; SMITH, AD; BEBUS, SE; SCHOECH, SJ; Univ. of Memphis; Univ. of Rhode Island; Univ. of Memphis; Univ. of Memphis http:// HPA axis activation and glucocorticoid (GC) secretion in response to a predator […]

Short-term vs delayed endocrine and metabolic responses to acute stress in a male songbird

Meeting Abstract 39.6  Monday, Jan. 5 11:30  Short-term vs. delayed endocrine and metabolic responses to acute stress in a male songbird DEVICHE, P.J.*; BITTNER, S.; CARPENTIER, E.; DAVIES, S.; VALLE, S.; Arizona St. Univ., Tempe; Arizona St. Univ., Tempe; Univ. Poitiers, France; Arizona St. Univ., Tempe; Arizona St. Univ., Tempe Wild birds are used extensively to […]

Seasonal modulation of prolactin and corticosterone secretion in response to acute stress in a short lived arctic breeding bird

Meeting Abstract 39.2  Monday, Jan. 5 10:30  Seasonal modulation of prolactin and corticosterone secretion in response to acute stress in a short lived arctic breeding bird KRAUSE, JS*; MEDDLE, SL; WINGFIELD, JC; Univ. of California, Davis; The Roslin Institute, Univ. of Edinburgh; Univ. of California, Davis Breeding is considered one of the highest energetically challenging stages […]

Mothering matters interactions of temperature, corticosterone, and hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis development in wild chicks

Meeting Abstract 39.4  Monday, Jan. 5 11:00  Mothering matters: interactions of temperature, corticosterone, and hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis development in wild chicks. LYNN, SE*; KERN, MD; The College of Wooster; The College of Wooster In vertebrates, exposure to stressful stimuli or elevated glucocorticoids early in development may have fitness consequences later in life. In altricial species, parental brooding […]

Effects of brood size manipulation on parental care and nestling corticosterone levels in eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis)

Meeting Abstract 39.3  Monday, Jan. 5 10:45  Effects of brood size manipulation on parental care and nestling corticosterone levels in eastern bluebirds (Sialia sialis) AMBARDAR, M.*; SABOL, A.C.; REYNOLDS, E.E.; GRINDSTAFF, J.L.; Oklahoma State University; The Ohio State University; Oklahoma State University; Oklahoma State University Birds with biparental care can maximize their fitness by producing many […]

fRNAkenseq a Powered-by-iPlant RNA Sequencing Analysis Platform

Meeting Abstract 39-7  Tuesday, Jan. 5 09:30  fRNAkenseq: a Powered-by-iPlant RNA Sequencing Analysis Platform HUBBARD, A.H.*; TREIBLE, W.R.; BOMHOFF, M.D.; DAVIS, R.V; LYONS, E; SCHMIDT, C.J.; University of Delaware; University of Delaware; University of Arizona; University of Delaware; University of Arizona; University of Delaware We present fRNAkenseq: a novel, server based software platform for integrating various […]

Using transcriptomics to investigate effects of a natural stressor on the physiology of a crustacean Calanoid copepod

Meeting Abstract 39-1  Tuesday, Jan. 5 08:00  Using transcriptomics to investigate effects of a natural stressor on the physiology of a crustacean Calanoid copepod RONCALLI, V*; CIESLAK, M/C; LENZ, P/H; Pacific Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa; University of Hawaii at Manoa; Pacific Biosciences Research Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa In their natural […]

Transcriptomic response of juvenile red king crab, Paralithodes camtschaticus, to the interactive effects of ocean acidification and warming

Meeting Abstract 39-3  Tuesday, Jan. 5 08:30  Transcriptomic response of juvenile red king crab, Paralithodes camtschaticus, to the interactive effects of ocean acidification and warming STILLMAN, JH*; FAY, S; SWINEY, K; FOY, R; SF State Univ. and Univ. California, Berkeley; Invitae ; Alaska Fisheries Science Center; Alaska Fisheries Science Center Impacts of elevated carbon dioxide […]

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