Meeting Abstract 37.1 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Comparing British mussel hybrid zones to a temperature-sensitive hybrid zone on the coast of France FLY, E.K.*; HILBISH, T.J.; Univ. of South Carolina; Univ. of South Carolina Warming temperatures associated with climate change have been linked to changes in the geographic distribution of many species, including intertidal species. Hybrid zones […]
sessions: Session 37
The effect of condition on courtship and parental care in threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus
Meeting Abstract 37.4 Wednesday, Jan. 5 The effect of condition on courtship and parental care in threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus KELLY, N.B.*; FOSTER, S.A.; ALONZO, S.H.; Yale University, New Haven; Clark University, Worcester; Yale University, New Haven Life history theory suggests that male investment into reproductive behaviours is subject to trade-offs. The resources that a male […]
Not just a chastity belt the role of copulatory plugs in Red-sided garter snakes revisited
Meeting Abstract 37.1 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Not just a chastity belt: the role of copulatory plugs in Red-sided garter snakes revisited FRIESEN, Chris/R*; MASON, Robert.T; Oregon State University In promiscuous mating systems, postcopulatory selection and sexual conflict drive male investment in ejaculates. Copulatory plugs (CP) are a gelatinous mass deposited by the male during copulation that […]
Influence of environment during development on variation in female mate preference
Meeting Abstract 37.2 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Influence of environment during development on variation in female mate preference LYONS, Susan M*; MORRIS, Molly R; Ohio University; Ohio University Female mate preference can function as a life history trait, and therefore under poor resource conditions females may trade-off expression of preference with other fitness determining life history traits. […]
Compensation for exaggerated eyestalks in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae)
Meeting Abstract 37.3 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Compensation for exaggerated eyestalks in stalk-eyed flies (Diopsidae) HUSAK, JF*; RIBAK, G; WILKINSON, GS; SWALLOW, JG; Univ. of South Dakota; Technion University; Univ. of Maryland ; Univ. of South Dakota Exaggerated male ornaments are hypothesized to be costly. Despite the prediction that ornaments should increase predation risk due to reduced […]
Adaptive sex-ratio bias and the resolution of intralocus sexual conflict
Meeting Abstract 37.5 Wednesday, Jan. 5 Adaptive sex-ratio bias and the resolution of intralocus sexual conflict COX, R.M.*; DURYEA, M.C.; CALSBEEK, R.; Dartmouth College; Dartmouth College; Dartmouth College When selection favors alternative genotypes in each sex, high-fitness parents often produce low-fitness progeny of the opposite sex. Recent studies suggest that this sexual conflict can overwhelm the […]
The lizard’s tail size matters Determinants of mating success in the common lizard
Meeting Abstract 37.2 Thursday, Jan. 5 The lizard’s tail: size matters! Determinants of mating success in the common lizard. HUYGHE, K.*; SAN-JOSE, L.M.; PEñALVER ALCáZAR, M.; FITZE, P.S.; University of Antwerp, Belgium; CSIC-MNCN, Spain; CSIC-MNCN, Spain; UNIL, Switzerland Sexual selection has been demonstrated to mould traits that help to increase the probability of a successful outcome […]
The growing dewlap – comparing growth trajectories in sexually and naturally selected traits in male and female Anolis baracoae
Meeting Abstract 37.4 Thursday, Jan. 5 The growing dewlap – comparing growth trajectories in sexually and naturally selected traits in male and female Anolis baracoae VANHOOYDONCK, B*; HERREL, A; University of Antwerp, Antwerop, Belgium; National Museum of Natural History, Paris, France Anolis lizards are characterized by an extendable throat fan, called a dewlap. Dewlaps vary greatly […]
Snake Sex in the City or the Country Different mating aggregation densities generate asymmetry in postcopulatory sexual selection in two populations of red-sided garter snakes
Meeting Abstract 37.3 Thursday, Jan. 5 Snake Sex in the City or the Country? Different mating aggregation densities generate asymmetry in postcopulatory sexual selection in two populations of red-sided garter snakes FRIESEN, Chris/R*; ESTES, Suzanne; MASON, Robert/T; Oregon State Univ.; Oregon State Univ.; Portland State Univ. Models show that reproductive traits may quickly diverge via a […]
Sexual selection in the mimic poison frog Ranitomeya imitator
Meeting Abstract 37.6 Thursday, Jan. 5 Sexual selection in the mimic poison frog Ranitomeya imitator TWOMEY, Evan*; SUMMERS, Kyle; East Carolina University; East Carolina University Understanding mechanisms that promote population divergence has been a central topic in evolutionary research and is key to our understanding of speciation and global biodiversity. In several examples of Müllerian mimicry, […]