Meeting Abstract 37.6 Friday, Jan. 4 Rising CO2 disproportionately affects extension versus mass deposition in reef corals MUEHLLEHNER, Nancy*; EDMUNDS, Peter J.; California State University, Northridge; California State University, Northridge The production of mineral skeletons by reef corals has long interested biologists, but recent attention has focused on the role of increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 […]
sessions: Session 37
Host adaptation to thermal extremes Evidence from the coral Porites lobata
Meeting Abstract 37.2 Friday, Jan. 4 Host adaptation to thermal extremes? Evidence from the coral Porites lobata BARSHIS, Daniel/J*; STILLMAN, Jonathon/H; GATES, Ruth/D; TOONEN, Robert/J; SMITH, Lance/W; BIRKELAND, Charles; Univ. of Hawaii, Manoa; San Francisco State Univ.; Univ. of Hawaii, Manoa; Univ. of Hawaii, Manoa; Univ. of Hawaii, Manoa; Univ. of Hawaii, Manoa The Ofu Back […]
Functional Genomic Analysis Of Stress Response In Corals
Meeting Abstract 37.5 Friday, Jan. 4 Functional Genomic Analysis Of Stress Response In Corals MEYER, E.**; MATZ, M.; University of Texas, Austin; University of Texas, Austin The temperature sensitivity of reef building corals, considered in the context of climate change, can be viewed as a natural experiment on a global scale. This allows investigation of the […]
Flexibility of coral response to diel thermal fluctuations
Meeting Abstract 37.3 Friday, Jan. 4 Flexibility of coral response to diel thermal fluctuations PUTNAM, H.M.*; EDMUNDS, P.J.; California State University Northridge; California State University Northridge The effects of high temperature on corals have been studied extensively, but little is known of the response to frequent thermal fluctuations that are common on shallow reefs. In the […]
Among-site and between-species differences in monogenean parasite (Monopisthocotylea Capsalidae) loads in two sympatric surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae) in the Virgin Islands
Meeting Abstract 37.4 Friday, Jan. 4 Among-site and between-species differences in monogenean parasite (Monopisthocotylea: Capsalidae) loads in two sympatric surgeonfishes (Acanthuridae) in the Virgin Islands NEMETH, D.*; SIKKEL, P.; MCCAMMON, A.; Univ. Virgin Islands, St. Thomas; Centre College, KY; Florida Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton Monogenean trematode flatworms (Neobenedenia) are external fish parasites that can cause disease […]
Worms as wedges Effects of sediment mechanics on burrowing behavior
Meeting Abstract 37.1 Monday, Jan. 5 Worms as wedges: Effects of sediment mechanics on burrowing behavior DORGAN, Kelly M*; ARWADE, Sanjay R; JUMARS, Peter A; University of California, Berkeley; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; University of Maine Marine muds are elastic solids through which animals move by propagating a crack-shaped burrow. Fracture mechanics depend on material stiffness […]
Simultaneous correlation of odor-plume structure and behavior II Signal contrast at walking legs elicits steering in tracking blue crabs
Meeting Abstract 37.3 Monday, Jan. 5 Simultaneous correlation of odor-plume structure and behavior: II. Signal contrast at walking legs elicits steering in tracking blue crabs WEISSBURG, M.J*; DICKMAN, D.B.; PAGE, J.L; WEBSTER, D.R.; Georgia Inst. Technology; Georgia Inst. Technology; Georgia Inst. Technology; Georgia Inst. Technology Animals may use different sensor populations to regulate specific tasks during […]
Sensory input for routine turns in larval zebrafish
Meeting Abstract 37.6 Monday, Jan. 5 Sensory input for routine turns in larval zebrafish DANOS, Nicole; Harvard University Early locomotor behavior in zebrafish is highly stereotyped. In this study, I investigate the effects of the physical environment on the development of this early locomotor behavior. Specifically, I seek to determine which aspects of normal behaviors are […]
Nonlinear integration of proprioceptive inputs to the lamprey central pattern generator for locomotion
Meeting Abstract 37.5 Monday, Jan. 5 Nonlinear integration of proprioceptive inputs to the lamprey central pattern generator for locomotion TYTELL, E.D.*; COHEN, A.H.; Univ. of Maryland, College Park; Univ. of Maryland, College Park When animals move, they receive feedback from numerous proprioceptive sensors. These sensors relay information on body movement to the spinal cord and brain, […]
Antennae mediate an abdominal flexion response to body rotations in the hawkmoth Manduca sexta
Meeting Abstract 37.2 Monday, Jan. 5 Antennae mediate an abdominal flexion response to body rotations in the hawkmoth Manduca sexta HINTERWIRTH, A.J.*; DANIEL, T.L.; University of Washington; University of Washington The crepuscular moth Manduca sexta does not rely on vision alone for flight control. It uses mechanosensory information from its antennae to mediate rapid responses to […]