Meeting Abstract 37.5 Tuesday, Jan. 5 The “Expansion-Contraction” Model of Pleistocene Biogeography: Rocky Shores Suffer a Sea Change? MARKO, P.B.*; HOFFMAN, J.M.; EMME, S.A.; MCGOVERN, T.M; KEEVER, C.; COX, L.N.; Clemson University; Clemson University; Clemson University; Limestone College; Simon Fraser University; Clemson University Among the many factors affecting the abundance and distribution of species, climate change […]
sessions: Session 37
The relationship between pleiotropy and evolvability
Meeting Abstract 37.11 Tuesday, Jan. 5 The relationship between pleiotropy and evolvability PAVLICEV, M.*; CHEVERUD, J. M.; HANSEN, T.F.; University of Oslo, Norway; Washington University, St. Louis, MO; University of Oslo, Norway The question of what kind of genetic architecture maximizes evolvability of the system is central to the evolution of complex organisms. Modularity of pleiotropic […]
Sexual Dimorphism Increases Evolvability in a Computational Model of a Genetic Regulatory Network
Meeting Abstract 37.10 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Sexual Dimorphism Increases Evolvability in a Computational Model of a Genetic Regulatory Network FIERST, Janna L; Florida State University The majority of work on genetic regulatory networks has focused around environmental and mutational robustness, and much less attention has been paid to the conditions under which a network may produce […]
Morphological phylogeny of crayfish from Yucatán Peninsula, México
Meeting Abstract 37.7 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Morphological phylogeny of crayfish from Yucatán Peninsula, México LOPEZ-MEJIA, M.*; MEJIA-ORTIZ, L. M.; Evolutionary Biology & Population Genetics Lab. Universidad de Quintana Roo; Biospeleology & Carcinology Lab., Universidad de Quintana Roo In order to establish the phylogenetical relationships of crayfishes species from Yucatán Peninsula, México, a morphological analysis was made. […]
Life history and population genetic structure in live bearing asterinid sea stars
Meeting Abstract 37.2 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Life history and population genetic structure in live bearing asterinid sea stars KEEVER, Carson C*; HART, Mike W; Simon Fraser University; Simon Fraser University Comparative studies of population genetic structure in sister species with similar life histories can help to determine the role of life history in shaping levels of […]
Genetic recombination within Mytilus as evidence of past species distributions
Meeting Abstract 37.4 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Genetic recombination within Mytilus as evidence of past species distributions ROGNSTAD, R L*; HILBISH, T J; Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia; Univ. of South Carolina, Columbia The Mytilus edulis (common blue mussel) complex is composed of three sister species (M. edulis, M. galloprovincialis, and M. trossulus) that are capable of […]
Genetic Relatedness in the Florida Sand Skink, Plestiodon reynoldsi, in the Scrub of Central Florida
Meeting Abstract 37.8 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Genetic Relatedness in the Florida Sand Skink, Plestiodon reynoldsi, in the Scrub of Central Florida FOX, Alicia*; SCHREY, Aaron; MCCOY, Earl; MUSHINSKY, Henry; University of South Florida; University of South Florida; University of South Florida; University of South Florida The Florida Sand Skink, Plestiodon reynoldsi, is a fossorial lizard currently […]
Fine Scale Phylogeography of Sceloporus occidentalis) in the Transverse Ranges of California Reveals Coincidence with Geological Complexity
Meeting Abstract 37.9 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Fine Scale Phylogeography of Sceloporus occidentalis) in the Transverse Ranges of California Reveals Coincidence with Geological Complexity ARCHIE, James W*; QUIJANO, Marc Oliver; California State Univ., Long Beach The Transverse and South Coastal Ranges of California have undergone complex geological changes affecting resident taxa. The Transverse Santa Inez Range originated […]
Demographic history and ecological connectivity of the scalloped hammerhead shark, Sphyrna lewini, in the Eastern Pacific
Meeting Abstract 37.6 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Demographic history and ecological connectivity of the scalloped hammerhead shark, Sphyrna lewini, in the Eastern Pacific NANCE, Holly/A*; MARKO, Peter/B; Clemson University; Clemson University Describing basic migration rates and patterns of large, marine predators is challenging, yet necessary for species that are overfished and at risk of extinction. To that […]
Contrasting Population Structure between Two Sympatric Sea Stars with Differing Life History Strategies
Meeting Abstract 37.3 Tuesday, Jan. 5 Contrasting Population Structure between Two Sympatric Sea Stars with Differing Life History Strategies PURITZ, J.B.*; KEEVER, C.C.; ADDISON, J.A.; HART, M.W.; GROSBERG, R.K.; BYRNE, M.A; TOONEN, R.J; Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii at Manoa; Simon Frasier University; University of New Brunswick; Simon Frasier University; University of California, Davis; […]